
Command line utility to synchronize and version control relational database objects across databases

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Command line utility to synchronize and version control relational database objects across databases.
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Using npm:
$ npm install @leapfrogtechnology/sync-db

You can install it globally as well.
$ npm install -g @leapfrogtechnology/sync-db

Drivers Installation

You'll need to install the database driver specific to your project separately.
For instance - if your project uses MSSQL, you will need to do:
$ yarn add mssql

This utility uses Knex under the hood so these are the supported drivers.


You can use sync-db both as a CLI utility and programmatically.

```sh-session $ npm install -g @leapfrogtechnology/sync-db $ sync-db COMMAND running command... $ sync-db (-v|--version|version) @leapfrogtechnology/sync-db/2.0.1 linux-x64 node-v20.2.0 $ sync-db --help COMMAND USAGE $ sync-db COMMAND ...
<!-- usagestop -->

## Commands

When installed globally, you can invoke the CLI directly.

The CLI exposes a single command `sync-db` that runs synchronize operation based on your [configuration](#configuration).

<!-- commands -->

- [`sync-db`](#sync-db-)
- [`sync-db help [COMMAND]`](#sync-db-help-command)
- [`sync-db make NAME`](#sync-db-make-name)
- [`sync-db make-publish`](#sync-db-make-publish)
- [`sync-db migrate-latest`](#sync-db-migrate-latest)
- [`sync-db migrate-list`](#sync-db-migrate-list)
- [`sync-db migrate-rollback`](#sync-db-migrate-rollback)
- [`sync-db prune`](#sync-db-prune)
- [`sync-db synchronize`](#sync-db-synchronize)

## `sync-db`
USAGE $ sync-db
_See code: [src/commands/index.ts](https://github.com/leapfrogtechnology/sync-db/blob/v2.0.1/src/commands/index.ts)_

## `sync-db help [COMMAND]`

display help for sync-db
USAGE $ sync-db help COMMAND
ARGUMENTS COMMAND command to show help for
OPTIONS --all see all commands in CLI
_See code: [@oclif/plugin-help](https://github.com/oclif/plugin-help/blob/v3.2.2/src/commands/help.ts)_

## `sync-db make NAME`

Make migration files from the template.
USAGE $ sync-db make NAME
ARGUMENTS NAME Object or filename to generate.
OPTIONS -c, --config=config Custom configuration file. -t, --type=TYPE default: migration Type of file to generate. --create Generate create table stub. --object-name=object-name Name of table/view/routine to migrate.
_See code: [src/commands/make.ts](https://github.com/leapfrogtechnology/sync-db/blob/v2.0.1/src/commands/make.ts)_

## `sync-db make-publish`

Publish migration templates files.
USAGE $ sync-db make-publish
OPTIONS -c, --config=config Custom configuration file.
_See code: [src/commands/make-publish.ts](https://github.com/leapfrogtechnology/sync-db/blob/v2.0.1/src/commands/make-publish.ts)_

## `sync-db migrate-latest`

Run the migrations up to the latest changes.
USAGE $ sync-db migrate-latest
OPTIONS -c, --config=config Custom configuration file. --connection-resolver=PATH Path to the connection resolver. --dry-run Dry run migration. --only=CONNECTIONID Filter only a single connection.
_See code: [src/commands/migrate-latest.ts](https://github.com/leapfrogtechnology/sync-db/blob/v2.0.1/src/commands/migrate-latest.ts)_

## `sync-db migrate-list`

List all the migrations.
USAGE $ sync-db migrate-list
OPTIONS -c, --config=config Custom configuration file. --connection-resolver=PATH Path to the connection resolver. --only=CONNECTION
ID Filter only a single connection.
_See code: [src/commands/migrate-list.ts](https://github.com/leapfrogtechnology/sync-db/blob/v2.0.1/src/commands/migrate-list.ts)_

## `sync-db migrate-rollback`

Rollback migrations up to the last run batch.
USAGE $ sync-db migrate-rollback
OPTIONS -c, --config=config Custom configuration file. --connection-resolver=PATH Path to the connection resolver. --dry-run Dry run rollback. --only=CONNECTIONID Filter only a single connection.
_See code: [src/commands/migrate-rollback.ts](https://github.com/leapfrogtechnology/sync-db/blob/v2.0.1/src/commands/migrate-rollback.ts)_

## `sync-db prune`

Drop all the synchronized db objects except the ones created via migrations.
USAGE $ sync-db prune
OPTIONS -c, --config=config Custom configuration file. --connection-resolver=PATH Path to the connection resolver. --dry-run Dry run prune. --only=CONNECTION
ID Filter only a single connection.
_See code: [src/commands/prune.ts](https://github.com/leapfrogtechnology/sync-db/blob/v2.0.1/src/commands/prune.ts)_

## `sync-db synchronize`

Synchronize all the configured database connections.
USAGE $ sync-db synchronize
OPTIONS -c, --config=config Custom configuration file. -f, --force Force synchronization. --connection-resolver=PATH Path to the connection resolver. --dry-run Dry run synchronization. --only=CONNECTIONID Filter only a single connection. --skip-migration Skip running migrations.
_See code: [src/commands/synchronize.ts](https://github.com/leapfrogtechnology/sync-db/blob/v2.0.1/src/commands/synchronize.ts)_

<!-- commandsstop -->

Refer to the [examples](#examples) section below for full example with CLI usage.

## Programmatic Usage

You may use programmatic API as shown below in case you need better flexibility based on your needs.

import { synchronize, loadConfig, resolveConnections } from '@leapfrogtechnology/sync-db';

(async () => {
  const config = await loadConfig(); // Load sync-db.yml
  const connections = await resolveConnections(); // Load connections.sync-db.json

  // Invoke the command.
  await synchronize(config, connections);

You can also pass your own database connection (eg: Knex connection) instead of resolving connections.sync-db.json file.
import { knex } from 'knex';
import { synchronize, loadConfig } from '@leapfrogtechnology/sync-db';

(async () => {
  const config = await loadConfig(); // Load sync-db.yml
  const connection = knex({
    // Your Knex connection instance.
    client: 'mssql',
    connection: {
      host: 'host',
      user: 'userName',
      password: 'password',
      database: 'dbName'
  const options = { force: false };

  // Invoke the command.
  await synchronize(config, connection, options);


  1. Sync Configuration
  2. Database Connections

  1. Sync Configuration

sync-db expects the configuration file sync-db.yml to be present in your working directory. This holds all your configurations.
# Base path for the SQL source files.
basePath: /path/to/sql

  - schema/<schema_name>.sql
  - function/<schema_name>/<function_name>.sql.drop # While synchronizing this will only be dropped, not synced.
  - procedure/<schema_name>/<procedure_name>.sql

Configuration Options

  • basePath (string) - Base directory to hold all your SQL & migrations codebase (default: "src").
  • sql (array) - A series of SQL file paths that are to be run in ordered sequence (top to bottom), based on dependency. It should be noted that the source files needs to follow this convention of directory hierarchy.
File paths listed here are relative to ${basePath}/sql value.
  • migration (array) - Migrations specific configurations.

- sourceType (string) - Type of migration file. Value defaults to sql. - example: javascript, typescript. - tableName (string) - Custom name for table to store migrations meta data.
  • connectionResolver (string) - Connection resolver file name optional if connections are resolved using connections.sync-db.json.

  1. Database Connections

Database connections are configured in connections.sync-db.json file in your project root directory as shown below.
Since it contains all your database credentials, it is recommended that you DO NOT COMMIT it to VCS.
  "connections": [
      "id": "db1",
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": 1433,
      "user": "db1user",
      "database": "db1",
      "password": "password",
      "client": "mssql"

Note: The connections key expects an array, so you can also provide multiple databases and sync-db ensures your configured db objects are synced across all these databases.
Connection using connection-resolver.js
File consists a resolve function which returns an array of connections to the databases. Add the resolver file name to connectionResolver field in sync-db.yml.


Setup and Teardown steps aren't always run within a single transaction. You need to pass the transaction instance object explicitly to make sure this happens.
await db.transaction(async trx => {
  // Rollback and create all db objects using config.
  await synchronize(config, trx);


  1. Node MSSQL JavaScript Sample
  2. Node MSSQL TypeScript Sample
  3. Node MSSQL Programmatic Usage Sample
  4. Node PostgreSQL JavaScript Sample
  5. Node PostgreSQL TypeScript Sample


for release history.


Feel free to send pull requests.


Setting up

# Clone the repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/leapfrogtechnology/sync-db.git

# Go to the project directory.
$ cd sync-db

# Install dependencies. (Notice that we use yarn for this.)
$ yarn

Building / Testing

# Generate build.
$ yarn build

# Run tests
$ yarn test

# Invoke the CLI locally (development mode).
$ bin/run-dev.sh


Publish a new version.
Create a PR updating version in package.json to master.


Licensed under The MIT License.
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