
Deskpro library of common js methods

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121.0.134 years ago6 years agoMinified + gzip package size for @deskpro/js-utils in KB


Library of common js methods
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The easiest way to use js-utils is to install it from npm and build it into your app with Webpack.
npm i @deskpro/js-utils --save

Numbers Objects


Allow to debounce a function
Generates a unique id value. Provides an empty function to use as a default callback.


Formats a number to include commas (or any separator) in the thousandths place. Returns a random whole number between a minimum and maximum number. Format a file size into a human readable string


Performs a key comparison between two objects, deleting from the first where the keys exist in the second. Iterates over an object. Creates an array from the results of calling a function on each item in an object.


Trim a string to a certain length with an ellipsis Put the first letter of a string in capital