
Console plugin for the Adobe I/O CLI

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Console Integration Plugin for the Adobe I/O CLI
```sh-session $ aio plugins:install -g @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console $ # OR $ aio discover -i $ aio console --help
# Commands
<!-- commands -->
* [`aio console`](#aio-console)
* [`aio console open`](#aio-console-open)
* [`aio console org`](#aio-console-org)
* [`aio console org list`](#aio-console-org-list)
* [`aio console org select [ORGCODE]`](#aio-console-org-select-orgcode)
* [`aio console project`](#aio-console-project)
* [`aio console project list`](#aio-console-project-list)
* [`aio console project select [PROJECTIDORNAME]`](#aio-console-project-select-projectidorname)
* [`aio console publickey`](#aio-console-publickey)
* [`aio console publickey delete IDORFINGERPRINT`](#aio-console-publickey-delete-idorfingerprint)
* [`aio console publickey list`](#aio-console-publickey-list)
* [`aio console publickey upload FILE`](#aio-console-publickey-upload-file)
* [`aio console where`](#aio-console-where)
* [`aio console workspace`](#aio-console-workspace)
* [`aio console workspace download [DESTINATION]`](#aio-console-workspace-download-destination)
* [`aio console workspace list`](#aio-console-workspace-list)
* [`aio console workspace select [WORKSPACEIDORNAME]`](#aio-console-workspace-select-workspaceidorname)

## `aio console`

Console plugin for the Adobe I/O CLI
USAGE $ aio console --help
FLAGS --help Show help
DESCRIPTION Console plugin for the Adobe I/O CLI
_See code: [src/commands/console/index.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/index.js)_

## `aio console open`

Open the developer console for the selected Organization, Project and Workspace
USAGE $ aio console open --help
FLAGS --help Show help
DESCRIPTION Open the developer console for the selected Organization, Project and Workspace
ALIASES $ aio open
_See code: [src/commands/console/open.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/open.js)_

## `aio console org`

Manage your Adobe I/O Console Organizations
USAGE $ aio console org --help
FLAGS --help Show help
DESCRIPTION Manage your Adobe I/O Console Organizations
_See code: [src/commands/console/org/index.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/org/index.js)_

## `aio console org list`

List your Organizations
USAGE $ aio console org list --help -j | -y
FLAGS -j, --json Output json -y, --yml Output yml --help Show help
DESCRIPTION List your Organizations
ALIASES $ aio console org ls
_See code: [src/commands/console/org/list.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/org/list.js)_

## `aio console org select [ORGCODE]`

Select an Organization
USAGE $ aio console org select ORGCODE --help
ARGUMENTS ORGCODE Adobe Developer Console Org code
FLAGS --help Show help
DESCRIPTION Select an Organization
ALIASES $ aio console org sel
_See code: [src/commands/console/org/select.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/org/select.js)_

## `aio console project`

Manage your Adobe I/O Console Projects
USAGE $ aio console project --help
FLAGS --help Show help
DESCRIPTION Manage your Adobe I/O Console Projects
_See code: [src/commands/console/project/index.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/project/index.js)_

## `aio console project list`

List your Projects for the selected Organization
USAGE $ aio console project list --help --orgId -j | -y
FLAGS -j, --json Output json -y, --yml Output yml --help Show help --orgId= OrgID for listing projects
DESCRIPTION List your Projects for the selected Organization
ALIASES $ aio console project ls
_See code: [src/commands/console/project/list.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/project/list.js)_

## `aio console project select [PROJECTIDORNAME]`

Select a Project for the selected Organization
USAGE $ aio console project select PROJECTIDORNAME --help --orgId
ARGUMENTS PROJECTIDORNAME Adobe Developer Console Project id or Project name
FLAGS --help Show help --orgId= Organization id of the Console Project to select
DESCRIPTION Select a Project for the selected Organization
ALIASES $ aio console project sel
_See code: [src/commands/console/project/select.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/project/select.js)_

## `aio console publickey`

Manage Public Key Bindings for your Adobe I/O Console Workspaces
USAGE $ aio console publickey --help
FLAGS --help Show help
DESCRIPTION Manage Public Key Bindings for your Adobe I/O Console Workspaces
_See code: [src/commands/console/publickey/index.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/publickey/index.js)_

## `aio console publickey delete IDORFINGERPRINT`

Delete a public key certificate from the selected Workspace
USAGE $ aio console publickey delete IDORFINGERPRINT --help --orgId --projectId --workspaceId
ARGUMENTS IDORFINGERPRINT The bindingId or the fingerprint of the public key binding to delete
FLAGS --help Show help --orgId= Organization id of the Console Workspace to delete the public key certificate from --projectId= Project id of the Console Workspace to delete the public key certificate from --workspaceId= Workspace id of the Console Workspace to delete the public key certificate from
DESCRIPTION Delete a public key certificate from the selected Workspace
_See code: [src/commands/console/publickey/delete.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/publickey/delete.js)_

## `aio console publickey list`

List the public key certificates bound to the selected Workspace
USAGE $ aio console publickey list --help --orgId --projectId --workspaceId -j | -y
FLAGS -j, --json Output json -y, --yml Output yml --help Show help --orgId= Organization id of the Console Workspace to list the public key certificates for --projectId= Project id of the Console Workspace to list the public key certificate for --workspaceId= Workspace id of the Console Workspace to list the public key certificate for
DESCRIPTION List the public key certificates bound to the selected Workspace
_See code: [src/commands/console/publickey/list.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/publickey/list.js)_

## `aio console publickey upload FILE`

Upload a public key certificate to the selected Workspace
USAGE $ aio console publickey upload FILE --help --orgId --projectId --workspaceId -j | -y
ARGUMENTS FILE Path to public key certificate file in PEM format
FLAGS -j, --json Output json -y, --yml Output yml --help Show help --orgId= Organization id of the Console Workspace to upload the public key certificate to --projectId= Project id of the Console Workspace to upload the public key certificate to --workspaceId= Workspace id of the Console Workspace to upload the public key certificate to
DESCRIPTION Upload a public key certificate to the selected Workspace
_See code: [src/commands/console/publickey/upload.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/publickey/upload.js)_

## `aio console where`

Show the currently selected Organization, Project and Workspace
USAGE $ aio console where --help -j | -y
FLAGS -j, --json Output json -y, --yml Output yml --help Show help
DESCRIPTION Show the currently selected Organization, Project and Workspace
ALIASES $ aio where
_See code: [src/commands/console/where/index.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/where/index.js)_

## `aio console workspace`

Manage your Adobe I/O Console Workspaces
USAGE $ aio console workspace --help
FLAGS --help Show help
DESCRIPTION Manage your Adobe I/O Console Workspaces
ALIASES $ aio console ws
_See code: [src/commands/console/workspace/index.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/workspace/index.js)_

## `aio console workspace download [DESTINATION]`

Downloads the configuration for the selected Workspace
USAGE $ aio console workspace download DESTINATION --help --orgId --projectId --workspaceId
ARGUMENTS DESTINATION Output file name or folder name where the Console Workspace configuration file should be saved
FLAGS --help Show help --orgId= Organization id of the Console Workspace configuration to download --projectId= Project id of the Console Workspace configuration to download --workspaceId= Workspace id of the Console Workspace configuration to download
DESCRIPTION Downloads the configuration for the selected Workspace
ALIASES $ aio console workspace dl $ aio console ws download $ aio console ws dl
_See code: [src/commands/console/workspace/download.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/workspace/download.js)_

## `aio console workspace list`

List your Workspaces for your selected Project
USAGE $ aio console workspace list --help -j | -y --orgId --projectId
FLAGS -j, --json Output json -y, --yml Output yml --help Show help --orgId= Organization id of the Console Workspaces to list --projectId= Project id of the Console Workspaces to list
DESCRIPTION List your Workspaces for your selected Project
ALIASES $ aio console workspace ls $ aio console ws list $ aio console ws ls
_See code: [src/commands/console/workspace/list.js](https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console/blob/5.0.1/src/commands/console/workspace/list.js)_

## `aio console workspace select [WORKSPACEIDORNAME]`

Select a Workspace for the selected Project
USAGE $ aio console workspace select WORKSPACEIDORNAME --help --orgId --projectId
ARGUMENTS WORKSPACEIDORNAME Adobe Developer Console Workspace id or Workspace name
FLAGS --help Show help --orgId= Organization id of the Console Workspace to select --projectId= Project id of the Console Workspace to select
DESCRIPTION Select a Workspace for the selected Project
ALIASES $ aio console workspace sel $ aio console ws select $ aio console ws sel ```
See code: src/commands/console/workspace/select.js