
Stylelint configuration used in Contactlab projects.

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Contactlab UXD Stylelint
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Stylelint configuration used in Contactlab projects.
The purpose of this library is to promote code style consistency across complex projects in organizations of all sizes.
- Installation - Usage - Tests - Similar projects - Rules - Contributing - Code of Conduct


We recommend to use Yarn over npm (is fine anyway) and this stylelint config package:
$ yarn add --dev @contactlab/stylelint-config-uxd


Create a .stylelintrc file with the following basic configuration:
  "extends": "@contactlab/stylelint-config-uxd"

Otherwise, add the stylelint key to your package.json:
  "stylelint": {
    "extends": "@contactlab/stylelint-config-uxd"

For more details about how shareable configs work, see the Stylelint documentation.


$ yarn install && yarn test

Similar projects

A configuration for linting JavaScript (ES5 & ES6) with eslint is available at eslint-config-contactlab.


The configuration extends the default stylelint-config-standard rules. A more comprehensive list of examples is available in the examples folder.
Package specific rules can be found in ./lib folder.