
run heroku apps locally

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```sh-session $ npm install -g @heroku-cli/plugin-local $ heroku COMMAND running command... $ heroku (--version|-v) @heroku-cli/plugin-local/8.1.9 darwin-arm64 node-v16.19.0 $ heroku --help COMMAND USAGE $ heroku COMMAND ...
<!-- usagestop -->
# Commands
<!-- commands -->
* [`heroku local [PROCESSNAME]`](#heroku-local-processname)
* [`heroku local:run`](#heroku-localrun)
* [`heroku local:start [PROCESSNAME]`](#heroku-localstart-processname)
* [`heroku local:version`](#heroku-localversion)

## `heroku local [PROCESSNAME]`

run heroku app locally
USAGE $ heroku local PROCESSNAME -f -e -p
FLAGS -e, --env= location of env file (defaults to .env) -f, --procfile= use a different Procfile -p, --port= port to listen on
DESCRIPTION run heroku app locally Start the application specified by a Procfile (defaults to ./Procfile)
ALIASES $ heroku local:start
EXAMPLES $ heroku local $ heroku local web $ heroku local web=2 $ heroku local web=1,worker=2
_See code: [src/commands/local/index.ts](https://github.com/heroku/cli/blob/v8.1.9/src/commands/local/index.ts)_

## `heroku local:run`

run a one-off command
USAGE $ heroku local:run -e -p
FLAGS -e, --env= -p, --port= default: 5001
DESCRIPTION run a one-off command
EXAMPLES $ heroku local:run bin/migrate
_See code: [src/commands/local/run.ts](https://github.com/heroku/cli/blob/v8.1.9/src/commands/local/run.ts)_

## `heroku local:start [PROCESSNAME]`

run heroku app locally
USAGE $ heroku local:start PROCESSNAME -f -e -p
FLAGS -e, --env= location of env file (defaults to .env) -f, --procfile= use a different Procfile -p, --port= port to listen on
DESCRIPTION run heroku app locally Start the application specified by a Procfile (defaults to ./Procfile)
ALIASES $ heroku local:start
EXAMPLES $ heroku local $ heroku local web $ heroku local web=2 $ heroku local web=1,worker=2
## `heroku local:version`

display node-foreman version
USAGE $ heroku local:version
DESCRIPTION display node-foreman version ```
See code: src/commands/local/version.ts