
Fake Server

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Fake Server
Serve static responses, proxy responses and generate random responses from swagger specs.
  1. npm install --global @ftes/fake-server (or yarn global add @ftes/fake-server)
  2. Copy the config directory into your application directory.
  3. Adapt the configuration.js in the copied config directory to your needs.
  4. fake-server --configDir=<config-dir-from-step-2>

The main idea is to store the fake server configuration alongside your app. You can then run the global fake-server installation with this app-specific config to generate responses.
The exported function in <configDir>/configuration.js is called with the express app instance, the available middleware and all command line options.

Config Directory

Use ./config as a template. Copy it to your app's repository. It must contain a configuration.js and data folder. The structure of the data folder is explained below.

Data directory

Responses can be manually added as files. Also, proxied responses and swagger-generated ones are stored to this directory.

Mapping requests to files

The file matching a request is expected to be present at config/data/<req.path>/<req.method>[.<req.statusCode>].json. If a segment of req.path does not have a matching directory the * directory at that level is used as fallback (if present).
If several matching files are present (multiple status codes) then a random one of these is selected.
The order in which path segments are replaced with a * is shown in url-path-to-file.test.js.
The responses can be manually added. Also, proxied responses and swagger-generated ones are stored to this directory, if the recordData: true is passed to the middleware.


| Request | Response | | ------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | | GET books | /data/books/get.json | | GET books | /data/books/get.404.json | | GET books/123 | /data/books/*/get.json | | POST books | /data/books/post.json | | GET books/123/chapters | /data/books/123/chapters/get.json |


You can use the provided middleware in your configuration.js. This includes:
Optionally, you can add a pre-configuration.js to your configuration directory. This is invoked before any other middleware is registered on the express instance. A potential use-case is sanitizing the request for the body-parser middleware (see this bug).


  • docker run -v <your-config-dir>:/usr/src/app/config -p 1337:1337 @ftes/fake-server