
BIMData API is a tool to interact with your models stored on BIMDatas servers. Through the API you can manage your projects the clouds upload your IFC files and manage them through endpoints

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bimdata - JavaScript client for @bimdata/bimdata-api-client BIMData API is a tool to interact with your models stored on BIMData’s servers.
Through the API, you can manage your projects, the clouds, upload your IFC files and manage them through endpoints.
This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
  • API version: v1 (v1)
  • Package version: 0.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
For more information, please visit https://bimdata.io/


For Node.js


To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install @bimdata/bimdata-api-client --save

Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
Local development
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json (and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR. Then run:
npm install

Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR:
npm link

To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your @bimdata/bimdata-api-client from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>

Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build


If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g.https://github.com/GITUSERID/GITREPOID then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save

For browser

The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify, perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js

Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.

Webpack Configuration

Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
  rules: [
      parser: {
        amd: false

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var bimdata = require('@bimdata/bimdata-api-client');

var defaultClient = bimdata.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
var ApiKey = defaultClient.authentications['ApiKey'];
ApiKey.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//ApiKey.apiKeyPrefix['Authorization'] = "Token"
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
var BIMData_Connect = defaultClient.authentications['BIMData_Connect'];
BIMData_Connect.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
var BIMData_Connect = defaultClient.authentications['BIMData_Connect'];
BIMData_Connect.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
// Configure API key authorization: Bearer
var Bearer = defaultClient.authentications['Bearer'];
Bearer.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//Bearer.apiKeyPrefix['Authorization'] = "Token"

var api = new bimdata.BcfApi()
var projectsPk = 56; // {Number} A unique integer value identifying this project.
var topicsGuid = "topicsGuid_example"; // {String} 
var opts = {
  'commentRequest': new bimdata.CommentRequest() // {CommentRequest} 
api.createComment(projectsPk, topicsGuid, opts).then(function(data) {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, function(error) {

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- bimdata.BcfApi | createComment | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/comments | Create a comment bimdata.BcfApi | createExtensionLabel | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/extension/label | Create a Label bimdata.BcfApi | createExtensionPriority | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/extension/priority | Create a Priority bimdata.BcfApi | createExtensionStage | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/extension/stage | Create a Stage bimdata.BcfApi | createExtensionStatus | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/extension/status | Create a TopicStatus bimdata.BcfApi | createExtensionType | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/extension/type | Create a TopicType bimdata.BcfApi | createFullTopic | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/full-topic | Create a Topic with viewpoints and comments bimdata.BcfApi | createPin | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/viewpoints/{viewpointsguid}/pin | Create a Pin bimdata.BcfApi | createTopic | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics | Create a topic bimdata.BcfApi | createViewpoint | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/viewpoints | Create a Viewpoint bimdata.BcfApi | deleteComment | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/comments/{guid} | Delete a comment bimdata.BcfApi | deleteExtensionLabel | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/extension/label/{id} | Delete a Label bimdata.BcfApi | deleteExtensionPriority | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/extension/priority/{id} | Delete a Priority bimdata.BcfApi | deleteExtensionStage | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/extension/stage/{id} | Delete a Stage bimdata.BcfApi | deleteExtensionStatus | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/extension/status/{id} | Delete a TopicStatus bimdata.BcfApi | deleteExtensionType | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/extension/type/{id} | Delete a TopicType bimdata.BcfApi | deletePin | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/viewpoints/{viewpointsguid}/pin/{guid} | Delete a Pin bimdata.BcfApi | deleteTopic | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{guid} | Delete a topic bimdata.BcfApi | deleteViewpoint | DELETE /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/viewpoints/{guid} | Delete a Viewpoint bimdata.BcfApi | downloadBcfExport | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id}/export | Export project's topics in bcf-xml format bimdata.BcfApi | downloadBcfExportXlsx | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id}/export-xlsx | Export project's topics in excel format bimdata.BcfApi | fullUpdateBcfProject | PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{id} | Update all fields of a BCF project bimdata.BcfApi | fullUpdateComment | PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/comments/{guid} | Update all fields of a comment bimdata.BcfApi | fullUpdateFullTopic | PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/full-topic/{guid} | Update all fields of a topic bimdata.BcfApi | fullUpdatePin | PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/viewpoints/{viewpointsguid}/pin/{guid} | Update all fields of a Pin bimdata.BcfApi | fullUpdateTopic | PUT /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{guid} | Update all fields of a topic bimdata.BcfApi | getAuth | GET /bcf/2.1/auth | Retrieve Authentication Information bimdata.BcfApi | getBcfProject | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id} | Retrieve a BCF project bimdata.BcfApi | getBcfProjects | GET /bcf/2.1/projects | Retrieve all BCF projects bimdata.BcfApi | getColorings | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/viewpoints/{guid}/coloring | Retrieve all colorings of a viewpoint bimdata.BcfApi | getComment | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/comments/{guid} | Retrieve a comment bimdata.BcfApi | getComments | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/comments | Retrieve all comments bimdata.BcfApi | getDetailedExtensions | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id}/detailed-extensions | Retrieve project detailed extensions bimdata.BcfApi | getExtensions | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{id}/extensions | Retrieve project extensions bimdata.BcfApi | getFullTopic | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/full-topic/{guid} | Retrieve a full topic bimdata.BcfApi | getFullTopics | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/full-topic | Retrieve all full topics bimdata.BcfApi | getPins | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/viewpoints/{viewpointsguid}/pin | Retrieve all Pins of a viewpoint bimdata.BcfApi | getRelatedTopics | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{guid}/relatedtopics | Get all related topics bimdata.BcfApi | getSelections | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/viewpoints/{guid}/selection | Retrieve all selections of a viewpoint bimdata.BcfApi | getSnapshot | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/viewpoints/{guid}/snapshot | Retrieve the viewpoint' snapshot bimdata.BcfApi | getTopic | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{guid} | Retrieve a topic bimdata.BcfApi | getTopicDocumentReferences | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{guid}/documentreferences | Get all related documents bimdata.BcfApi | getTopicViewpoints | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/topic-viewpoints | Retrieve all viewpoints attached to the topic bimdata.BcfApi | getTopics | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics | Retrieve all topics bimdata.BcfApi | getUser | GET /bcf/2.1/current-user | Get current user info bimdata.BcfApi | getVersions | GET /bcf/versions | Retrieve all supported BCF versions by this API bimdata.BcfApi | getViewpoinPin | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/viewpoints/{viewpointsguid}/pin/{guid} | Retrieve a Pin bimdata.BcfApi | getViewpoint | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/viewpoints/{guid} | Retrieve a Viewpoint bimdata.BcfApi | getViewpoints | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/viewpoints | Retrieve all Viewpoints of a topic bimdata.BcfApi | getVisibilities | GET /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/viewpoints/{guid}/visibility | Retrieve all visibilities of a viewpoint bimdata.BcfApi | importBcf | POST /bcf/2.1/projects/{id}/import | Import bcf-xml format into this project bimdata.BcfApi | updateBcfProject | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{id} | Update some fields of a BCF project bimdata.BcfApi | updateComment | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/comments/{guid} | Update some fields of a comment bimdata.BcfApi | updateExtensionLabel | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/extension/label/{id} | Update a Label bimdata.BcfApi | updateExtensionPriority | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/extension/priority/{id} | Update a Priority bimdata.BcfApi | updateExtensionStage | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/extension/stage/{id} | Update a Stage bimdata.BcfApi | updateExtensionStatus | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/extension/status/{id} | Update a TopicStatus bimdata.BcfApi | updateExtensionType | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/extension/type/{id} | Update a TopicType bimdata.BcfApi | updateFullTopic | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/full-topic/{guid} | Update some fields of a topic bimdata.BcfApi | updatePin | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/viewpoints/{viewpointsguid}/pin/{guid} | Update some fields of a Pin bimdata.BcfApi | updateTopic | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{guid} | Update some fields of a topic bimdata.BcfApi | updateViewpoint | PATCH /bcf/2.1/projects/{projectspk}/topics/{topicsguid}/viewpoints/{guid} | Update some fields of a Viewpoint bimdata.CollaborationApi | acceptUserInvitation | POST /user/invitations/{id}/accept | Accept an invitation bimdata.CollaborationApi | acceptValidation | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{visapk}/validation/{id}/accept | Accept a validation bimdata.CollaborationApi | addDocumentTag | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/tag | Add a tag to a document bimdata.CollaborationApi | addGroupMember | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/group/{grouppk}/member | Add a user to a group bimdata.CollaborationApi | cancelCloudUserInvitation | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/invitation/{id} | Cancel a pending invitation bimdata.CollaborationApi | cancelProjectUserInvitation | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/invitation/{id} | Cancel a pending invitation bimdata.CollaborationApi | checkAccess | GET /cloud/{id}/check-access | Check app access from cloud bimdata.CollaborationApi | checkProjectAccess | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{id}/check-access | Check if the current token has access to the requested project bimdata.CollaborationApi | closeVisa | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{id}/close | Close a visa of a document bimdata.CollaborationApi | createClassification | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/classification | Create a classification bimdata.CollaborationApi | createCloud | POST /cloud | Create a cloud bimdata.CollaborationApi | createDMSTree | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{id}/dms-tree | Create a complete DMS tree bimdata.CollaborationApi | createDemo | POST /cloud/{id}/create-demo | Create a Demo project in a cloud bimdata.CollaborationApi | createDocument | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document | Create a document bimdata.CollaborationApi | createFolder | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/folder | Create a folder bimdata.CollaborationApi | createManageGroup | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/group | Create a group bimdata.CollaborationApi | createProject | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project | Create a project bimdata.CollaborationApi | createProjectAccessToken | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/access-token | Create a token for this project bimdata.CollaborationApi | createTag | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/tag | Create a tag bimdata.CollaborationApi | createValidation | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{visapk}/validation | Add a validation to a visa bimdata.CollaborationApi | createVisa | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa | Create a visa bimdata.CollaborationApi | createVisaComment | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{visapk}/comment | Add a comment bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteAllDocumentHistory | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/history/delete | Delete all document history bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteClassification | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/classification/{id} | Delete a classification bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteCloud | DELETE /cloud/{id} | Delete a cloud bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteCloudUser | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/user/{id} | Remove a user from a cloud bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteDocument | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{id} | Delete the document bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteDocumentTag | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/tag/{id} | Delete a tag from a document bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteFolder | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/folder/{id} | Delete a folder bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteGroupMember | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/group/{grouppk}/member/{id} | Delete a user from a group bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteManageGroup | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/group/{id} | Delete a group bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteProject | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{id} | Delete a project bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteProjectAccessToken | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/access-token/{token} | Delete a token bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteProjectUser | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/user/{id} | Remove a user from a project bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteTag | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/tag/{id} | Delete the tag bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteValidation | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{visapk}/validation/{id} | Remove a validation bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteVisa | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{id} | Remove a visa bimdata.CollaborationApi | deleteVisaComment | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{visapk}/comment/{id} | Remove a comment bimdata.CollaborationApi | denyUserInvitation | POST /user/invitations/{id}/deny | Deny an invitation bimdata.CollaborationApi | denyValidation | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{visapk}/validation/{id}/deny | Deny a validation bimdata.CollaborationApi | getClassification | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/classification/{id} | Retrieve a classification bimdata.CollaborationApi | getClassifications | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/classification | Retrieve all classifications bimdata.CollaborationApi | getCloud | GET /cloud/{id} | Retrieve one cloud bimdata.CollaborationApi | getCloudInvitations | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/invitation | Retrieve all pending invitations in the cloud bimdata.CollaborationApi | getCloudSize | GET /cloud/{id}/size | Get size of the cloud bimdata.CollaborationApi | getCloudUser | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/user/{id} | Retrieve a user in a cloud bimdata.CollaborationApi | getCloudUsers | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/user | Retrieve all users in a cloud, or a list with a filter by email bimdata.CollaborationApi | getClouds | GET /cloud | Retrieve all clouds bimdata.CollaborationApi | getDocument | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{id} | Retrieve a document bimdata.CollaborationApi | getDocumentHistories | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/history | Retrieve all document histories bimdata.CollaborationApi | getDocuments | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document | Retrieve all documents bimdata.CollaborationApi | getFolder | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/folder/{id} | Retrieve a folder bimdata.CollaborationApi | getFolderDocuments | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/folder/{folderpk}/document | Get all documents of a folder bimdata.CollaborationApi | getFolderProjectUsers | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/folder/{folderpk}/user | Retrieve all users in a project with the permission on the folder bimdata.CollaborationApi | getFolders | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/folder | Retrieve all folders bimdata.CollaborationApi | getGroup | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/me/group/{id} | Retrieve a group bimdata.CollaborationApi | getGroups | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/me/group | Retrieve all groups bimdata.CollaborationApi | getLogs | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/logs | Retrieve all logs of the project bimdata.CollaborationApi | getManageGroup | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/group/{id} | Retrieve a group bimdata.CollaborationApi | getManageGroups | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/group | Retrieve all groups bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProject | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{id} | Retrieve a project bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectAccessToken | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/access-token/{token} | Retrieve one token created for this project bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectAccessTokens | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/access-token | Retrieve all tokens created for this project bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectCreatorVisas | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/me/visa/creator | List visas created by user bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectDMSTree | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{id}/dms-tree | Retrieve the complete DMS tree bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectFolderTree | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{id}/folder-tree | Retrieve folder tree of the project bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectInvitations | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/invitation | Retrieve all pending invitations in the project bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectSize | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{id}/size | Get size of all model files in the project bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectSubTree | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/subtree | Retrieve the complete projects tree of the cloud bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectTree | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{id}/tree | Retrieve the complete DMS tree bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectUsers | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/user | Retrieve all users in a project, or a list with a filter by email bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjectValidatorVisas | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/me/visa/validator | List visas where user is a validator bimdata.CollaborationApi | getProjects | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project | Retrieve all projects bimdata.CollaborationApi | getSelfProjects | GET /user/projects | List current user's projects bimdata.CollaborationApi | getSelfUser | GET /user | Get info about the current user bimdata.CollaborationApi | getTag | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/tag/{id} | Retrieve a tag bimdata.CollaborationApi | getTags | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/tag | Retrieve all tags bimdata.CollaborationApi | getUserInvitation | GET /user/invitations/{id} | Retrieve an invitation bimdata.CollaborationApi | getUserInvitations | GET /user/invitations | List user's invitations bimdata.CollaborationApi | getValidation | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{visapk}/validation/{id} | Retrieve a validation to a visa bimdata.CollaborationApi | getValidations | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{visapk}/validation | List all validations to a visa bimdata.CollaborationApi | getVisa | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{id} | Retrieve a visa of a document bimdata.CollaborationApi | getVisaComment | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{visapk}/comment/{id} | Retrieve a comment bimdata.CollaborationApi | getVisaComments | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{visapk}/comment | List all comment of a visa bimdata.CollaborationApi | getVisas | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa | List all visas of a document bimdata.CollaborationApi | importFromProject | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{id}/importfrom | Import data from a project bimdata.CollaborationApi | importManageGroup | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/group/import | Import a group from another project bimdata.CollaborationApi | inviteCloudUser | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/invitation | Invite a cloud administrator bimdata.CollaborationApi | inviteProjectUser | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/invitation | Invite a project member bimdata.CollaborationApi | leaveProject | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{id}/leave | Leave the project bimdata.CollaborationApi | leaveVersionDocumentHistory | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/history/{id}/leave | Leave the history version bimdata.CollaborationApi | makeHeadVersionDocumentHistory | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/history/{id}/head-version | Make the head of the version bimdata.CollaborationApi | pauseVisa | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{id}/pause | Pause a visa of a document bimdata.CollaborationApi | resetValidation | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{visapk}/validation/{id}/reset | Reset a validation bimdata.CollaborationApi | resumeVisa | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{id}/resume | Resume a visa of a document bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateClassification | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/classification/{id} | Update some fields of a classification bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateCloud | PATCH /cloud/{id} | Update some fields of a cloud bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateCloudUser | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/user/{id} | Change the user role in the cloud bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateDocument | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{id} | Update some fields of the document bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateFolder | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/folder/{id} | Update some fields of a folder bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateGroupFolder | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/folder/{folderpk}/group/{id} | Update the permission of a group on a folder. When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated. bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateManageGroup | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/group/{id} | Update some fields of a group bimdata.CollaborationApi | updatePreviewFile | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{id}/preview-file | Update preview of the document bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateProject | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{id} | Update some fields of a project bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateProjectUser | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/user/{id} | Change the user role in the cloud bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateTag | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/tag/{id} | Update some fields of the tag bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateValidation | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{visapk}/validation/{id} | Update the validator of validation bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateVisa | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{id} | Update some fields of a visa bimdata.CollaborationApi | updateVisaComment | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/document/{documentpk}/visa/{visapk}/comment/{id} | Update some fields of a comment bimdata.ModelApi | addModelErrors | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{id}/errors | Add errors to model bimdata.ModelApi | addZoneSpace | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/zone/{zonepk}/space/add | Add a space to a zone bimdata.ModelApi | bulkDeleteModelClassifications | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/classification/listdestroy | Remove all classifications from model's elements bimdata.ModelApi | bulkDeleteModelProperties | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/property/bulkdestroy | Delete many Property of a model bimdata.ModelApi | bulkDeleteModelPropertyDefinitions | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/propertydefinition/bulkdestroy | Delete many PropertyDefinitions of a model bimdata.ModelApi | bulkDeleteModelUnits | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/unit/bulkdestroy | Delete many Units of a model bimdata.ModelApi | bulkDeletePropertySet | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/propertyset/bulkdestroy | Delete many PropertySet of a model bimdata.ModelApi | bulkFullUpdateElements | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/bulkupdate | Update many elements at once (only changing fields may be defined) bimdata.ModelApi | bulkFullUpdateModelProperty | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/property/bulkupdate | Update some fields of many properties of a model bimdata.ModelApi | bulkRemoveClassificationsOfElement | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/classification/bulkdestroy | Remove many classifications from an element bimdata.ModelApi | bulkRemoveDocumentsOfElement | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/documents/bulkdestroy | Remove many documents from an element bimdata.ModelApi | bulkRemoveElementsFromClassification | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/classification/{modelclassificationpk}/element/bulkdestroy | Remove the classifications from all elements bimdata.ModelApi | bulkUpdateElements | PUT /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/bulkupdate | Update many elements at once (all field must be defined) bimdata.ModelApi | bulkUpdateModelProperty | PUT /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/property/bulkupdate | Update all fields of many properties of a model bimdata.ModelApi | createAccessToken | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/accesstoken | Create a token for this model bimdata.ModelApi | createBuilding | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/building | Create a building of a model bimdata.ModelApi | createBuildingPlan | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/building/{buildinguuid}/plan/add | Create a relation between a 2d model and a building bimdata.ModelApi | createClassificationElementRelations | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/classification-element | Create association between existing classification and existing element bimdata.ModelApi | createClassificationsOfElement | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/classification | Create one or many classifications to an element bimdata.ModelApi | createDrawing | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/drawing | Create a drawing in the model bimdata.ModelApi | createElement | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element | Create an element in the model bimdata.ModelApi | createElementPropertySet | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset | Create a PropertySets to an element bimdata.ModelApi | createElementPropertySetProperty | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/{propertysetpk}/property | Create a property to a PropertySet bimdata.ModelApi | createElementPropertySetPropertyDefinition | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/{propertysetpk}/property/{propertypk}/propertydefinition | Create a Definition to a Property bimdata.ModelApi | createElementPropertySetPropertyDefinitionUnit | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/{propertysetpk}/property/{propertypk}/propertydefinition/{propertydefinitionpk}/unit | Create a Unit to a Definition bimdata.ModelApi | createLayer | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/layer | Create a layer in the model bimdata.ModelApi | createMetaBuilding | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/create-metabuilding | Create an empty 3D Model bimdata.ModelApi | createModel | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/create-model | Make a PDF or Image file a Model bimdata.ModelApi | createModelPropertyDefinition | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/propertydefinition | Create a PropertyDefinition on the model bimdata.ModelApi | createModelUnit | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/unit | Create a Unit on a model bimdata.ModelApi | createMultiPageModel | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{id}/create-multipage-model | Create a multi page model bimdata.ModelApi | createPropertySet | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/propertyset | Create one or many PropertySet bimdata.ModelApi | createPropertySetElementRelations | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/propertyset-element | Create association between PropertySet and element bimdata.ModelApi | createRawElements | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/raw | Create elements in an optimized format bimdata.ModelApi | createSpace | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/space | Create a space in the model bimdata.ModelApi | createStorey | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/storey | Create a storey of a model bimdata.ModelApi | createStoreyPlan | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/storey/{storeyuuid}/plan/add | Create a relation between a 2d model and a storey bimdata.ModelApi | createSystem | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/system | Create a system in the model bimdata.ModelApi | createTileset | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{id}/tileset | Create the tileset of the model and upload all files bimdata.ModelApi | createXktFile | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{id}/xkt-file | Create an xkt file for the model. Overrides existing file with same version bimdata.ModelApi | createZone | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/zone | Create a zone in the model bimdata.ModelApi | createZoneSpace | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/zone/{zonepk}/space | Create a space in a zone bimdata.ModelApi | deleteAccessToken | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/accesstoken/{token} | Delete a token bimdata.ModelApi | deleteBuilding | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/building/{uuid} | Delete a building of a model bimdata.ModelApi | deleteBuildingPlan | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/building/{buildinguuid}/plan/{id} | Delete the relation between a 2d model and a building bimdata.ModelApi | deleteDrawing | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/drawing/{id} | Delete a drawing of a model bimdata.ModelApi | deleteElement | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{uuid} | Delete an element of a model bimdata.ModelApi | deleteLayer | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/layer/{id} | Delete a layer of a model bimdata.ModelApi | deleteModel | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{id} | Delete a model bimdata.ModelApi | deleteModelProperty | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/property/{id} | Delete a Property of a model bimdata.ModelApi | deleteModelPropertyDefinition | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Delete a PropertyDefinitions of a model bimdata.ModelApi | deleteModelUnit | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/unit/{id} | Delete a Unit of a model bimdata.ModelApi | deleteModelWithoutDoc | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{id}/delete-model | Delete the Model without deleting the related document bimdata.ModelApi | deletePropertySet | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/propertyset/{id} | Delete a PropertySet of a model bimdata.ModelApi | deleteSpace | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/space/{id} | Delete a space bimdata.ModelApi | deleteStorey | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/storey/{uuid} | Delete a storey of a model bimdata.ModelApi | deleteStoreyPlan | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/storey/{storeyuuid}/plan/{id} | Delete the relation between a 2d model and a storey bimdata.ModelApi | deleteSystem | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/system/{uuid} | Delete a system of a model bimdata.ModelApi | deleteZone | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/zone/{id} | Delete a zone of a model bimdata.ModelApi | deleteZoneSpace | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/zone/{zonepk}/space/{id} | Delete the relation between a space and a zone bimdata.ModelApi | exportIfc | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{id}/export | Export IFC bimdata.ModelApi | fullUpdateElement | PUT /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{uuid} | Update all fields of an element bimdata.ModelApi | getAccessToken | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/accesstoken/{token} | Retrieve one token created for this model bimdata.ModelApi | getAccessTokens | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/accesstoken | Retrieve all tokens created for this model bimdata.ModelApi | getBuilding | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/building/{uuid} | Retrieve a building of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getBuildingPlanPositioning | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/building/{buildinguuid}/plan/{id}/positioning | Retrieve the postioning of the plan in the building bimdata.ModelApi | getBuildings | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/building | Retrieve all buildings of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getClassificationsOfElement | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/classification | Retrieve all classifications of an element bimdata.ModelApi | getDocumentsOfElement | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/documents | Retrieve all documents of an element bimdata.ModelApi | getDrawing | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/drawing/{id} | Retrieve a drawing of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getDrawings | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/drawing | Retrieve all drawings of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getElement | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{uuid} | Retrieve an element of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getElementLinkedDocuments | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/documents | Retrieve all documents linked to any element bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySet | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/{id} | Retrieve a PropertySet of an element bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySetProperties | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/{propertysetpk}/property | Retrieve all Properties of a PropertySet bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySetProperty | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/{propertysetpk}/property/{id} | Retrieve a Property of a PropertySet bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySetPropertyDefinition | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/{propertysetpk}/property/{propertypk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Retrieve a Definition of a Property bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySetPropertyDefinitionUnit | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/{propertysetpk}/property/{propertypk}/propertydefinition/{propertydefinitionpk}/unit/{id} | Retrieve a Unit of a Definition bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySetPropertyDefinitionUnits | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/{propertysetpk}/property/{propertypk}/propertydefinition/{propertydefinitionpk}/unit | Retrieve all Units of a Definition bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySetPropertyDefinitions | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/{propertysetpk}/property/{propertypk}/propertydefinition | Retrieve all Definitions of a PropertySet bimdata.ModelApi | getElementPropertySets | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset | Retrieve all PropertySets of an element bimdata.ModelApi | getElements | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element | Retrieve all elements of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getElementsFromClassification | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/classification/{modelclassificationpk}/element | Retrieve all elements with the classification bimdata.ModelApi | getLayer | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/layer/{id} | Retrieve a layer of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getLayers | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/layer | Retrieve all layers of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getMaterial | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/material/{id} | Retrieve a material of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getMaterials | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/material | Retrieve all materials of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getModel | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{id} | Retrieve one model bimdata.ModelApi | getModelClassifications | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/classification | Retrieve all classifications in a model bimdata.ModelApi | getModelMaterial | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/material/{id} | Retrieve a material of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getModelMaterials | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/material | Retrieve all materials of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getModelProperties | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/property | Retrieve all Properties of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getModelProperty | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/property/{id} | Retrieve a Property of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getModelPropertyDefinition | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Retrieve a PropertyDefinition of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getModelPropertyDefinitions | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/propertydefinition | Retrieve all PropertyDefinitions of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getModelUnit | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/unit/{id} | Retrieve a Unit of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getModelUnits | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/unit | Retrieve all Units of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getModels | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model | Retrieve all models bimdata.ModelApi | getProcessorHandler | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/processorhandler/{id} | Retrieve a processor handler bimdata.ModelApi | getProcessorHandlers | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/processorhandler | Get all processor handlers bimdata.ModelApi | getPropertySet | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/propertyset/{id} | Retrieve a PropertySet of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getPropertySets | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/propertyset | Retrieve all PropertySets of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getRawElements | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/raw | Retrieve all elements in a optimized format bimdata.ModelApi | getSimpleElement | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{uuid}/simple | Retrieve an element of a model with a simple value representation bimdata.ModelApi | getSimpleElements | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/simple | Retrieve all elements of a model with a simple value representation bimdata.ModelApi | getSpace | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/space/{id} | Retrieve one space of the model bimdata.ModelApi | getSpaces | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/space | Retrieve all spaces of the model bimdata.ModelApi | getStorey | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/storey/{uuid} | Retrieve a storey of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getStoreyPlanPositioning | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/storey/{storeyuuid}/plan/{id}/positioning | Retrieve the postioning of the plan in the storey bimdata.ModelApi | getStoreys | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/storey | Retrieve all storeys of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getSystem | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/system/{uuid} | Retrieve a system of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getSystems | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/system | Retrieve all systems of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getTileset | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{id}/tileset | Retrieve the tileset of the model bimdata.ModelApi | getZone | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/zone/{id} | Retrieve one zone of a model bimdata.ModelApi | getZoneSpace | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/zone/{zonepk}/space/{id} | Retrieve one space of a zone bimdata.ModelApi | getZoneSpaces | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/zone/{zonepk}/space | Retrieve all spaces of a zone bimdata.ModelApi | getZones | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/zone | Retrieve zones of a model bimdata.ModelApi | linkDocumentsOfElement | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/documents | Link one or many documents to an element bimdata.ModelApi | listClassificationElementRelations | GET /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/classification-element | List all associations between classifications and elements bimdata.ModelApi | mergeIfcs | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/merge | Merge IFC files bimdata.ModelApi | optimizeIfc | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{id}/optimize | Optimize the IFC bimdata.ModelApi | removeAllElementPropertySet | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/all | Remove all property sets from element bimdata.ModelApi | removeClassificationOfElement | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/classification/{id} | Remove a classification from an element bimdata.ModelApi | removeDocumentOfElement | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/documents/{id} | Remove a documents from an element bimdata.ModelApi | removeElementPropertySet | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/{id} | Remove a PropertySet from an element bimdata.ModelApi | removeElementPropertySetProperty | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/{propertysetpk}/property/{id} | Remove a property from a PropertySet bimdata.ModelApi | removeElementPropertySetPropertyDefinition | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/{propertysetpk}/property/{propertypk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Delete a Definition to a Property bimdata.ModelApi | removeElementPropertySetPropertyDefinitionUnit | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/{propertysetpk}/property/{propertypk}/propertydefinition/{propertydefinitionpk}/unit/{id} | Remove a Unit from a Definition bimdata.ModelApi | removeElementsFromClassification | DELETE /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/classification/{modelclassificationpk}/element/{uuid} | Remove the classification from all elements bimdata.ModelApi | reprocessModel | POST /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{id}/reprocess | Reprocess Model file bimdata.ModelApi | updateAccessToken | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/accesstoken/{token} | Update some fields of a token bimdata.ModelApi | updateBuilding | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/building/{uuid} | Update some fields of a building bimdata.ModelApi | updateBuildingPlanPositioning | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/building/{buildinguuid}/plan/{id}/positioning | Update the postioning of the plan in the building bimdata.ModelApi | updateDrawing | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/drawing/{id} | Update some fields of a drawing bimdata.ModelApi | updateElement | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{uuid} | Update some fields of an element bimdata.ModelApi | updateElementPropertySetProperty | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/element/{elementuuid}/propertyset/{propertysetpk}/property/{id} | Update a property from an element bimdata.ModelApi | updateLayer | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/layer/{id} | Update some fields of a layer bimdata.ModelApi | updateModel | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{id} | Update some fields of a model bimdata.ModelApi | updateModelFiles | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{id}/files | Update models file (gltf, svg, structure, etc) bimdata.ModelApi | updateModelProperty | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/property/{id} | Update some fields of a Property bimdata.ModelApi | updateModelPropertyDefinition | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}/propertydefinition/{id} | Update some fields of many PropertyDefinitions of a model bimdata.ModelApi | updateModelUnit | PATCH /cloud/{cloudpk}/project/{projectpk}/model/{modelpk}