
[![Community Project header](https://github.com/newrelic/opensource-website/raw/master/src/images/categories/Community_Project.png)](https://opensource.newrelic.com/oss-category/#community-project)

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Community Project header
This theme contains contains common configuration and shared components used across New Relic Gatsby sites. It is primarily used on the developer and open source websites.

- Installation - Configuration
- [Site metadata](#site-metadata)
- [Options](#options)
  - [`sitemap`](#sitemap)
  - [`newrelic`](#newrelic)
  - [`robots`](#robots)
  - [`relatedResources`](#relatedresources)
  - [`resolveEnv`](#resolveenv)
  - [`i18n`](#i18n)
  - [`layout`](#layout)
  - [`prism`](#prism)
  - [`splitio`](#splitio)
  - [`signup`](#signup)
    - [Environment-specific configuration](#environment-specific-configuration)
  - [`newRelicRequestingServicesHeader`](#newRelicRequestingServicesHeader)
- [Layouts](#layouts)
- Components
- [`Banner`](#banner)
- [`Button`](#button)
- [`Callout`](#callout)
- [`CodeBlock`](#codeblock)
- [`Collapser`](#collapser)
- [`CollapserGroup`](#collapsergroup)
- [`ContributingGuidelines`](#contributingguidelines)
- [`CreateIssueButton`](#createissuebutton)
- [`DarkModeToggle`](#darkmodetoggle)
- [`Dropdown`](#dropdown)
  - [`Dropdown.Toggle`](#dropdowntoggle)
  - [`Dropdown.Menu`](#dropdownmenu)
  - [`Dropdown.MenuItem`](#dropdownmenuitem)
- [`ExternalLink`](#externallink)
- [`EditPageButton`](#editpagebutton)
- [`FeatherSVG`](#feathersvg)
- [`GitHubIssueButton`](#githubissuebutton)
  - [Environment information](#environment-information)
- [`GlobalFooter`](#globalfooter)
- [`GlobalHeader`](#globalheader)
- [`HamburgerMenu`](#hamburgermenu)
- [`Icon`](#icon)
  - [Available icons](#available-icons)
  - [Shadowing icons](#shadowing-icons)
- [`Layout`](#layout-1)
  - [`Layout.Content`](#layoutcontent)
  - [`Layout.Footer`](#layoutfooter)
  - [`Layout.Main`](#layoutmain)
  - [`Layout.PageTools`](#layoutpagetools)
  - [`Layout.Sidebar`](#layoutsidebar)
- [`Link`](#link)
- [`MarkdownContainer`](#markdowncontainer)
- [`MDX`](#mdx)
  - [Using `MDX`](#using-mdx)
  - [Default components](#default-components)
- [`MDXCodeBlock`](#mdxcodeblock)
- [`Navigation`](#navigation)
- [`NavItem`](#navitem)
  - [`Page`](#page)
- [`NewRelicLogo`](#newreliclogo)
- [Overlay](#overlay)
- [`PageTools`](#pagetools)
  - [`PageTools.Section`](#pagetoolssection)
  - [`PageTools.Title`](#pagetoolstitle)
- [Portal](#portal)
- [`RelatedResources`](#relatedresources-1)
- [`SearchInput`](#searchinput)
- [`SkewedContainer`](#skewedcontainer)
- [`SEO`](#seo)
- [`Side`](#side)
- [`SideBySide`](#sidebyside)
- [`SimpleFeedback`](#simplefeedback)
- [`Spinner`](#spinner)
- [`Skeleton`](#skeleton)
- [`SplitColorButton`](#splitcolorbutton)
- [`Steps`](#steps)
- [`Step`](#step)
- [`Surface`](#surface)
- [`Table`](#table)
- [`TableOfContents`](#tableofcontents)
- [`Tag`](#tag)
- [`TagList`](#taglist)
- [`Terminal`](#terminal)
- [`TextHighlight`](#texthighlight)
- [`Video`](#video)
- MDX Component variants - Hooks
- [`useActiveHash`](#useactivehash)
- [`useClipboard`](#useclipboard)
- [`useFormattedCode`](#useformattedcode)
- [`useHasMounted`](#usehasmounted)
- [`useInstrumentedHandler`](#useinstrumentedhandler)
- [`useKeyPress`](#usekeypress)
- [`useLayout`](#uselayout)
- [`useLocale`](#uselocale)
- [`useNavigation`](#usenavigation)
- [`useQueryParams`](#usequeryparams)
- [`useScrollFreeze`](#usescrollfreeze)
- [`useSyncedRef`](#usesyncedref)
- [`useThemeTranslation`](#usethemetranslation)
- [`useTimeout`](#usetimeout)
- [`useUserId`](#useuserid)
- [`usePrevious`](#useprevious)
- [`useWarning`](#usewarning)
- I18n - Announcements - Utils
- [`formatCode`](#formatcode)
- [`addPageAction`](#addPageAction)
- Testing
- [Mocking `ReactDOM.createPortal` for snapshot testing](#mocking-reactdomcreateportal-for-snapshot-testing)


gatsby-theme-newrelic uses Emotion for styling and depends on its packages. To install this package, add the @newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic package and required Emotion packages.
npm install @newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic @emotion/core @emotion/styled @mdx-js/mdx @mdx-js/react @splitsoftware/splitio-react gatsby-plugin-mdx

yarn add @newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic @emotion/core @emotion/styled @mdx-js/mdx @mdx-js/react @splitsoftware/splitio-react gatsby-plugin-mdx


You can configure gatsby-theme-newrelic using the following configuration options:
// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    siteUrl: 'https://developer.newrelic.com',
    repository: 'https://github.com/newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic',
    branch: 'main',
    utmSource: 'developer-site',
  plugins: [
      resolve: '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic',
      options: {
        sitemap: true,
        layout: {
          contentPadding: '2rem',
          maxWidth: '1600px',
        newrelic: {
          configs: {
            staging: {
              instrumentationType: 'proAndSPA',
              accountId: '1234',
              trustKey: '1',
              agentID: '1234',
              licenseKey: 'your-license-key',
              applicationID: '1234',
            production: {
              instrumentationType: 'proAndSPA',
              accountId: '1234',
              trustKey: '1',
              agentID: '1234',
              licenseKey: 'your-license-key',
              applicationID: '12345',
        i18n: {
          translationsPath: `${__dirname}/src/i18n/translations`,
          additionalLocales: ['jp'],
        robots: {
          policy: [{ userAgent: '*', allow: '/' }],
        splitio: {
          core: {
            authorizationKey: 'my-auth-key',
        relatedResources: {
          labels: {
            'https://my.website': 'my-website'

Site metadata

gatsby-theme-newrelic makes use of several siteMetadata options. While these are optional, they are highly recommended.
  • siteUrl: Production URL for the site (e.g. https://developer.newrelic.com)
  • repository: The URL for the public GitHub repository hosting the source code
for the site.
  • branch: The mainline branch for use when constructing "Edit this page" links (defaults to main).
to various mediums within New Relic.
  • contributingUrl: The URL where a user can find contributing guidelines for
the site. If this is not specified, it defaults to the CONTRIBUTING.md file in the repo and branch specified in the siteMetadata. If the repository is not specified, this will return null. Set this value to null to disable the default behavior.



Toggles the automatic creation of a sitemap. Set this value to false to disable sitemaps.
Default: true


Configuration for gatsby-plugin-newrelic. For more details on the available configuration options, visit the documentation.
Default: null


Configuration for gatsby-plugin-robots-txt. These options will be shallow merged with the default value. For more details on the available configuration options, visit the documentation.
Default: { policy: [{ userAgent: '*', allow: '/' }] }


Optional configuration for related resources used in the right rail. Currently only Mdx nodes are supported.
The related resources component is controlled by specific front matter slugs that are defined on a page by setting the front matter for resources. If no resources are available in the page front matter, the component will backfill use the related resource items using Swiftype. See the swiftype options below for more information on customizing the search behavior.
In short, the order of priority for populating content is driven by:
  1. Resources defined via the resources front matter item.
  2. Resources defined from executing a Swiftype search for the page.

  • labels (object): Map of URLs to their label. This is used to match
results displayed in the right rail with the label in the tag displayed underneath the link. Use this to add additional labels not covered by the default set of labels.
  • swiftype (object | false): Configuration used for fetching results from
Swiftype for an Mdx node. Set this to false (the default) to disable fetching related resources through Swiftype. If this is disabled, related resources can only be sourced via front matter. If enabled, this takes the following configuration:
- resultsPath (string) required: Path to the file where Swiftype
results will be stored. If the `refetch` option is set to `false` (the
default), this file will be used to read related resource values for each
`Mdx` node. This file is only written to when `refetch` is set to `true`.
- refetch (boolean): Determines whether to refetch results from Swiftype
for every `Mdx` node during a build. It's a good idea to only set this on a
special build (e.g. a build that happens on a cron job) so that Swiftype is
not searched on development or every build on the site.

- **Default**: `false`
- engineKey (string) required: Swiftype's engine key used to fetch
results from a Swiftype search engine.
- getSlug (function): Function to get the slug for an Mdx node.
Useful if the slug is set from something other than the filesystem. By
default, this will use the `createFilePath` helper to generate the slug for
the `Mdx` node. This function should accept an object as its only argument
with a key of `node` (i.e. `getSlug: ({ node }) => { /* do something */ }`)
- filter (function): Function to determine whether Swfitype should be
queried for the `Mdx` node. Useful if you only need to get related resources
for a subset of nodes on the site. By default, all `Mdx` nodes are fetched.
This function should accept an object as its only argument with a key of
`node` and a key of `slug` (i.e. `filter: ({ node, slug }) => { /* do something */ }`).
- getParams (function): Function that allows you to specify additional
params passed to Swiftype when running a search query. Useful if you want to
provide additional filters or field boosts. This function should accept an
object as its only argument with a key of `node` and a key of `slug`.
- limit (integer): The limit of related resources that should be fetched
from Swiftype.

- **Default**: `5`


Optional function to determine the environment. Useful to provide a fine-tuned environment name for environment-specific configuration.
const defaultResolveEnv = () =>
  process.env.GATSBY_NEWRELIC_ENV ||
  process.env.GATSBY_ACTIVE_ENV ||
  process.env.NODE_ENV ||


Optional configuration for internationalization (i18n).
  • additionalLocales: Additional supported for languages other than English
(the default language). Currently supports jp.
  • translationsPath: The directory path where the translations will be stored.
  • i18nextOptions: Additional options to pass into
i18next that will override the defaults.
These values are used to generate locale-specific pages and to populate a dropdown in the <GlobalHeader /> component.
  i18n: {
    additionalLocales: ['jp'];


Configuration for the layout.
  • maxWidth (string): Sets the max width of the layout. Accepts any CSS
sizing value (e.g. 1280px).
  • contentPadding (string): Sets the padding value for the content. Accepts
any CSS sizing value (e.g. 2rem)
Default: { maxWidth: null, contentPadding: null }
Layout configuration is available in the GraphQL schema which can be queried within the Site type. This is useful when you have other layout elements that need to use the layout configuration.
query {
  site {
    layout {

These values are also available as global CSS variables. You can access them as:
  • maxWidth: var(--site-max-width)
  • contentPadding: var(--site-content-padding)


Configuration for the prismjs library. This library powers the syntax highlighting used in the CodeBlock component.
  • languages (string): Configure additional languages used for syntax highlighting.
These languages will be appended to the list of default supported languages in the theme. For a full list of supported languages, visit the prism documentation.
Default supported languages:
  • css
  • graphql
  • hcl
  • javascript
  • json
  • jsx
  • ruby
  • shell
  • sql
  • sass
  • scss

Example: Add swift as a supported language
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic',
      options: {
        prism: {
          languages: ['swift'],


Configuration for using split.io with the Gatsby site. For more information on all the available configuration options, visit the split.io SDK docs.
  core: {
    trafficType: 'user',

NOTE: The core.key configuration option is generated by the theme and


Required configuration for using the <SignUpModal /> in the <GlobalHeader /> component. If the GlobalHeader is not being used, this configuration is not required.
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic',
      options: {
        signup: {
          environment: process.env.ENVIRONMENT || 'staging',
          signupUrl: '<signup receiver url>',
          reCaptchaToken: '<token value>',
Environment-specific configuration
Use the env option to define environment-specific configuration. The environment configuration will be merged with the top-level configuration.
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic',
      options: {
        splitio: {
          core: {
            trafficType: 'user',
          env: {
            development: {
              core: {
                authorizationKey: 'my-development-key',
            production: {
              core: {
                authorizationKey: 'my-prod-key',

The env key will be taken from process.env.GATSBY_ACTIVE_ENV first (see Gatsby environment variables for more information on this variable), falling back to process.env.NODE_ENV. When this is not available, then it defaults to development.
You can resolve the env by using the resolveEnv function:
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic',
      options: {
        splitio: {
          // ...
          resolveEnv: () => process.env.BUILD_ENV,


Configure the name reported to NerdGraph in the NewRelic-Requesting-Services header. The value should be formatted like a slug, dash-separated and all lowercase, like 'io-website'. This header is only used in the call to check the current user's logged in status. Currently, the useLoggedIn hook is the only place this is used. If this isn't configured, nrBrowserAgent won't include the loggedIn field on any events, and useLoggedIn().loggedIn will always be null.


This theme supports Layout components in a similar way to Gatsby V1 through the gatsby-plugin-layout. This plugin allows you to persist the layout between page changes, as well as state. To start using this layout functionality create a component at src/layouts/index.jsx, then the plugin will automatically inject the component into your pages.



Used to add a marketing banner to a page.
import { Banner } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ---------- | -------- | -------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | children | node | yes | | Content to be displayed in the banner. | | onClose | function | yes | | Handler called when the user clicks on the "close" button. | | visible | boolean | yes | | Determines if the banner is visible to the user or not |
<Banner visible={visible} onClose={() => setVisible(false)}>
  <h1>Hello, World!</h1>


Styled buttons used to draw emphasis on clickable actions.
import { Button } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic'`

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ------- | ------------- | -------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | variant | enum | yes | | Configures the variant of the button. Must be one of Button.VARIANT.LINK, Button.VARIANT.PRIMARY, Button.OUTLINE, or Button.VARIANT.NORMAL | | size | enum | no | | Configures the size of the button. Can be configured to Button.SIZE.SMALL | | as | React element | no | button | Render the button as a different base element. Useful when you want to style links as buttons. |
Additional props are forwarded to the underlying element specified by the as prop.
<Button variant={Button.VARIANT.PRIMARY} onClick={() => console.log('Hello')}>
  Say hello

Render a link as a button
import { Link } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

// ...

<Button as={Link} to="/page-2" variant={Button.VARIANT.PRIMARY}>
  Page 2


Callouts direct your attention to information of special importance or to information that doesn't fit smoothly into the main text.
  • Caution: Screams at you that this could cause a crash or cost you data loss beyond the task at hand.
  • Important: Urges awareness that this could impair the task at hand or cost you time if you ignore the text.
  • Tip: Whispers to you that this is nice to know, like a shortcut, best practice, or reminder.

import { Callout } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic'`

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----------- | ------ | -------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | className | string | no | | Adds a className to the callout. Useful if you need to position the callout within its parent element. | | variant | enum | yes | | Configures the variant of the callout. Must be one of Callout.VARIANT.CAUTION, Callout.VARIANT.IMPORTANT, Callout.VARIANT.TIP, Callout.VARIANT.COURSE | | title | enum | no | | Set the title text. Defaults to variant name. You may hide the title by passing null as the value. |
<Callout variant={Callout.VARIANT.CAUTION}>Be careful!</Callout>

Hide the title
<Callout variant={Callout.VARIANT.CAUTION} title={null}>
  Be careful!


Used when rendering code blocks on a page.
import { CodeBlock } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ------------------ | ------- | -------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | autoFormat | boolean | no | true\ | Determines whether to auto format the code using prettier. true will force code formatting to occur. false will force disable code formatting. If left empty, code formatting will only run on a subset of supported languages (see below) | | children | string | yes | | The code to be rendered in the code block | | className | string | no | | Adds a className to the outer container of the code block. Useful if you need to position the code block within its parent element. | | components | object | no | | Swap out the elements used when rendering various elements of the code block. See the "Configurable components" guide below to learn more about this prop. | | copyable | boolean | no | true | Determines whether to render a copy button for the content inside the code block. | | fileName | string | no | | The file name associated with the code rendered by the code block. Useful if the code block is used as part of tutorial. | | formatOptions | object | no | | Configuration options given to the formatCode utility function to auto-format the code block. | | highlightedLines | string | no | | Specifies which lines in the code block should be highlighted. See the examples below on for information on how to format this string. | | language | string | no | | Configures the language used for syntax highlighting. Must match one of the languages or its aliases from prismjs. To learn more about configuring supported languages, visit the prism configuration section. | | lineNumbers | boolean | no | false | Determines whether to show line numbers inside the code block. | | live | boolean | no | false | Determines whether the code block is live-editable or not. Useful when used in conjunction with the preview option, though not required. | | preview | boolean | no | false | Determines whether a live preview is displayed using the value in the code block. Useful in conjunction with the live option to allow the user to edit the code snippet. | | scope | object | no | | Configures the variables available as globals for the live preview. By default, only React is injected. To find out more about how the scope prop works, visit the react-live documentation. |
Auto code formatting
Out of the box, the CodeBlock component will use prettier to format code for a subset of languages. These include:
  • jsx/javascript
  • html
  • graphql
  • json
  • css/sass/scss

To force formatting for another language, set the autoFormat prop value to true. To force disable code formatting, set the autoFormat prop value to false.
NOTE: If you choose to force enable code formatting for a language not listed above, you may need to use the formatOptions prop to set the proper plugins.
Configurable components
The CodeBlock is a component made up of several underlying components. There are cases where the default components may not be suitable for the needs of the site. The components prop allows you to specify your own custom components in place of the defaults to tailor component rendering for that component.
Each custom component is given all the props that would otherwise be passed to the default component. It is highly recommended to use the props given to the custom component.
The following components can be customized:
By default, the built-in Preview component uses the LivePreview component from react-live. Overriding this component may be useful if you need to, for example, render the preview inside of a shadow DOM root element which allows style isolation without polluting the global CSS namespace.
It is highly recommended that you render the LivePreview component within your custom component. It will be very difficult to see the live preview otherwise.
| Prop | Type | Description | | ----------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | className | string | Includes the default styles for the preview pane. Forward this prop to the root of your custom component to maintain a consistent style. |
const codeExample = `
import React from 'react'

const Button = (props) => (
  <button className='button' {...props} />

const Documentation = () => (
  <CodeBlock language="jsx" fileName="src/components/Button.js">

Line highlighting
const codeExample = `
import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

const Button = (props) => (
  <button className='button' {...props}>

Button.propTypes = {
  children: PropTypes.element

export default Button

const Documentation = () => (
   * Highlight multiple lines by comma-separating the line numbers.
   * Include a range of lines by using a `-` between the line numbers.
  <CodeBlock language="jsx" highlightedLines="1,6,10-12">

Custom Preview component
import { LivePreview } from 'react-live';
import root from 'react-shadow';

const styles = `
.button {
  display: inline-flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
  font-size: 0.875rem;
  background: none;
  cursor: pointer;

// This component will be used in place of the default `Preview` component in
// the `CodeBlock`. Here we are using the shadow DOM to provide style isolation
// for the `button` class defined by the CSS in the `styles` variable above.
const CustomPreview = ({ className }) => (
    <style type="text/css">{styles}</style>
    <LivePreview className={className} />

// The button implementation we will be using when rendering the live preview,
// provided via the `scope` prop.
const Button = ({ children, ...props }) => (
  <button className="button">{children}</button>

const codeSample = `
<Button>Click me</Button>

const Documentation = () => (
    components={{ Preview: CustomPreview }}
    scope={{ Button }}


This element is used to reveal or hide content associated with it. Use in conjunction with a CollapserGroup when using multiple Collapsers in tandom.
import { Collapser } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic'`

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ------------- | ----------------------- | -------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | children | node | yes | | The content that will be hidden or revealed when the user interacts with the Collapser. | | defaultOpen | boolean | yes | false | Determines if the Collapser should default to its open state. | | id | string | no | | An HTML id attribute that will be attached to the Collapser title. Useful if you want to deep link to the Collapser. | | title | string \| React element | yes | | The text that will be rendered on the interactive button used to toggle the open state on the Collapser. |
import { Collapser } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

<Collapser title="The Ruby Agent API">
  This is some information about the Ruby Agent. You'll have to interact with
  the Collapser to see me.

Multiple collapsers
import { Collapser, CollapserGroup } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

  <Collapser title="Collapser 1">
    The first collapser! I will be hidden by default.
  <Collapser title="Collapser 2" defaultOpen>
    The second collapser! The user will see this content by default.


Used in conjunction with multiple Collapsers to group them together.
import { Collapser, CollapserGroup } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic'`

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----------- | ------------- | -------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | className | string | no | | Adds a className to the collapser group. Useful if you need to position the collapser group within its parent element. | | children | React element | yes | | The set of Collapser elements that will be rendered as part of the CollapserGroup. |
import { Collapser, CollapserGroup } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

  <Collapser title="Collapser 1">
    The first collapser! I will be hidden by default.
  <Collapser title="Collapser 2" defaultOpen>
    The second collapser! The user will see this content by default.


Used to display contributing information for the current page. This is meant to be used as a section inside of the PageTools component.
To ensure this component leverages its full potential, please ensure the following siteMetadata fields are configured:
  • branch
  • contributingUrl
  • repository

NOTE: If the contributingUrl is not configured, it will use the default value as specified in the siteMetadata section.
import { ContributingGuidelines } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic'`

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ------------------ | ------ | -------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | fileRelativePath | string | no | | The relative file path of the current page. This will be used by the "Edit this page" link. | | pageTitle | string | no | | The title of the current page for use in a new GitHub issue. |
  <ContributingGuidelines fileRelativePath="src/pages/index.js" />


Pre-defined GitHubIssueButton used specifically for the "Create issue" button in the ContributingGuidelines and GlobalFooter components.
import { CreateIssueButton } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----------- | ------ | -------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | pageTitle | string | no | | Title of the page where the user clicked the "Create issue" button. Used to pre-populate the issue. |
All other props are forwarded to Button component.
import { Button, CreateIssueButton } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';



Used in combination with use-dark-mode, is an icon which sets a users' webpage to display either the light or dark theme
import { DarkModeToggle } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----------- | -------- | -------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | className | string | no | | Optional className that can be added to the component | | onClick | function | no | | Addional functionality that can be added to the toggle if desired | | size | string | no | | Size of the icon, must denote unit (e.g., px, rem, etc) |
// Fake tracking function just for an example
const trackUsage = (event) => {



Used in combination with Dropdown.Toggle, Dropdown.Menu, and Dropdown.MenuItem to create a dropdown.
import { Dropdown } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ---------- | ---- | -------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | align | enum | no | "left" | The position of the menu arrow. Must be either left, right, or center. | | children | node | yes | | Components used for the dropdown. |
import { DropDown, Button } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

const Example = (
  <Dropdown align="right">
    <Dropdown.Toggle variant={Button.VARIANT.NORMAL}>Menu</Dropdown.Toggle>
      <Dropdown.MenuItem>Item 1</Dropdown.MenuItem>
      <Dropdown.MenuItem>Item 2</Dropdown.MenuItem>
      <Dropdown.MenuItem>Item 3</Dropdown.MenuItem>


Used within a Dropdown component to render a button that can toggle whether or not the dropdown menu is visible.
| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ---------- | ---- | -------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | size | enum | no | | The size prop for the underlying Button component. | | variant | enum | yes | | The variant prop for the underlying Button component. | | children | node | no | | Content used to render the toggle |


Used within a Dropdown component to render the menu that is shown when the dropdown is open.
| Props | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ---------- | ---- | -------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | children | node | yes | | Content rendered inside the dropdown menu. Should consist of Dropdown.MenuItem components. |


Used within a Dropdown.Menu component (within a Dropdown component) to render an individual dropdown menu item.
| Props | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ---------- | -------- | -------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | href | string | no | | A path that, if supplied, will be used as a Link. | | onClick | function | no | | An optional click event handler that is triggerd when the component is clicked. | | children | node | yes | | Content for the MenuItem. |


Used to render links that navigate outside of the website. This component is a shortcut on top of the target="_blank" and rel="noopener noreferrer" attributes and provides no out-of-the-box styling.
import { ExternalLink } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

All props are forwarded to the underlying a tag with the exception of the target and rel props.
<ExternalLink href="https://newrelic.com">Link to New Relic</ExternalLink>


Button used to link to the current page in GitHub. Used for the "Edit page" button in the ContributingGuidelines and GlobalFooter components.
import { EditPageButton } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ------------------ | --------------- | -------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | fileRelativePath | string | yes | | Relative filepath of the current page. | | instrumentation | Instrumentation | yes | | Config for the component instrumentation when the button is clicked. See the values below for a desciption on what is allowed. |
All other props are forwarded to Button component.
type Instrumentation = {
  component: string;

The following fields are available for instrumentation:
  • component (string) required - The name of the component where this
button is used. Helps to understand where in the site the button is clicked.
import { Button, EditPageButton } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

  instrumentation={{ component: 'ContributingGuidelines' }}


SVG wrapper for feather icons. This is useful when shadowing feather icons to ensure all feather icons have consistent props/styles applied to them.
NOTE: When using this component, you should to spread all props to it.
import { FeatherSVG } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ---------- | ---- | -------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------ | | children | node | yes | | The "guts" of the feather svg definition |
Additional props are forwarded to the svg tag.
const ChevronDownIcon = (props) => (
  <FeatherSVG {...props}>
    <polyline points="6 9 12 15 18 9" />


Button used to create issues on GitHub. This component depends on the repository and siteUrl fields configured in site metadata.
import { GitHubIssueButton } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ------------ | -------- | -------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | labels | string | no | | Labels that should be prepopulated for the issue. NOTE: This labels must be created in the repository where this button links to. | | issueTitle | string | no | | The value that will pre-populate the issue title. | | issueBody | string | no | | The value that will pre-populate the issue body. |
All other props are forwarded to Button

Environment information

As a convenience, this component attaches environment information to the issue body to allow for easier debugging. This eliminates the need for a section in the issue body asking for environment information from the user filing the issue.
The information gathered is:
  • Page URL
  • Browser name and version
  • Operating system name and version
  • Device type (mobile, tablet, etc.), vendor and model

If the browser environment is unable to be determined, these values are simply set to "Unknown".
import { Button, GitHubIssueButton } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

const ISSUE_BODY = `
## Description


  issueTitle="Bug found"
  Found a bug!


Renders the global footer used on all New Relic Gatsby sites. This component utilizes the layout configuration from the theme to size itself and the siteMetadata for the repository URL.
NOTE: The logo displayed in the footer is a generic to New Relic logo, but can be changed with shadowing.
import { GlobalFooter } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ------------------ | ------ | -------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | className | string | no | | Additional className for the component. | | fileRelativePath | string | no | | The relative path to the markdown file for the current page. If not supplied, the edit link will not be shown | | pageTitle | string | no | | The title of the current page for use in a new GitHub issue. |
<GlobalFooter fileRelativePath={'/src/content/foobar.md'} />


Renders the global header used on all New Relic Gatsby sites. This component utilizes the layout configuration from the theme to size itself. Note: The signup configuration options are needed for this component to function correctly.
import { GlobalHeader } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

Props | Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | - | - | - | - | - | | activeSite | enum | no | | The New Relic site that we should present as "active". This should come from NR_SITES, which is exported. |
import { GlobalHeader } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

// Normal use
return <GlobalHeader />;

// With a custom-set active page
return <GlobalHeader activeSite={GlobalHeader.NR_SITES.IO} />;


Used as the toggle for mobile views to show and hide the mobile navigation.
import { HamburgerMenu } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----------- | -------- | -------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | className | string | no | | Additional className for the component. | | isOpen | boolean | yes | false | Determines whether the HamburgerMenu is considered open or closed. | | onToggle | function | yes | | Handler called when the user interacts with the hamburger menu. This handler should be responsible for toggling the isOpen state of the hamburger menu. |
import React, { useState } from 'react';

const MobileMenu = () => {
  const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);

  return (
      onToggle={() => setIsOpen((isOpen) => !isOpen)}


Used to render icons on the website. This component utilizes a subset of the Feather icon set. To add additional icons for use in your website, use component shadowing. See the "Shadowing" section below for an explanation on how to use this feature.
import { Icon } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ------ | ------ | -------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | name | enum | yes | | The name of the icon that will be rendered. See the full list of available icons in the "Available icons" section below. | | size | string | no | 1em | The size of the icon. The value can be any CSS sizing value. |
Additional props are forwarded to the underlying svg element.

Available icons

  • fe-chevron-down
  • fe-cloud
  • fe-copy
  • fe-edit
  • fe-external-link
  • fe-filter
  • fe-github
  • fe-loader
  • fe-moon
  • fe-pen
  • fe-search
  • fe-sun
  • fe-thumbsdown
  • fe-thumbsup
  • fe-x

New Relic
  • nr-tdp
  • nr-fso
  • nr-ai

  • logo-apple
  • logo-android

Shadowing icons

Because this theme only provides a subset of the feather icon set, you may need to add additional icons for use in your website. You can use component shadowing to do so. When shadowing the icon set, YOU MUST include the default set of icons in order for the built-in components to work properly.
When shadowing an icon set, defined the icons using the unprefixed name. The gatsby theme will automatically prefix the icons for you depending on the icon set. For example, to add the chevron-right icon, define its name as chevron-right, not fe-chevron-right. This icon will be available to the Icon component as fe-chevron-right.
The following icons sets can be shadowed:
  • Feather
- File path: src/@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic/icons/feather.js - Prefix: fe
  • New Relic
- File path: src/@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic/icons/newrelic.js - Prefix: nr
// src/@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic/icons/feather.js
import React from 'react';
import defaultIcons from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic/src/icons/feather';
import { FeatherSVG } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

export default {
  'chevron-right': (props) => (
    <FeatherSVG {...props}>
      <polyline points="9 18 15 12 9 6" />

// To use this icon, use the prefixed name:
<Icon name="fe-chevron-right" />;

<Icon name="fe-copy" size="1rem" />


Layout components used to wrap the page content. Used as a container for the layout subcomponents.
For more information on the layout subcomponents, see the following for more details:

import { Layout } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic'`

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----------- | ------ | -------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | className | string | no | | Additional className for the component. | | children | node | no | | Content used for the layout. These should be layout subcomponents. |
    <Logo />
    <MyNavigation />
      display: grid;
      grid-template-columns: minmax(0, 1fr) 320px;
      grid-template-areas: 'content page-tools';
      grid-gap: ${contentPadding};
      <h1>Hello, world</h1>
      <ContributingGuidelines fileRelativePath={fileRelativePath} />
  <Layout.Footer fileRelativePath={fileRelativePath} />


Used for displaying the body of the page. It has a grid-area set to content to allow for grid customization.
| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----------- | ------ | -------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | className | string | no | | Additional className for the component. | | children | node | no | | Content used for the layout. These should be layout subcomponents. |
  <h1>Hello, world</h1>


Wraps the GlobalFooter component for use inside the layout.
All props are forwarded to the GlobalFooter component.
<Layout.Footer fileRelativePath={fileRelativePath} />


Wraps the main content area in the layout.
NOTE: For single-column pages, the Layout.Content component should be used as the single child of this component to ensure the props Swifttype attributes are added for the body of the content. For layouts that use Layout.PageTools, you will need to specify the grid used for the layout.
| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----------- | ------ | -------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | className | string | no | | Additional className for the component. | | children | node | no | | Content displayed inside the main content area. For single-colum layouts, the Layout.Content should be the only child. |
    <h1>Hello, world</h1>
    <p>Here is where the main content of the page goes!</p>

Layout with page tools
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: minmax(0, 1fr);
    grid-template-areas: 'content page-tools';
    <h1>Hello, world</h1>
    <p>Here is where the main content of the page goes!</p>
    <ContributingGuidelines fileRelativePath={fileRelativePath} />


Wraps the PageTools component for use inside the layout.
All props are forwarded to the PageTools component.
  <ContributingGuidelines fileRelativePath={fileRelativePath} />


Sidebar displayed inside the layout. This should contain the primary navigation used for the site.
| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ----------- | ------ | -------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | className | string | no | | Additional className for the component. | | children | node | no | | Content displayed inside the main content area. For single-colum layouts, the Layout.Content should be the only child. |
  <Logo />
  <MyNavigation />


Provides a "smart" link to link to other URLs. This provides a unified component between a Gatsby Link and an external link. This component will pick between a regular anchor tag and a Gatsby link depending on whether the URL is a relative or external url.
This component also makes use of the SignUpLink component when users are being directed to sign up for New Relic. The SignUpLink is rendered when the to prop passed to the Link components starts with https://newrelic.com/signup (this can be updated in the Link component). SignUpLink will then determine the users locale and format a corresponding href for that user. This, along with additional instrumentation, comprises the SignUpLink use case.
This component will automatically convert absolute URLs that link to pages within the same site to relative links. This ensures a smooth user experience for all linked pages on the site.
This component can be used as a replacement for the built-in Link component in Gatsby since it wraps it.
import { Link } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic'`

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | --------------------- | ------ | -------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | to | string | yes | | The URL to link to. If this is a relative path, it will use the Gatsby Link component. If it is an external URL, it will use a regular anchor tag. | | displayExternalIcon | bool | no | false | If the to is external to the current site, and you want the element to include an icon showing this leads to an external site, set this to true | | shouldAutoLocalize | bool | no | true | Optionally specify if an internal link's URL path should be auto localized when on a translated version of the site. |
All additional props are forwarded to either the Link component or the anchor tag depending on whether it is a relative or absolute URL.
// Can be used as a relative link to other pages in the site
<Link to="/page-2">Page 2</Link>

// Link to other pages in the site without auto localizing the URL
<Link to="/page-2" shouldAutoLocalize={false}>Page 2 (not localized)</Link>

// Can also be used to link to external URLs
<Link to="https://gatsbyjs.com">GatsbyJS</Link>

// If the link is absolute, but the origin matches the `siteMetadata.siteUrl`,
// it will smartly convert this to a relative path.
<Link to="https://developer.newrelic.com/page-2">developer page 2</Link>


Container used to wrap markdown content. Provides spacing and additional styles necessary for documents rendered via markdown or MDX.
import { MarkdownContainer } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ------------------------- | ------ | -------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | children | node | yes | | Content that will be rendered inside the markdown container. This is usually an MDX component. | | className | string | no | | Additional className for the MarkdownContainer | | dangerouslySetInnerHTML | string | no | | Same as React's dangerouslySetInnerHTML. Useful when rendering a compiled markdown string inside this container. |
  <MDX body={body} />

<MarkdownContainer dangerouslySetInnerHTML={markdown} />


Utility to render MDX content on a page. Provides out-of-the-box shortcodes for commonly used components.
import { MDX } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description | | ------------ | ------ | -------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | body | string | yes | | The compiled MDX string to be rendered for the page. This is usually the body property on an MDX node in Gatsby. | | components | object | no | | Provides shortcodes for MDX documents. Use this to add additional components or override the default components. |

Using MDX

When using MDX, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to wrap the content with the MarkdownContainer component to provide the additional styles and proper spacing. If you would like to render additional components within the MarkdownContainer and want to match spacing, use the following CSS variables:
  • --block-element-spacing: Provides proper spacing for block elements
(callouts, code blocks, etc.)
  • --text-spacing: Spacing used between paragraphs of text. Use this for
textual elements in the document (i.e. unordered/ordered lists)

Default components

The MDX component ships with a set of default mapped components. Where possible, this component uses the MDX component variants for block level components to provide proper spacing.
For more information on the set of available shortcodes mapped to built-in elements (such as a), see the MDX documentation
The following shortcodes are available by default:

  <MDX body={body} />

Overriding components
const components = {
  h1: (props) => <h1 style={{ color: 'purple' }} {...props} />,

  <MDX body={body} components={components} />;

Providing your own components


Used to render a fenced code block using the CodeBlock component or a Terminal component inside of an MDX document. This component works best in conjunction with the MDXProvider component exported from the @mdx-js/react package.
import { MDXCodeBlock } from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';

All props are forwarded to the either the