
A concrete implementation of js-entity-repos for express.

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A concrete implementation of js-entity-repos for express.


  1. Install it with npm i @js-entity-repos/express.
  2. For each entity you will need to do the following.
1. [Create an Entity interface](#entity-interface).
1. [Construct the facade](#construct-the-facade).
1. [Use the facade](https://github.com/js-entity-repos/core/blob/master/docs/facade.md).
Note that you'll probably want to use this with the Axios implementation of js-entity-repos.

Entity Interface

import Entity from '@js-entity-repos/core/dist/types/Entity';

export interface TodoEntity extends Entity {
  readonly description: string;
  readonly completed: boolean;

Construct the Facade

import factory from '@js-entity-repos/express/dist/factory';

const todosFacade = factory<TodoEntity>({
  // Optional property to convert an entity to a response body. Defaults to the function below.
  constructDocument: ({ entity, req, res }) => {
    return entity;
  // Optional property to convert a request body to an entity. Defaults to the function below.
  constructEntity: ({ document, req, res }) => {
    return document;
  // Optional property that modifies a filter for the service.
  constructFilter: ({ filter, req, res }) => {
    return filter;
  // Optional property to convert a request body to a patch. Defaults to the function below.
  constructPatch: ({ document, req, res }) => {
    return document;
  // Optional property. Defaults to 10.
  defaultPaginationLimit: 10,
  // Optional property to handle transactions. Defaults to "utils/handleTransaction".
  handleTransaction: async ({ req, res }, handler) => {
    // The transactionId allow items found in logs to be matched with responses to users.
    const transactionId = uuid();
    try {
      // This executes the Express request/response handler for a particular route.
      // Avoid changing behaviour here for certain routes, create a Github issue and we can discuss your use case.
      await handler({ transactionId });
    } catch (err) {
      // The default handleTransaction uses "utils/handleError" here.
      console.error({ err, req, res, transactionId})