
> `@nrk/core-scroll` enhances any tag with content to be scrollable with mouse interaction on non-touch-devices. > It also hides the scrollbars and automatically disables animation for users who prefers [reduced motion](https://css-tricks.com/introduction

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Core Scroll
@nrk/core-scroll enhances any tag with content to be scrollable with mouse interaction on non-touch-devices. It also hides the scrollbars and automatically disables animation for users who prefers reduced motion.


<button data-for="my-scroll-js" value="up" aria-label="Rull opp">↑</button>
<button data-for="my-scroll-js" value="down" aria-label="Rull ned">↓</button>
<button data-for="my-scroll-js" value="left" aria-label="Rull til venstre">←</button>
<button data-for="my-scroll-js" value="right" aria-label="Rull til høyre">→</button>
<div class="my-wrap my-wrap-js">
  <core-scroll id="my-scroll-js" class="my-scroll">
    <div>1</div><div>2</div><div>3</div><div>4</div><a href="#">5</a>
    <div>1</div><div><div class="my-wrap">
      <core-scroll class="my-scroll">
        <div>1</div><div>2</div><div>3</div><div>4</div><a href="#">5</a>
        <div>1</div><div>2</div><div>3</div><div>4</div><a href="#">5</a>
        <div>1</div><div>2</div><div>3</div><div>4</div><a href="#">5</a>
    </div></div><div>3</div><div>4</div><a href="#">5</a>
    <div>1</div><div>2</div><div>3</div><div>4</div><a href="#">5</a>
    <div>1</div><div>2</div><div>3</div><div>4</div><a href="#">5</a>

Example: React

<div id="jsx-scroll"></div>
<script type="text/JavaScript">
  class MyScroll extends React.Component {
    constructor (props) {
      this.state = {}
      this.onScroll = this.onScroll.bind(this)
    onScroll ({target}) {
        left: target.scrollLeft ? () => target.scroll('left') : null,
        right: target.scrollRight ? () => target.scroll('right') : null
    render () {
      return <div>
        <button disabled={!this.state.left} onClick={this.state.left}>Left JSX</button>
        <button disabled={!this.state.right} onClick={this.state.right}>Right JSX</button>
        <div className="my-wrap">
          <CoreScroll className="my-scroll" onScrollChange={this.onScroll}>
            <div>1</div><div>2</div><div>3</div><div>4</div><a href="#">5</a>
  ReactDOM.render(<MyScroll />, document.getElementById('jsx-scroll'))

Example: custom child items

core-scroll calculates scroll distance based on currently visible direct children. When using substructures like <ul><li>... you, must tell core-scroll what elements are considered items, by using the items attribute/property:
<core-scroll items="li">
    <li>List-item 1</li>
    <li>List-item 2</li>

<button data-for="my-scroll-child" value="left" aria-label="Rull til venstre">←</button>
<button data-for="my-scroll-child" value="right" aria-label="Rull til høyre">→</button>
<div class="my-wrap">
  <core-scroll id="my-scroll-child" class="my-scroll" items="li">
      <li>List-item 1</li><li>List-item 2</li><li>List-item 3</li><li>List-item 4</li>
      <li>List-item 5</li><li>List-item 6</li><li>List-item 7</li><li>List-item 8</li>
      <li>List-item 9</li><li>List-item 10</li><li>List-item 11</li><li>List-item 12</li>

Example: changes in DOM

Core scroll uses a MutationObserver to monitor changes to childnodes. Connected buttons are updated (disabled or not) if their viability changes as a result of the DOM-change
<div id="jsx-dynamic-content"></div>
<script type="text/JavaScript">
  const Dynamic = () => {
      const [elements, setElements] = React.useState([...Array(10).keys()])
      const content = elements.map(item => <div> Element {item + 1}</div>);
      return (
          <button type="button" onClick={() => setElements([...elements, elements.length])}>
            Add extra child
          <button type="button" onClick={() => setElements([...Array(10).keys()])}>
            Set to ten children
          <button type="button" onClick={() => setElements([])}>
            Remove all children
          <br />
          <button type="button" data-for="scroll-dynamic-content" value="left" aria-label="Rull til venstre">←</button>
          <button type="button" data-for="scroll-dynamic-content" value="right" aria-label="Rull til høyre">→</button>
          <div className="my-wrap">
            <CoreScroll id="scroll-dynamic-content" className="my-scroll">
  ReactDOM.render(<Dynamic />, document.getElementById('jsx-dynamic-content'))


Using NPM provides own element namespace and extensibility. Recommended:
npm install @nrk/core-scroll  # Using NPM

Using static registers the custom element with default name automatically:
<script src="https://static.nrk.no/core-components/major/10/core-scroll/core-scroll.min.js"></script>  <!-- Using static -->

Remember to polyfill custom elements if needed.


Buttons should be connected to a core-scroll element to control scrolling for keyboard-users. Just add the data-for attribute with the id of core-scroll and assign a directional value. The disabled attribute is then automatically toggled when there is or isn't space to scroll in the assigned direction.
Note: core-scroll adds styling to hide scrollbars, see how to work with margin and height →.
  data-for="my-scroll-js"      <!-- {String} Id of <core-scroll> -->
  value="up"              <!-- {String} Sets direction of scroll. Possible values: "left", "right", "up" or "down" -->
  aria-label="Rull opp">  <!-- {String} Sets label -->
  id="my-scroll-js"       <!-- {String} Id corresponding to for attribute of <button> -->
  friction=".2">          <!-- {Number} Optional. Default 0.8. Controls scroll speed. Lower friction means higher speed -->
  <div>1</div>            <!-- Direct children is used to calculate natural stop points for scroll -->

import CoreScroll from '@nrk/core-scroll'                 // Using NPM
window.customElements.define('core-scroll', CoreScroll)   // Using NPM. Replace 'core-scroll' with 'my-scroll' to namespace

const myScroll = document.querySelector('core-scroll')

// Getters
myScroll.scrollLeft                   // Amount of pixels remaining in scroll direction left
myScroll.scrollRight                  // Amount of pixels remaining in scroll direction right
myScroll.scrollTop                    // Amount of pixels remaining in scroll direction up
myScroll.scrollBottom                 // Amount of pixels remaining in scroll direction down
myScroll.items                        // Get all items

// Setters
myScroll.items                        // Set to String to specify scroll children (see example above)

// Methods
myScroll.scroll('left')                             // Scroll in specified direction
myScroll.scroll({x: 0, y: 10})                      // Scroll to exact position
myScroll.scroll({x: 0, move: 'down'})               // Scroll with position and direction
myScroll.scroll(document.getElementById('childId')) // Scroll to child element, centered inside scroll-area

React / Preact

import CoreScroll from '@nrk/core-scroll/jsx'

<CoreScroll friction={Number}             // Optional. Default 0.8. Controls scroll speed
            ref={(comp) => {}}            // Optional. Get reference to React component
            forwardRef={(el) => {}}       // Optional. Get reference to underlying DOM custom element
            onScrollChange={Function}     // Optional. Scroll change event handler
            onScrollClick={Function}      // Optional. Scroll click event handler
  {/* elements */}


Note: Starting a core-scroll mousemove inside a iframe, and releasing the mouse outside, will result in an incomplete action and fail to end movement. This is due to mouseup not bubbling though iframes. Please avoid iframes.


Fired regularly during a scroll. The event is throttled
to run every 500ms and ensure better performance:
document.addEventListener('scroll.change', (event) => {
  event.target   // The scroll element


Fired when clicking a button controlling core-scroll:
document.addEventListener('scroll.click', (event) => {
  event.target        // The scroll element
  event.detail.move   // Direction to move (left, right, up, down)


A native event fired for every scrolled pixel. Be cautious about performance when listening to scroll; heavy or many read/write operations will slow down your page. The event does not bubble, and you therefore need useCapture set to true when listening for scroll events from a parent element:
document.addEventListener('scroll', (event) => {
  event.target        // NB: Can be any scrolling element since this is a native event

  // Example check if the event.target is the correct @nrk/core-scroll
  if (event.target.id === 'ID-OF-MY-CORE-SCROLL-HERE') {
    // Do Something
}, true) // Note the true parameter, activating capture listening


Scrollbar hiding

core-scroll adds negative margins in some browsers to hide scrollbars. Therefore, make sure to place core-scroll inside a wrapper element with overflow: hidden:
<div style="overflow:hidden"><core-scroll>...</core-scroll></div>

Setting height

By default, core-scroll scales based on content. If you want to set a fixed height, set this on the wrapper element (not directly on the core-scroll element):
✅ Do | 🚫 Don't :-- | :-- <div style="overflow:hidden;height:200px"><core-scroll>...</core-scroll></div> | <div style="overflow:hidden"><core-scroll style="height:200px"></core-scroll></div>

Button states

The <button> elements receive disabled attributes reflecting the current scroll state:
.my-scroll-button {}                  /* Target button in any state */
.my-scroll-button:disabled {}         /* Target button in disabled state */
.my-scroll-button:not(:disabled) {}   /* Target button in enabled state */

NB: Safari scrollbar bug

If you are creating a horizontal layout, you might experience unwanted vertical scrolling in Safari. This happens when children of @nrk/core-scroll have half-pixel height values (due to images/videos/elements with aspect-ratio sizing). Avoid the vertical scrolling by setting padding-bottom: 1px on the @nrk/core-scroll element.

NB: iOS 12.2+ bug

core-scroll automatically adds -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch as this is required by iOS to enable momentum scrolling. An unfortunate side effect (introduced in iOS 12.2) is that the scrollable area is rendered on the GPU, which breaks position: fixed on child elements. Please place elements with position: fixed (i.e. a <core-dialog>) outside the markup of <core-scroll>.