
localForage bindings for Angular 5

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localForage bindings for Angular 4 and 5
Release Demo and documentation Build Status Coverage Status Greenkeeper badge
Tested on Safari Tested on Chrome Tested on Firefox
Table of Contents

- Using the Standard Store - Using the Cache Store - Global Configuration - Instance-Level Configuration
The metadata version for Angular's AOT compiler differs between Angular 4.x and Angular 5.x, therefore two flavours of this library are released:
| Flavour | Angular 4 | Angular 5 | |-----------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Local | npm install @ngforage/ngforage-ng4 | npm install @ngforage/ngforage-ng5 | | CDN | Package | Package |
The UMD global name is ngForage.
Types and polyfills
Ensure that the following are available globally:
  • Promise
  • Object.assign
Importing the module
Replace ngforage with @ngforage/ngforage-ng4 or @ngforage/ngforage-ng5 depending on which version of Angular you're using.
import {NgModule} from "@angular/core";
import {NgForageModule} from "ngforage";

  imports: [
export class MyModule {


Using the Standard Store

import {ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component} from "@angular/core";
import {NgForage, NgForageConfig} from "ngforage";

  selector: 'my-component',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  template: 'foo'
export class MyComponent {

  constructor(private readonly ngf: NgForage) {


  async getSomething() {
    const clickCount = await this.ngf.getItem<number>('clickCount');

    console.log(`${clickCount === null ? 'No' : clickCount} clicks.`);

  async setSomething() {
    await this.ngf.setItem('foo', {bar: 'qux'});

  async removeSomething() {
    await this.ngf.removeItem('foo');

  async removeEverything() {
    await this.ngf.clear();

  async getNumberOfItems() {
    console.log(`There are ${await this.ngf.length()} items stored!`);

  async printKeysStored() {
    const keys: string[] = await this.ngf.keys();

    console.log('Keys:', keys.sort().join("\n"));

  async checkIfDriverIsSupported() {
    const supports = this.ngf.supports(NgForageConfig.DRIVER_INDEXEDDB);

    console.log(`IndexedDB is ${supports ? '' : 'not '}supported`);

Using the Cache Store

The cache store can be used as a replacement for NgForage, but also supports the following operations:
import {ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component} from "@angular/core";
import {CachedItem, NgForageCache} from "ngforage";

  selector: 'my-component',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  template: 'foo'
export class MyComponent {

  constructor(private readonly ngfc: NgForageCache) {


  async setSomething() {
    // Use default expiry time
    await this.ngfc.setCached('foo', 'bar');

    // Cache for one minute
    await this.ngfc.setCached('qux', {baz: 1}, 60000);

  async getSomething() {
    const item: CachedItem<string> = await this.ngfc.getCached<string>('foo');

    if (item.hasData) {
      console.log(`The item is ${item.data}`);
    } else {
      console.log('No data found');

    if (item.expired) {
      console.log('Item has expired');
    } else {
      const expiryDate: Date = item.expires;

      console.log(`The item will expire in ${Math.round(item.expiresIn / 1000)} seconds, on ${expiryDate.toLocaleString()}`);

  async removeSomething() {
    await this.ngfc.removeCached('foo');

Global Configuration

import {NgModule} from "@angular/core";
import {NgForageConfig, NgForageModule, NgForageOptions} from "ngforage";

  imports: [
export class MyModule {

  constructor(conf: NgForageConfig) {
    // Set the database name
    conf.name = 'myDB';

    // Set the store name (e.g. in IndexedDB this is the dataStore)
    conf.storeName = 'my_store';

    // Set default cache time to 5 minutes
    conf.cacheTime = 300000;

    // Set driver to local storage
    conf.driver = NgForageConfig.DRIVER_LOCALSTORAGE;

    // Set the driver to indexed db if available,
    // falling back to websql
    // falling back to local storage
    conf.driver = [

    // Set websql database size
    conf.size = 1024 * 1024 * 4;

    // Set DB version. Currently unused.
    conf.version = 2.0;

    // Configure in bulk
    const bulk: NgForageOptions = {
      version: 3.0,
      name: 'newDB'

Instance-Level Configuration

You can configure ngForage on an instance level. If need be, every component can have its own instance:
import {ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component} from "@angular/core";
import {NgForage, NgForageCache} from "ngforage";

  selector: 'my-component',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  template: 'foo',
  providers: [
export class MyComponent {

  constructor(private readonly store: NgForage,
              private readonly cache: NgForageCache) {


NgForageCache has the same setters as NgForageConfig whilst NgForage supports all setters except cacheTime.
Store instances
It is recommended to declare NgForage and/or NgForageCache in providers if you're not using the default configuration. The running configuration hash is used to create and reuse drivers (e.g. different IndexedDB databases), therefore setting it on a shared instance might have unintended side-effects.
Defining a Driver
  1. Define a driver as described in the localForage docs
  2. Plug it in, either directly through localForage or through NgForageConfig:

import {NgModule} from "@angular/core";
import {NgForageConfig, NgForageModule} from "ngforage";
import * as localForage from 'localforage';

// Your driver definition
const myDriver: localForage.LocalForageDriver = {/*...*/};

// Define it through localForage
  .then(() => console.log('Defined!'))

  imports: [
export class DemoModule {

  constructor(conf: NgForageConfig) {
    // Or through NgForageConfig
      .then(() => console.log('Defined!'))