
Heroku CLI plugin to manage apps.

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This core plugin comes preinstalled to the Heroku CLI.
```sh-session $ npm install -g @heroku-cli/plugin-apps-v5 $ heroku COMMAND running command... $ heroku (--version) @heroku-cli/plugin-apps-v5/8.11.2 darwin-arm64 node-v16.19.0 $ heroku --help COMMAND USAGE $ heroku COMMAND ...
<!-- usagestop -->
<!-- commands -->
* [`heroku apps`](#heroku-apps)
* [`heroku apps:create [APP]`](#heroku-appscreate-app)
* [`heroku apps:destroy`](#heroku-appsdestroy)
* [`heroku apps:errors`](#heroku-appserrors)
* [`heroku apps:favorites`](#heroku-appsfavorites)
* [`heroku apps:favorites:add`](#heroku-appsfavoritesadd)
* [`heroku apps:favorites:remove`](#heroku-appsfavoritesremove)
* [`heroku apps:info`](#heroku-appsinfo)
* [`heroku apps:open [PATH]`](#heroku-appsopen-path)
* [`heroku apps:rename NEWNAME`](#heroku-appsrename-newname)
* [`heroku apps:stacks`](#heroku-appsstacks)
* [`heroku apps:stacks:set STACK`](#heroku-appsstacksset-stack)
* [`heroku config:set`](#heroku-configset)
* [`heroku drains`](#heroku-drains)
* [`heroku drains:add URL`](#heroku-drainsadd-url)
* [`heroku drains:remove [URL|TOKEN]`](#heroku-drainsremove-urltoken)
* [`heroku dyno:kill DYNO`](#heroku-dynokill-dyno)
* [`heroku dyno:resize`](#heroku-dynoresize)
* [`heroku dyno:restart [DYNO]`](#heroku-dynorestart-dyno)
* [`heroku dyno:scale`](#heroku-dynoscale)
* [`heroku dyno:stop DYNO`](#heroku-dynostop-dyno)
* [`heroku features`](#heroku-features)
* [`heroku features:disable FEATURE`](#heroku-featuresdisable-feature)
* [`heroku features:enable FEATURE`](#heroku-featuresenable-feature)
* [`heroku features:info FEATURE`](#heroku-featuresinfo-feature)
* [`heroku keys`](#heroku-keys)
* [`heroku keys:add [KEY]`](#heroku-keysadd-key)
* [`heroku keys:clear`](#heroku-keysclear)
* [`heroku keys:remove KEY`](#heroku-keysremove-key)
* [`heroku labs`](#heroku-labs)
* [`heroku labs:enable FEATURE`](#heroku-labsenable-feature)
* [`heroku labs:info FEATURE`](#heroku-labsinfo-feature)
* [`heroku maintenance`](#heroku-maintenance)
* [`heroku maintenance:off`](#heroku-maintenanceoff)
* [`heroku maintenance:on`](#heroku-maintenanceon)
* [`heroku notifications`](#heroku-notifications)
* [`heroku ps [TYPE [TYPE ...]]`](#heroku-ps-type-type-)
* [`heroku ps:kill DYNO`](#heroku-pskill-dyno)
* [`heroku ps:resize`](#heroku-psresize)
* [`heroku ps:restart [DYNO]`](#heroku-psrestart-dyno)
* [`heroku ps:scale`](#heroku-psscale)
* [`heroku ps:stop DYNO`](#heroku-psstop-dyno)
* [`heroku ps:type`](#heroku-pstype)
* [`heroku releases`](#heroku-releases)
* [`heroku releases:info [RELEASE]`](#heroku-releasesinfo-release)
* [`heroku releases:output [RELEASE]`](#heroku-releasesoutput-release)
* [`heroku releases:rollback [RELEASE]`](#heroku-releasesrollback-release)

## `heroku apps`

list your apps
USAGE $ heroku apps -A --json -s -p -t
FLAGS -A, --all include apps in all teams -p, --personal list apps in personal account when a default team is set -s, --space= filter by space -t, --team= team to use --json output in json format
DESCRIPTION list your apps
EXAMPLES $ heroku apps === My Apps example example2 === Collaborated Apps theirapp other@owner.name
## `heroku apps:create [APP]`

creates a new app
USAGE $ heroku apps:create APP --addons -b -n -r -s --space
[--region <value>] [--json] [-t <value>]
ARGUMENTS APP name of app to create
FLAGS -b, --buildpack= buildpack url to use for this app -n, --no-remote do not create a git remote -r, --remote= the git remote to create, default "heroku" -s, --stack= the stack to create the app on -t, --team= team to use --addons= comma-delimited list of addons to install --json output in json format --region= specify region for the app to run in --space= the private space to create the app in
DESCRIPTION creates a new app
EXAMPLES $ heroku apps:create Creating app... done, stack is heroku-22 https://floating-dragon-42.heroku.com/ | https://git.heroku.com/floating-dragon-42.git # or just $ heroku create # use a heroku.yml manifest file $ heroku apps:create --manifest # specify a buildpack $ heroku apps:create --buildpack https://github.com/some/buildpack.git # specify a name $ heroku apps:create example # create a staging app $ heroku apps:create example-staging --remote staging # create an app in the eu region $ heroku apps:create --region eu
## `heroku apps:destroy`

permanently destroy an app
USAGE $ heroku apps:destroy APP -c -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= app to run command against -c, --confirm= -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION permanently destroy an app This will also destroy all add-ons on the app.
## `heroku apps:errors`

view app errors
USAGE $ heroku apps:errors -a --json --hours --router --dyno -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use --dyno show only dyno errors --hours= number of hours to look back (default 24) --json output in json format --router show only router errors
DESCRIPTION view app errors
## `heroku apps:favorites`

list favorited apps
USAGE $ heroku apps:favorites --json
FLAGS --json output in json format
DESCRIPTION list favorited apps
## `heroku apps:favorites:add`

favorites an app
USAGE $ heroku apps:favorites:add -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION favorites an app
## `heroku apps:favorites:remove`

unfavorites an app
USAGE $ heroku apps:favorites:remove -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION unfavorites an app
## `heroku apps:info`

show detailed app information
USAGE $ heroku apps:info APP -s -j -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= app to run command against -j, --json -r, --remote= git remote of app to use -s, --shell output more shell friendly key/value pairs
DESCRIPTION show detailed app information $ heroku apps:info === example Git URL: https://git.heroku.com/example.git Repo Size: 5M ...
$ heroku apps:info --shell giturl=https://git.heroku.com/example.git reposize=5000000 ...
## `heroku apps:open [PATH]`

open the app in a web browser
USAGE $ heroku apps:open PATH -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION open the app in a web browser
EXAMPLES $ heroku open -a myapp # opens https://myapp.herokuapp.com $ heroku open -a myapp /foo # opens https://myapp.herokuapp.com/foo
## `heroku apps:rename NEWNAME`

rename an app
USAGE $ heroku apps:rename NEWNAME -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION rename an app This will locally update the git remote if it is set to the old app.
EXAMPLES $ heroku apps:rename --app oldname newname https://newname-xxxxxxxxxxxx.herokuapp.com/ | https://git.heroku.com/newname.git Git remote heroku updated
## `heroku apps:stacks`

show the list of available stacks
USAGE $ heroku apps:stacks -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION show the list of available stacks
## `heroku apps:stacks:set STACK`

set the stack of an app
USAGE $ heroku apps:stacks:set STACK -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION set the stack of an app
EXAMPLES $ heroku stack:set heroku-22 -a myapp Setting stack to heroku-22... done You will need to redeploy myapp for the change to take effect. Run git push heroku main to trigger a new build on myapp.
## `heroku config:set`

set one or more config vars
USAGE $ heroku config:set -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION set one or more config vars
EXAMPLES $ heroku config:set RAILSENV=staging Setting config vars and restarting example... done, v10 RAILSENV: staging $ heroku config:set RAILSENV=staging RACKENV=staging Setting config vars and restarting example... done, v11 RAILSENV: staging RACKENV: staging
## `heroku drains`

display the log drains of an app
USAGE $ heroku drains -a --json -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use --json output in json format
DESCRIPTION display the log drains of an app
## `heroku drains:add URL`

adds a log drain to an app
USAGE $ heroku drains:add URL -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION adds a log drain to an app
## `heroku drains:remove [URL|TOKEN]`

removes a log drain from an app
USAGE $ heroku drains:remove URL|TOKEN
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION removes a log drain from an app
## `heroku dyno:kill DYNO`

stop app dyno
USAGE $ heroku dyno:kill DYNO -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION stop app dyno
stop app dyno or dyno type
EXAMPLES $ heroku ps:stop run.1828 Stopping run.1828 dyno... done $ heroku ps:stop run Stopping run dynos... done
## `heroku dyno:resize`

manage dyno sizes
USAGE $ heroku dyno:resize -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION manage dyno sizes
Called with no arguments shows the current dyno size.
Called with one argument sets the size. Where SIZE is one of eco|basic|standard-1x|standard-2x|performance
Called with 1..n TYPE=SIZE arguments sets the quantity per type.
## `heroku dyno:restart [DYNO]`

restart app dynos
USAGE $ heroku dyno:restart DYNO -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION restart app dynos if DYNO is not specified, restarts all dynos on app
EXAMPLES $ heroku ps:restart web.1 Restarting web.1 dyno... done $ heroku ps:restart web Restarting web dynos... done $ heroku ps:restart Restarting dynos... done
## `heroku dyno:scale`

scale dyno quantity up or down
USAGE $ heroku dyno:scale -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION scale dyno quantity up or down Appending a size (eg. web=2:Standard-2X) allows simultaneous scaling and resizing.
Omitting any arguments will display the app's current dyno formation, in a format suitable for passing back into ps:scale.
EXAMPLES $ heroku ps:scale web=3:Standard-2X worker+1 Scaling dynos... done, now running web at 3:Standard-2X, worker at 1:Standard-1X. $ heroku ps:scale web=3:Standard-2X worker=1:Standard-1X
## `heroku dyno:stop DYNO`

stop app dyno
USAGE $ heroku dyno:stop DYNO -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION stop app dyno
stop app dyno or dyno type
EXAMPLES $ heroku ps:stop run.1828 Stopping run.1828 dyno... done $ heroku ps:stop run Stopping run dynos... done
## `heroku features`

list available app features
USAGE $ heroku features -a --json -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use --json output in json format
DESCRIPTION list available app features
## `heroku features:disable FEATURE`

disables an app feature
USAGE $ heroku features:disable FEATURE -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION disables an app feature
## `heroku features:enable FEATURE`

enables an app feature
USAGE $ heroku features:enable FEATURE -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION enables an app feature
## `heroku features:info FEATURE`

display information about a feature
USAGE $ heroku features:info FEATURE -a --json -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use --json output in json format
DESCRIPTION display information about a feature
## `heroku keys`

display your SSH keys
USAGE $ heroku keys -l --json
FLAGS -l, --long display full SSH keys --json output in json format
DESCRIPTION display your SSH keys
## `heroku keys:add [KEY]`

add an SSH key for a user
USAGE $ heroku keys:add KEY -y
FLAGS -y, --yes automatically answer yes for all prompts
DESCRIPTION add an SSH key for a user if no KEY is specified, will try to find ~/.ssh/idrsa.pub
EXAMPLES $ heroku keys:add Could not find an existing public key. Would you like to generate one? Yn
y Generating new SSH public key. Uploading SSH public key /.ssh/idrsa.pub... done $ heroku keys:add /my/key.pub Uploading SSH public key /my/key.pub... done
## `heroku keys:clear`

remove all SSH keys for current user
USAGE $ heroku keys:clear
DESCRIPTION remove all SSH keys for current user
## `heroku keys:remove KEY`

remove an SSH key from the user
USAGE $ heroku keys:remove KEY
DESCRIPTION remove an SSH key from the user
EXAMPLES $ heroku keys:remove email@example.com Removing email@example.com SSH key... done
## `heroku labs`

list experimental features
USAGE $ heroku labs --json
-a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use --json display as json
DESCRIPTION list experimental features
## `heroku labs:enable FEATURE`

enables an experimental feature
USAGE $ heroku labs:enable FEATURE -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION enables an experimental feature
## `heroku labs:info FEATURE`

show feature info
USAGE $ heroku labs:info FEATURE --json -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use --json display as json
DESCRIPTION show feature info
## `heroku maintenance`

display the current maintenance status of app
USAGE $ heroku maintenance -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION display the current maintenance status of app
## `heroku maintenance:off`

take the app out of maintenance mode
USAGE $ heroku maintenance:off -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION take the app out of maintenance mode
## `heroku maintenance:on`

put the app into maintenance mode
USAGE $ heroku maintenance:on -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION put the app into maintenance mode
## `heroku notifications`

display notifications
USAGE $ heroku notifications --all --json --read -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use --all view all notifications (not just the ones for the current app) --json output in json format --read show notifications already read
DESCRIPTION display notifications
## `heroku ps [TYPE [TYPE ...]]`

list dynos for an app
USAGE $ heroku ps TYPE TYPE ...
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use --json display as json
DESCRIPTION list dynos for an app
EXAMPLES $ heroku ps === run: one-off dyno run.1: up for 5m: bash === web: bundle exec thin start -p $PORT web.1: created for 30s $ heroku ps run # specifying types === run: one-off dyno run.1: up for 5m: bash
## `heroku ps:kill DYNO`

stop app dyno
USAGE $ heroku ps:kill DYNO -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION stop app dyno
stop app dyno or dyno type
EXAMPLES $ heroku ps:stop run.1828 Stopping run.1828 dyno... done $ heroku ps:stop run Stopping run dynos... done
## `heroku ps:resize`

manage dyno sizes
USAGE $ heroku ps:resize -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION manage dyno sizes
Called with no arguments shows the current dyno size.
Called with one argument sets the size. Where SIZE is one of eco|basic|standard-1x|standard-2x|performance
Called with 1..n TYPE=SIZE arguments sets the quantity per type.
## `heroku ps:restart [DYNO]`

restart app dynos
USAGE $ heroku ps:restart DYNO -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION restart app dynos if DYNO is not specified, restarts all dynos on app
EXAMPLES $ heroku ps:restart web.1 Restarting web.1 dyno... done $ heroku ps:restart web Restarting web dynos... done $ heroku ps:restart Restarting dynos... done
## `heroku ps:scale`

scale dyno quantity up or down
USAGE $ heroku ps:scale -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION scale dyno quantity up or down Appending a size (eg. web=2:Standard-2X) allows simultaneous scaling and resizing.
Omitting any arguments will display the app's current dyno formation, in a format suitable for passing back into ps:scale.
EXAMPLES $ heroku ps:scale web=3:Standard-2X worker+1 Scaling dynos... done, now running web at 3:Standard-2X, worker at 1:Standard-1X. $ heroku ps:scale web=3:Standard-2X worker=1:Standard-1X
## `heroku ps:stop DYNO`

stop app dyno
USAGE $ heroku ps:stop DYNO -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION stop app dyno
stop app dyno or dyno type
EXAMPLES $ heroku ps:stop run.1828 Stopping run.1828 dyno... done $ heroku ps:stop run Stopping run dynos... done
## `heroku ps:type`

manage dyno sizes
USAGE $ heroku ps:type -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION manage dyno sizes
Called with no arguments shows the current dyno size.
Called with one argument sets the size. Where SIZE is one of eco|basic|standard-1x|standard-2x|performance
Called with 1..n TYPE=SIZE arguments sets the quantity per type.
## `heroku releases`

display the releases for an app
USAGE $ heroku releases -a -n --json -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -n, --num= number of releases to show -r, --remote= git remote of app to use --json output releases in json format
DESCRIPTION display the releases for an app
EXAMPLES $ heroku releases === example Releases v1 Config add FOOBAR email@example.com 2015/11/17 17:37:41 (~ 1h ago) v2 Config add BARBAZ email@example.com 2015/11/17 17:37:41 (~ 1h ago) v3 Config add BAZQUX email@example.com 2015/11/17 17:37:41 (~ 1h ago)
## `heroku releases:info [RELEASE]`

view detailed information for a release
USAGE $ heroku releases:info RELEASE
-a --json -s -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use -s, --shell output in shell format --json output in json format
DESCRIPTION view detailed information for a release
## `heroku releases:output [RELEASE]`

View the release command output
USAGE $ heroku releases:output RELEASE -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION View the release command output
## `heroku releases:rollback [RELEASE]`

rollback to a previous release
USAGE $ heroku releases:rollback RELEASE -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION rollback to a previous release If RELEASE is not specified, it will rollback one release ```