
Custom d3 data visualizations

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Sentio JS Provides a JavaScript library for visualizing and analyzing data. Sentio leverages several existing technologies, including D3.js. Now supports D3 v7

Table of Contents


Install the package and its peer dependencies via npm:
npm install d3 @asymmetrik/sentio

To build from source:
git clone git@github.com:Asymmetrik/sentio.git
cd sentio
npm install
npm run build

The artifacts will be located in the ./dist dir.


Sentio is built for consumption using module systems or through global import. To import Sentio into the global ``sentio`` variable:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./node_modules/dist/sentio.css" />
<script src="./node_modules/d3/dist/d3.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="./node_modules/dist/sentio.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Otherwise, you can directly import the components of the library if you're using Typescript or ES6 modules.


Sentio mimics d3's style of using closures to create resources and having shared getter/setter methods.
The general usage pattern is to create the chart and do some initial configuration:
var timeline = sentio.chartTimeline()

Then, you attach the chart to an element on the page, bind data and/or provide series configuration, and call the ``redraw()`` method to draw the chart:
var timelineDiv = d3.select('#chart');

For specific components, refer to the documentation in the source files.

Chart Types

  • chartTimeline - Static timeline. Allows multiple configurable series, and optional brushing.
  • chartRealtimeTimeline - Realtime timeline. Same as the regular timeline, but it will automatically scroll the timeline at a realtime rate.
  • chartAutoBrushTimeline - Specialized brush timeline that updates its extent automatically in response to changes to the brush.
  • chartDonut - Donut chart. Allows custom color schemes and data series.
  • chartMatrix - Visualize two dimensional data using a matrix heatmap.
  • chartVerticalBars - Stacked bar chart that animates changes to the width of the bars as well as the order of the bars.


  • modelBins - Bin data into configurable bins.
  • controllerRealtimeBins - Manage a bin model for use with the realtime timeline.
  • modelExtent - Configurable manager of the extent of a data series.
  • modelMultiExtent - Aggregate multiple data series with one extent.
  • controllerResponsiveUnits - Generate timeline axis units that match the extent of the timeline.
  • timelineBrush - Helper for managing a brush on a timeline.


PRs accepted. If you are part of Asymmetrik, please make contributions on feature branches off of the ``develop`` branch. If you are outside of Asymmetrik, please fork our repo to make contributions.


See LICENSE in repository for details.