
Google analytics v4 plugin for 'analytics' module

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Google Analytics
This analytics plugin will load google analytics v.4 into your application.
For more information see the docs.
Click to expand
- Browser API - Configuration options for browser


npm install analytics
npm install @analytics/google-analytics

How to use

The @analytics/google-analytics package works in the browser. To use, install the package, include in your project and initialize the plugin with analytics.
Below is an example of how to use the browser plugin.
import Analytics from 'analytics'
import googleAnalytics from '@analytics/google-analytics'

const analytics = Analytics({
  app: 'awesome-app',
  plugins: [
      measurementIds: ['G-abc123']

/* Track a page view */

/* Track a custom event */
analytics.track('cartCheckout', {
  item: 'pink socks',
  price: 20

/* Identify a visitor */
analytics.identify('user-id-xyz', {
  firstName: 'bill',
  lastName: 'murray'

After initializing analytics with the googleAnalytics plugin, data will be sent into Google Analytics whenever analytics.identify, analytics.page, or analytics.track are called.
See additional implementation examples for more details on using in your project.

Platforms Supported

The @analytics/google-analytics package works in the browser

Browser usage

The Google Analytics client side browser plugin works with these analytic api methods:

Browser API

import Analytics from 'analytics'
import googleAnalytics from '@analytics/google-analytics'

const analytics = Analytics({
  app: 'awesome-app',
  plugins: [
      measurementIds: ['G-abc123']

Configuration options for browser

| Option | description | |:---------------------------|:-----------| | measurementIds
required - Array.| Google Analytics MEASUREMENT IDs | | debug
optional - boolean| Enable Google Analytics debug mode | | dataLayerName
optional - string| The optional name for dataLayer object. Defaults to ga4DataLayer. | | gtagName
optional - string| The optional name for dataLayer object. Defaults to gtag. | | gtagConfig.anonymize_ip
optional - boolean| Enable Anonymizing IP addresses sent to Google Analytics. | | gtagConfig.cookie_domain
optional - object| Additional cookie properties for configuring the ga cookie | | gtagConfig.cookie_expires
optional - object| Additional cookie properties for configuring the ga cookie | | gtagConfig.cookie_prefix
optional - object| Additional cookie properties for configuring the ga cookie | | gtagConfig.cookie_update
optional - object| Additional cookie properties for configuring the ga cookie | | gtagConfig.cookie_flags
optional - object| Additional cookie properties for configuring the ga cookie | | customScriptSrc
optional - string| Custom URL for google analytics script, if proxying calls |

Additional examples

Below are additional implementation examples.
Using in HTML
Below is an example of importing via the unpkg CDN. Please note this will pull in the latest version of the package.
  <title>Using @analytics/google-analytics in HTML</title>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/analytics/dist/analytics.min.js"></script>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/@analytics/google-analytics/dist/@analytics/google-analytics.min.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    /* Initialize analytics */
    var Analytics = _analytics.init({
      app: 'my-app-name',
      plugins: [
          measurementIds: ['G-abc123']

    /* Track a page view */

    /* Track a custom event */
    analytics.track('cartCheckout', {
      item: 'pink socks',
      price: 20

    /* Identify a visitor */
    analytics.identify('user-id-xyz', {
      firstName: 'bill',
      lastName: 'murray'


Using in HTML via ES Modules
Using @analytics/google-analytics in ESM modules.
  <title>Using @analytics/google-analytics in HTML via ESModules</title>
    // Polyfill process.
    // **Note**: Because `import`s are hoisted, we need a separate, prior <script> block.
    window.process = window.process || { env: { NODE_ENV: 'production' } }
  <script type="module">
    import analytics from 'https://unpkg.com/analytics/lib/analytics.browser.es.js?module'
    import analyticsGa from 'https://unpkg.com/@analytics/google-analytics/lib/analytics-plugin-ga.browser.es.js?module'
    /* Initialize analytics */
    const Analytics = analytics({
      app: 'analytics-html-demo',
      debug: true,
      plugins: [
          measurementIds: ['G-abc123']
        // ... add any other third party analytics plugins

    /* Track a page view */

    /* Track a custom event */
    analytics.track('cartCheckout', {
      item: 'pink socks',
      price: 20

    /* Identify a visitor */
    analytics.identify('user-id-xyz', {
      firstName: 'bill',
      lastName: 'murray'


Fix "double page views"

Google analytics 4 sometimes automatically sends a page view for single page applications. To disable this you will need to go into the settings of your stream and click into "enhanced measurement" section and uncheck the "Page changes based on browser history events" setting. This will make sure only analytics.page() calls will send page views to Google analytics v4.

Legacy Google analytics v3

For the older version of google analytics please see the @analytics/google-analytics-v3 package or the GA3 plugin docs

Using GA3 and GA4 together

It is possible to use both GA3 and GA4 together shown below. Just remember GA3 will be deprecated starting in July of 2023
import Analytics from 'analytics'
import googleAnalyticsPlugin from '@analytics/google-analytics'
import googleAnalyticsV3Plugin from '@analytics/google-analytics-v3'

/* Initialize analytics instance */
const analytics = Analytics({
  app: 'my-app',
  plugins: [
    /* Load Google Analytics v4 */
      measurementIds: ['G-abc123'],
    /* Load Google Analytics v3 */
      trackingId: 'UA-11111111-2',
