
Send browser performance metrics to third-party analytics providers

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Perfume.js plugin for analytics
Send performance metrics to any analytics provider using perfume.js.
Perfume is a tiny, web performance monitoring library that reports field data back to your favorite analytics tool.
Using perfume.js with analytics makes wiring up your performances metrics to any third-party analytics tool nice & easy.
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npm install analytics
npm install @analytics/perfumejs
npm install perfume.js

How to use

The @analytics/perfumejs package works in the browser to collect and send performance data to any third party analytics tool.
To use, install the package, include in your project and initialize the plugin with analytics.
By default, the perfume.js plugin will send performance metrics to all analytics plugins attached to analytics. You can customize this & disable specific providers with the optional destinations config setting.
Below is an example of how to use the browser plugin.
import Analytics from 'analytics'
import customerIOPlugin from '@analytics/customerio'
import googleAnalytics from '@analytics/google-analytics'
import hubSpotPlugin from '@analytics/hubspot'
// Include perfume.js analytics plugin
import perfumePlugin from '@analytics/perfumejs'
// Include perfume.js library
import Perfume from 'perfume.js'

const analytics = Analytics({
  app: 'my-app',
  plugins: [
    // Attach Google analytics
      trackingId: 'UA-12341131-6',
      instanceName: 'two'
    // Attach Hubspot analytics
      portalId: '234576'
    // Attach Customer.io analytics
      siteId: '123-xyz'
    /* Include perfume.js plugin */
      // Perfume.js class. If empty, window.Perfume will be used.
      perfume: Perfume,
      // Analytics providers to send performance data.
      destinations: {
        // perf data will sent to Google Analytics
        'google-analytics': true,
        // perf data will sent to Customer.io
        'customerio': true,
        // perf will NOT be sent to HubSpot
        'hubspot': false

/* Perfume.js will now automatically sent performance data
to Google Analytics and Customer.io 🎉 */

See additional implementation examples for more details on using in your project.

Configuration options

| Option | description | |:---------------------------|:-----------| | perfume
optional - object| perfume.js class. If not provided, a global window reference to Perfume will be used | | destinations
optional - object| Where perfume.js will send performance data | | category
optional - string| Name of event category. Default 'perfume.js' | | perfumeOptions
optional - object| Options to pass to perfume.js instance. See https://github.com/Zizzamia/perfume.js#perfume-custom-options |
For more in how destinations option works, see sending provider-specific events docs .
  perfume: Perfume,
  destinations: { all: true } // <-- default value to send to all plugins

Disable all and only send to specific plugins
  perfume: Perfume,
  destinations: {
    all: false,
    'hubspot': true, // <--- these are the plugin 'name' properties
    'google-analytics': true // <--- these are the plugin 'name' properties

Additional examples

Below are additional implementation examples.
Using in HTML
Below is an example of importing via the unpkg CDN. Please note this will pull in the latest version of the package.
  <title>Using @analytics/perfumejs in HTML</title>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/analytics/dist/analytics.min.js"></script>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/perfume.js"></script>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/@analytics/perfumejs/dist/@analytics/perfumejs.min.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    /* Initialize analytics */
    var Analytics = _analytics.init({
      app: 'my-app-name',
      plugins: [
          perfume: Perfume,
          category: 'perfMetrics'


Using in HTML via ES Modules
Using @analytics/perfumejs in ESM modules.
  <title>Using @analytics/perfumejs in HTML via ESModules</title>
    // Polyfill process.
    // **Note**: Because `import`s are hoisted, we need a separate, prior <script> block.
    window.process = window.process || { env: { NODE_ENV: 'production' } }
  <script type="module">
    import analytics from 'https://unpkg.com/analytics/lib/analytics.browser.es.js?module'
    import Perfume from 'https://unpkg.com/perfume.js?module'
    import analyticsPerfumeJs from 'https://unpkg.com/@analytics/perfumejs/lib/analytics-plugin-perfumejs.browser.es.js?module'
    /* Initialize analytics */
    const Analytics = analytics({
      app: 'analytics-html-demo',
      debug: true,
      plugins: [
          perfume: Perfume,
          category: 'perfMetrics'
        // ... add any other third party analytics plugins


Zero config

For ease of use, there is a "zero-config" option where you only need to pass in the Perfume class to the analytics plugin. This will automatically send all performance metrics to all attached analytic plugins.
import Analytics from 'analytics'
import googleAnalytics from '@analytics/google-analytics'
import hubSpotPlugin from '@analytics/hubspot'
import perfumePlugin from '@analytics/perfumejs'
import Perfume from 'perfume.js'

const analytics = Analytics({
  app: 'my-app',
  plugins: [
    // Attach Google analytics
      trackingId: 'UA-12341131-6',
      instanceName: 'two'
    // Attach Hubspot analytics
      portalId: '234576'
    // Include perfume.js plugin with no options set.
    // This will send data to all analytics providers by default

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