
Interact with the MATT deployment tool over the CLI

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1.2.52 years ago7 years agoMinified + gzip package size for @eastsideco/matt-cli in KB


Interact with the MATT deployment tool over the CLI
oclif Version Downloads/week License
```sh-session $ npm install -g @eastsideco/matt-cli $ matt COMMAND running command... $ matt (-v|--version|version) @eastsideco/matt-cli/1.2.5 linux-x64 node-v14.20.1 $ matt --help COMMAND USAGE $ matt COMMAND ...
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# Commands
<!-- commands -->
* [`matt help [COMMAND]`](#matt-help-command)

## `matt help [COMMAND]`

display help for matt
display help for <%= config.bin %>
USAGE $ matt help COMMAND
ARGUMENTS COMMAND command to show help for
OPTIONS --all see all commands in CLI ```
See code: @oclif/plugin-help