
A vertical list of links for site navigation typically placed next to the body content.

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738915.0.93 years ago6 years agoMinified + gzip package size for @gov.au/side-nav in KB


@gov.au/side-nav ============
A vertical list of links for site navigation typically placed next to the body content.




```shell yarn add @gov.au/side-nav ``` ```shell npm install @gov.au/side-nav ``` ā¬† back to top ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Usage: ```jsx import AUsideNav from './side-nav.js';
link: 'one',
text: 'Change to route one',
active: true,
link: 'two',
text: 'Change to route two',
} /> ``` All props: ```jsx Speed of the animation in ms, optional /} onOpen={ () => {} } {/ A function executed when the accordion opens, optional /} afterOpen={ () => {} } {/ A function executed after the accordion opened, optional /} onClose={ () => {} } {/ A function executed when the accordion closes, optional /} afterClose={ () => {} } {/ A function executed after the accordion opened, optional /} closed={ true } {/ Default state for accordion /} dark={ false } {/ A dark variation of the component /} alt={ false } {/ An alt variation of the component /} accordionHeader="Header" {/ The accordion header /} menuHeader="Tax return" {/ The menu title /} menuHeaderLink="/tax" {/ The menu link /} linkComponent="a" {/ The link component /} items={} {/ The menu items, link locations and active state /}
Some content for this accordion.
``` (šŸ’” additional props are spread onto the component) For more details have a look at the usage example. ā¬† back to top ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dependency graph

```shell side-nav ā”œā”€ core ā”œā”€ animate ā”œā”€ accordion ā”‚ ā”œā”€ animate ā”‚ ā””ā”€ core ā””ā”€ link-list
ā”œā”€ core
ā””ā”€ body
ā””ā”€ core
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The visual test: https://auds.service.gov.au/packages/side-nav/tests/site/
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Release History

  • v5.0.9 - Update core package dependency to use the latest version
  • v5.0.8 - Remove --save-dev flag from readme instructions
  • v5.0.7 - Removed unused Fragment React import
  • v5.0.6 - Resolve autoprefixer warning
  • v5.0.5 - Fix pancake build path
  • v5.0.4 - Updated deprecated text-decoration-skip property to text-decoration-skip-ink
  • v5.0.3 - Remove aria-selected from side-nav toggle button
  • v5.0.2 - Removed uikit references
  • v5.0.1 - Update accordion dependency
  • v5.0.0 - Update accordion dependency (use <button> instead of <a> for title)
  • v4.0.1 - Update accordion, add a test with state toggle, update side-nav react test examples
  • v4.0.0 - Active items are no longer wrapped in <a> for accessibility
  • v3.0.0 - Updated accordion, see accordion v6.0.0
  • v2.0.6 - Added an aria-label attribute to the aside element
  • v2.0.5 - Fix active state children getting active style
  • v2.0.4 - Update dependencies
  • v2.0.3 - Fixing order of dependencies
  • v2.0.2 - Added active state for react, Removing web pack dev server, updating dependencies
  • v2.0.1 - Removed incorrect margin from desktop side navigation
  • v2.0.0 - Update side-nav to use <aside> instead of <nav>
  • v1.0.0 - Update pancake dependency, release first version
  • v0.1.1 - Updating dependency in accordion
  • v0.1.0 - šŸ’„ Initial version
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Copyright (c) Commonwealth of Australia. Licensed under MIT
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