
preset of remark lint rules

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0.2.13 years ago5 years agoMinified + gzip package size for @laysent/remark-preset-lint in KB


remark preset for linting English & Chinese markdown documents.


This preset configures remark-lint with the following rules:
| Rule | Settings | | ---- | -------- | | remark-lint-blockquote-indentation | | | remark-lint-checkbox-character-style | | | remark-lint-checkbox-content-indent | checked: 'x'; unchecked: ' ' | | remark-lint-code-block-style | fenced | | remark-lint-definition-case | | | remark-lint-definition-spacing | | | remark-lint-emphasis-marker | _ | | remark-lint-fenced-code-flag | allowEmpty: false | | remark-lint-fenced-code-marker | \` | | remark-lint-file-extension | md | | remark-lint-final-definition | | | remark-lint-final-newline | | | remark-lint-first-heading-level | 2 | | remark-lint-heading-increment | | | remark-lint-heading-style | atx | | remark-lint-linebreak-style | unix | | remark-lint-link-title-style | ' | | remark-lint-list-item-bullet-indent | | | remark-lint-list-item-content-indent | | | remark-lint-list-item-indent | space | | remark-lint-list-item-spacing | checkBlanks: true | | remark-lint-match-punctuation | 60 | | remark-lint-maximum-heading-length | | | remark-lint-no-auto-link-without-protocol | | | remark-lint-no-blockquote-without-marker | | | remark-lint-no-consecutive-blank-lines | | | remark-lint-no-duplicate-definitions | | | remark-lint-no-duplicate-headings-in-section | | | remark-lint-no-empty-url | | | remark-lint-no-file-name-articles | | | remark-lint-no-file-name-consecutive-dashes | | | remark-lint-no-file-name-irregular-characters | \\.a-zA-Z0-9- | | remark-lint-no-file-name-mixed-case | | | remark-lint-no-file-name-outer-dashes | | | remark-lint-no-heading-content-indent | | | remark-lint-no-heading-indent | | | remark-lint-no-heading-like-paragraph | | | remark-lint-no-heading-punctuation | .,;:!?。,;:!? | | remark-lint-no-inline-padding | | | remark-lint-no-literal-urls | | | remark-lint-no-missing-blank-lines | exceptTightLists: true | | remark-lint-no-multiple-toplevel-headings | 1 | | remark-lint-no-paragraph-content-indent | | | remark-lint-no-reference-like-url | | | remark-lint-no-shell-dollars | | | remark-lint-no-shortcut-reference-image | | | remark-lint-no-shortcut-reference-link | | | remark-lint-no-table-indentation | | | remark-lint-no-tabs | | | remark-lint-no-undefined-references | | | remark-lint-no-unused-definitions | | | remark-lint-ordered-list-marker-style | . | | remark-lint-ordered-list-marker-value | ordered | | remark-lint-rule-style | --- | | remark-lint-spaces-around-number | | | remark-lint-spaces-around-word | | | remark-lint-strong-marker | * | | remark-lint-table-cell-padding | padded | | remark-lint-table-pipe-alignment | | | remark-lint-table-pipes | | | remark-lint-unordered-list-marker-style | + |


You probably want to use it on the CLI through a config file:
"remarkConfig": {
  "plugins": [
+    "@laysent/remark-preset-lint",

Or use it on the CLI directly
remark -u @laysent/remark-preset-lint readme.md

Or use this on the API:
var remark = require('remark');
var report = require('vfile-reporter');

+  .use(require('@laysent/remark-preset-lint'))
  .process('_Emphasis_ and **importance**', function (err, file) {
    console.error(report(err || file));


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