
Command Line Interface for enaio(R) redline client customization.

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Custom Client CLI @eo-sdk/cli

Extension for angular-cli project

npm npm


Both the CLI and generated project have dependencies that require Node 10.8.0 or higher, together with NPM 6.2.0 or higher.

Table of Contents


BEFORE YOU INSTALL: please read the prerequisites Installation of global packages is required
  • @eo-sdk/cli (eo)
  • @angular/cli (ng)
```bash npm install -g @eo-sdk/cli@current eo cli ```

Updating Custom client CLI

To update Custom client CLI to a new version, you must update both the global package and your project's local package. Global package: ```bash eo uninstall-cli npm uninstall -g @eo-sdk/cli npm cache verify
install latest version
npm install -g @eo-sdk/cli eo cli ``` Local project package to latest version: ```bash
to install current version (@eo-sdk/client@current)
eo update ``` ```bash
to install specific version (@eo-sdk/client@1.0.0)
eo update --@1.0.0 ``` ```bash
to install stable version (@eo-sdk/client@stable)
eo update --@stable ``` ! BEFORE UPDATE - CLOSE RUNNING PROJECT / LOCALHOST! In case you discover errors after update, try to cleanup the project and run update again: ```bash
remove nodemodules
rimraf nodemodules eo update npm install ```


```bash eo help ```

Generating and starting Custom client project

Basic concept of Custom client project is to combine multiple modules: EoCustomClientModule - from new Custom client project EoCoreModule - from @eo-sdk/core library EoClientModule - from @eo-sdk/client library EoFrameworkModule - from @eo-sdk/client library EoFrameworkCoreModule - from @eo-sdk/client library and build single application into dist folder. ! DO NOT MODIFY FILES INSIDE ASSETS/DEFAULT FOLDER ! All services are running via proxy, so you need to start proxy server
. ```bash eo new PROJECT-NAME cd PROJECT-NAME
to run application
npm start
to run initial commit
git add -A git commit -m "initial commit" ``` In case you want to clone custom client project with all examples: ```bash eo new PROJECT-NAME --#custom-client ``` Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files. You can configure the default HTTP host and port used by the development server with two command-line options : ```bash
you have to change start script in package.json
npm start -- --host --port 4222 ``` You can configure proxy settings via custom proxy.config.json file with command-line option : ```bash
you have to change start script in package.json
ng serve --proxy-config ./proxy.config.json ```

Building and testing Custom client project

To run build process use these commands: ```bash npm run build npm run build:prod ``` After successful build (./dist/), output folder (./output/) is generated containing zip file. To run local test use angular cli. ```bash npm run test npm run e2e ```

Generating Plugins, States, Actions, Links and Labels

You can use the eo generate (or just eo g) command to generate Angular components: ```bash eo generate plugin my-new-component eo g plugin my-new-component # using the alias ```


New plugin component can extend functionality of existing states and components. There are multiple insert points across the application (component-type.location):
  • object-details-tab.favorite
  • object-details-tab.inbox
  • object-details-tab.notifications
  • object-details-tab.object
  • object-details-tab.process
  • object-details-tab.result
  • object-details-tab.version
  • inbox-details-tab.inbox
  • process-details-tab.process
You can insert plugin into a specific point or multiple points via simple configuration. Each plugin component requires properties (see EoPlugin):
  • id - string representing tab ID | labelKey for translation (eo.custom.plugin.sample)
  • matchType - regexp to identify insert points (/object-details-tab./)
All active plugins are included as EoPlugin in custom-plugins/custom-plugins.module.ts. If you want to disable any plugin, simply remove the plugin component from entryComponents array. The application can render plugins as TabPanels inside of TabContainers. ```bash
to generate TabPanel for each object-details component (/object-details-tab./)
eo g plugin plugin-name ``` ```bash
to generate TabPanel for each inbox-details component(regexp: /inbox-details-tab./)
eo g plugin plugin-name eo-inbox-details. ``` ```bash
to generate TabPanel for object-details component only in favorite state (regexp: /object-details-tab.favorite/)
eo g plugin plugin-name object-details-tab.favorite ```


New states can be created as part of existing application. Each state component requires properties (see EoLinkPlugin):
  • id - string representing state ID | labelKey for translation (eo.custom.state.sample)
  • path - string representing url (custom/sample)
  • matchType - regexp to identify specific insert point/points for link (/sidebar-navigation/)
and optional property:
  • queryParams - object representing query ({debug: true}); to generate link 'custom/sample?debug=true'
All active states are included as Route & EoLink in custom-states/custom-states.module.ts. If you want to disable any state, simply remove the state component from routes and links array. ```bash
to generate state with specific path
link in sidebar navigation is automaticaly included
eo g state state-name state-path ```


New actions can extend functionality of existing actions menu. Each action component requires properties based on interface :
  • SimpleAction
  • LinkAction
  • ListAction
  • ComponentAction
  • ExternalComponentAction
and based on action target:
  • DmsObjectTarget
  • InboxItemTarget
  • ProcessItemTarget
  • PreparedItemTarget
  • WorkItemTarget
  • StoredQueryTarget
All active actions are included as BaseAction in custom-actions/custom-actions.module.ts. If you want to disable any action, simply remove the action component from entryComponents array. ```bash
to generate action
eo g action action-name ```


New link can extend functionality of existing sidebar container. There are multiple insert points in the application bar:
  • sidebar-navigation (navigation menu on the left)
  • sidebar-profile (profile menu on the right)
Each link object requires properties (see EoLinkPlugin):
  • id - string representing link ID | labelKey for translation (eo.custom.state.sample)
  • path - string representing url (custom/sample)
  • matchType - regexp to identify specific insert point/points for link (/sidebar-navigation/)
and optional property:
  • queryParams - object representing query ({debug: true}); to generate link 'custom/sample?debug=true'
All active links/states are included as EoLinkPlugin in custom-states/custom-states.module.ts. If you want to disable any link, simply remove the reference from links array. ```bash
to generate custom link (/sidebar-navigation/)
eo g link link-path link-id ``` ```bash
to generate custom link in profile menu (/sidebar-profile/)
eo g link link-path link-id sidebar-profile ```


New labels can extend existing language files inside i18n folder. Basic version contains multiple language files (assets/i18n/*.json):
  • en.json (default)
  • de.json
Application provides support for international languages. (en, de, ar, es, pt, fr, zh, lv, ru, it, uk, ja, ko, hi, bn) ```bash
to generate label for specific key/id (eo.custom.state.sample)
eo g label label-key --language translation ``` ```bash
eo g label eo.custom.state.saturday --en Saturday --de Samstag eo g label eo.custom.state.sunday --en Sunday --de Sonntag --es Domingo eo g label eo.custom.state.sunday.time --en "Sunday {{time}}" --de "Sonntag {{time}}" ``` NEW LANGUAGE: You can add new language via main configuration (/assets/config/main.json) and creating specific file inside i18n folder. Before you add labels/keys to a language file (assets/i18n/
.json) make sure the language file already exists.

Generating Components, Directives, Pipes and Services

In case that command does not exist inside Custom client CLI (eo), Angular CLI (ng) is used as fallback. You can use the eo generate (or just eo g) or ng generate (or just ng g) command to generate Angular components: ```bash ng generate component my-new-component ng g component my-new-component # using the alias
components support relative path generation
if in the directory src/app/feature/ and you run
ng g component new-cmp
your component will be generated in src/app/feature/new-cmp
but if you were to run
ng g component ../newer-cmp
your component will be generated in src/app/newer-cmp
if in the directory src/app you can also run
ng g component feature/new-cmp
and your component will be generated in src/app/feature/new-cmp
``` You can find all possible blueprints in the table below: Scaffold | Usage --- | --- Component | ng g component my-new-component Directive | ng g directive my-new-directive Pipe | ng g pipe my-new-pipe Service | ng g service my-new-service Class | ng g class my-new-class Guard | ng g guard my-new-guard Interface | ng g interface my-new-interface Enum | ng g enum my-new-enum Module | ng g module my-module angular-cli will add reference to components, directives and pipes automatically in the app.module.ts. If you need to add this references to another custom module, follow this steps: 1. ng g module new-module to create a new module 2. call ng g component new-module/new-component This should add the new component, directive or pipe reference to the new-module you've created.


The documentation for the developers. The documentation for the Angular CLI is located in this repo's wiki.
