
TypeScript d.ts file generator for JSON Schema file

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TypeScript d.ts file generator from JSON Schema file or OpenAPI(Swagger) spec file.
nodejs version npm version Build Status Coverage Status npm download count Stake to support us MIT license

Table of Contents


npm install -g dtsgenerator



$ dtsgen --help
Usage: dtsgenerator [options] <file ... | file patterns using node-glob>

  -V, --version           output the version number
  -c, --config <file>     set configuration file path.
  --url <url>             input json schema from the url. (default: [])
  --stdin                 read stdin with other files or urls.
  -o, --out <file>        output filename.
  -t, --target <version>  Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3', 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', 'ES2018',
                          'ES2019', 'ES2020', or 'ESNEXT' (default).
  --info                  for developer mode. output loaded config and plugin details only.
  --output-ast            output TypeScript AST instead of d.ts file.
  -h, --help              display help for command

  $ dtsgen --help
  $ dtsgen --out types.d.ts schema/**/*.schema.json
  $ cat schema1.json | dtsgen -c dtsgen.json
  $ dtsgen -o swaggerSchema.d.ts --url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/master/schemas/v2.0/schema.json
  $ dtsgen -o petstore.d.ts --url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/master/examples/v2.0/yaml/petstore.yaml
  $ dtsgen -c dtsgen-test.json --info

For the configuration file, please refer to the file in the configsample directory.


const { default: dtsgenerator, parseSchema } = require('dtsgenerator');

    contents: [parseSchema({/* JsonSchema object */})],
    config: {/* Config object */},
}).then(content => {
    /* Do someting with parsed content */
}).catch(err => {
    /* Handle errors */


If you need a proxy to fetch the schema, please set the following environment variables.
export http_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:8080/
export https_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:8080/
# If there are exceptionally hosts that do not go through a proxy
export no_proxy=google.com, yahoo.com

Migration from v2

The dtsgenerator v3 has made the following breaking changes from v2.
  • Support Plug-in feature. See the Plug-in section for more information.
  • Change the command line options.
- Remove the --namespace option. Use the @dtsgenerator/replace-namespace plug-in instead. - Add the --config option. Mainly for setting up the Plug-in. - And add more options.
  • TypeScript AST is now used internally to generate type definitions.


How to find plug-in

  • Search by npm:
  • Find by the @dtsgenerator repositories:
- @dtsgenerator/replace-namespace : This plug-in is instead the --namespace option on old version. - @dtsgenerator/decorate-typename : This plug-in can decorate the output type name. - @dtsgenerator/single-quote : This plug-in replace the quote mark to single.

How to create plug-in

  1. Scaffold by the command:
- `npm init @dtsgenerator **plugin-name**`
  1. Edit **plugin-name**/index.ts
  2. Do test:
- `npm test`
  1. Build it:
- `npm run build`
  1. Publish to npm:
- `npm publish`



Output debug message by debug library.
DEBUG=dtsgen dtsgen schema/news.json

Links about JSON Schema and Swagger

Supported spec and features

  • JSON Schema
- Draft-04 and before - Draft-07 and before
  • OpenAPI
- OpenAPI Specification version 2.0 - OpenAPI Specification version 3.0


v3.19.1 (2023-08-25)

  • features:
- Update plugins for new TypeScript AST. - Changed supported Node.js version to 16 or later. Also, we have confirmed that it works with Node.js v20.

v3.18.0 (2023-03-02)

  • features:
- Support 'application/json' with parameter media type for #551. Thank you @denizkenan :+1:

v3.17.0 (2023-02-21)

  • features:
- Return exit code 1 when error occurs by #549. Thank you @lhotamir :+1:

v3.16.2 (2022-12-20)

  • fixed:
- Fix to remove deprecated decorators parameters for #547. Thank you @mcollina :+1:

v3.16.0 (2022-06-10)

  • features:
- Support 'image/' media types for #539. Thank you @Geloosa :+1:

older versions history



dtsgenerator is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright © 2016-2020, Hiroki Horiuchi