
Loader for ngx-config that provides application settings to browser/server platforms

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@ngx-universal/config-loader npm version npm downloads
Loader for ngx-config that provides application settings to browser/server platforms CircleCI coverage tested with jest Conventional Commits Angular Style Guide
Please support this project by simply putting a Github star. Share this library with friends on Twitter and everywhere else you can.


This 5.x.x branch is intented to work with @angular v5.x.x. If you're developing on a later release of Angular
than v5.x.x, then you should probably choose the appropriate version of this library by visiting the master branch.

Table of contents:

- Installation
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Related packages](#related-packages)
- [Adding `@ngx-universal/config-loader` to your project (SystemJS)](#adding-systemjs)
- [Setting up `ConfigModule` to use `UniversalConfigLoader`](#setting-up-universalloader)


This library depends on Angular v4.0.0. Older versions contain outdated dependencies, might produce errors. Also, please ensure that you are using Typescript v2.5.3 or higher.

Getting started


You can install @ngx-universal/config-loader using npm ``` npm install @ngx-universal/config-loader --save ``` Note: You should have already installed @ngx-config/core.


  • ng-seed/universal is an officially maintained seed project, showcasing common patterns and best practices for @ngx-universal/config-loader.

Related packages

The following packages may be used in conjunction with @ngx-universal/config-loader:

Adding @ngx-universal/config-loader to your project (SystemJS)

Add map for @ngx-universal/config-loader in your systemjs.config ```javascript '@ngx-universal/config-loader': 'nodemodules/@ngx-universal/config-loader/bundles/config-loader.umd.min.js' ```


Setting up ConfigModule to use UniversalConfigLoader

UniversalConfigLoader requires a browserLoader and a serverLoader to load application settings on both platforms.
  • Import ConfigModule using the mapping '@ngx-config/core' and append ConfigModule.forRoot({...}) within the imports
property of app.module.
  • Import UniversalConfigLoader using the mapping '@ngx-universal/config-loader'.
Note: Considering the app.module is the core module in Angular application.


```json { "system": {
"applicationName": "Mighty Mouse",
"applicationUrl": "http://localhost:8000"
}, "seo": {
"pageTitle": "Tweeting bird"
}, "i18n":{
"locale": "en"
} } ```


```TypeScript ... import { ConfigModule, ConfigLoader, ConfigStaticLoader } from '@ngx-config/core'; import { ConfigFsLoader } from '@ngx-config/fs-loader'; import { ConfigHttpLoader } from '@ngx-config/http-loader'; import { UniversalConfigLoader } from '@ngx-universal/config-loader'; ... export function configFactory(platformId: any, http: HttpClient): ConfigLoader { const serverLoader = new ConfigFsLoader('./public/assets/config.json'); // FILE PATH const browserLoader = new ConfigHttpLoader(http, './assets/config.json'); // API ENDPOINT return new UniversalConfigLoader(platformId, serverLoader, browserLoader); } @NgModule({ declarations:
, ... imports:
provide: ConfigLoader,
useFactory: (configFactory),
deps: [PLATFORM_ID, Http]
, ... bootstrap: AppComponent }) export class AppModule { constructor(@Inject(PLATFORMID) private readonly platformId: any) { } } ``` UniversalConfigLoader has two parameters:
  • serverLoader: ConfigLoader : the loader which will run on the server platform (ex: ConfigFsLoader, or ConfigStaticLoader)
  • browserLoader: ConfigLoader : the loader which will run on the browser platform (ex: ConfigHttpLoader, or ConfigStaticLoader)
:+1: Well! @ngx-universal/config-loader will now provide application settings to browser/server platforms.


The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2018 Burak Tasci