
Create React-enabled WP themes.

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351243.4.1-wp.14 years ago6 years agoMinified + gzip package size for @devloco/create-react-wptheme in KB


Create React WP Theme

Up To Date!

Apr. 15, 2020
Facebook recently released v3.4.1 of Create-React-App.
And now create-react-wptheme is up-to-date.
If you have a theme made with an earlier version of create-react-wptheme and want to update it to the latest code, just follow these instructions.

Getting Started

Michael Soriano is writing a tutorial for creating a theme using React. He uses create-react-wptheme for the initial setup. He provides a lot more detail than this readme and the screen shots are really helpful.
Check it out:
Let's build a WordPress theme with React: Part 1 (Setup)
See the full README on Github.


  • Remove WebPackDevServer and use your WordPress dev server instead.
-   Also, do not proxy the WordPress server.
-   Thus removing CORS as a concern.
  • Maintain feature parity(ish) with create-react-app
  • Touch the original react-scripts as little as possible.
-   Add new files where possible.
-   This will make merges easier.


I'm grateful to the authors of existing related projects for their ideas and collaboration:
The original.
I used this as an example for writing my own plugin for watching changes to the create-react-app "public" folder.


Create React WP Theme is open source software licensed as MIT.