
a common library for barteh based projects

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Barteh Core
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common component and libraries used for barteh based projects

Feature list

a. common services

  1. geo.
  1. orgchart.
  1. unit.
  1. useraction.

b. react components

  1. withTitle.
  1. error.
  1. user.
  1. withMessage.
adds title bar to on a component. use it for main forms and pages.


```js import React, { Component } from 'react'; import Home from '@material-ui/icons/Home'; class README extends Component {
render() {
return (
} export default README; withTitle({
title:"page title",
subTitle:"page SubTitle",
description:"page description",
icon:<Home color="primary" style={{fontStyle:"36px"}}/>
})(README) ```