
Universal 8base App Provider loads fragments schema and provides it to Apollo client, along with authentication and table schema.

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8base App Provider
Universal 8base App Provider loads fragments schema and provides it to Apollo client, along with authentication and table schema.

Table of Contents

-   [Parameters](#parameters)
-   [Properties](#properties)


EightBaseAppProvider universal provider which loads fragments schema and provides it to Apollo client, along with authentication and table schema.


  • uri string? The 8base API field schema.
  • authClient Object? The 8base auth client.
  • onRequestSuccess Function? Callback which is executed when a request is successful.
  • onRequestError Function? Callback which is executed when a request fails.
  • extendLinks Function? Function to extend the standard array of links.
  • children Function? The render function.
import React from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import { EightBaseAppProvider } from '@8base/app-provider';
import { WebAuth0AuthClient } from '@8base/web-auth0-auth-client';
import { EightBaseBoostProvider, Loader } from '@8base/boost';

import { Routes } from './routes';

const authClient = new WebAuth0AuthClient({
  domain: AUTH_DOMAIN,
  clientId: AUTH_CLIENT_ID,
  redirectUri: `${window.location.origin}/auth/callback`,
  logoutRedirectUri: `${window.location.origin}/auth`,
  workspaceId: 'workspace-id',

const Application = () => (
      <EightBaseAppProvider uri={ process.env.REACT_APP_8BASE_API_URL } authClient={ authClient }>
          ({ loading }) => loading ? <Loader /> : <Routes />

export { Application };