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```sh-session $ npm install -g @heroku-cli/plugin-run $ heroku COMMAND running command... $ heroku (--version|-v) @heroku-cli/plugin-run/8.1.4 darwin-x64 node-v16.19.0 $ heroku --help COMMAND USAGE $ heroku COMMAND ...
<!-- usagestop -->

# Commands

<!-- commands -->
* [`heroku logs`](#heroku-logs)
* [`heroku run`](#heroku-run)
* [`heroku run:detached`](#heroku-rundetached)

## `heroku logs`

display recent log output
USAGE $ heroku logs -a -r -n -d -s -t --force-colors
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -d, --dyno= only show output from this dyno type (such as "web" or "worker") -n, --num= number of lines to display -r, --remote= git remote of app to use -s, --source= only show output from this source (such as "app" or "heroku") -t, --tail continually stream logs --force-colors force use of colors (even on non-tty output)
DESCRIPTION display recent log output disable colors with --no-color, HEROKULOGSCOLOR=0, or HEROKUCOLOR=0
EXAMPLES $ heroku logs --app=my-app
$ heroku logs --num=50
$ heroku logs --dyno=web --app=my-app
$ heroku logs --app=my-app --tail
_See code: [src/commands/logs.ts](https://github.com/heroku/cli/blob/v8.1.4/src/commands/logs.ts)_

## `heroku run`

run a one-off process inside a heroku dyno
USAGE $ heroku run -a -r
-s --type -x -e --no-tty
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) parent app used by review apps -e, --env= environment variables to set (use ';' to split multiple vars) -r, --remote= git remote of app to use -s, --size= dyno size -x, --exit-code passthrough the exit code of the remote command --no-notify disables notification when dyno is up (alternatively use HEROKUNOTIFICATIONS=0) --no-tty force the command to not run in a tty --type= process type
DESCRIPTION run a one-off process inside a heroku dyno Shows a notification if the dyno takes more than 20 seconds to start.
EXAMPLES $ heroku run bash
$ heroku run -s standard-2x -- myscript.sh -a arg1 -s arg2
_See code: [src/commands/run/index.ts](https://github.com/heroku/cli/blob/v8.1.4/src/commands/run/index.ts)_

## `heroku run:detached`

run a detached dyno, where output is sent to your logs
USAGE $ heroku run:detached -a -r
-e -s -t --type
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -e, --env= environment variables to set (use ';' to split multiple vars) -r, --remote= git remote of app to use -s, --size= dyno size -t, --tail continually stream logs --type= process type
DESCRIPTION run a detached dyno, where output is sent to your logs
EXAMPLES $ heroku run:detached ls ```
See code: src/commands/run/detached.ts