
Small and Clean JavaScript Toast Notifications

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Small and Clean JavaScript Toast Notifications

New version introduces breaking changes!

Now the styles come separately and you will have to use a new import: ```js // >= 1.6.0 import { Notify } from '@reliutg/buzz-notify' import '@reliutg/buzz-notify/dist/buzz-notify.css' ``` Now the data-attribute is used to define the notification container: ```html
// <-- Before 2.5.0
// <-- After 2.5.0 ```


✨ Beautiful and easy to use 😊 Lightweight ❤️ Strongly typed




```bash npm install @reliutg/buzz-notify ```


```html ```

ES6 Modules

```js import { Notify } from '@reliutg/buzz-notify' import '@reliutg/buzz-notify/dist/buzz-notify.css' ``` or

Skypack no npm install needed!

```html ```

How to use

In index.html: ```html
``` Define global options for all notifications. ```html
``` In index.js: ```javascript Notify({ title: 'My notification' }) ``` Change the default notification type ```javascript Notify({ title: 'My notification', type: 'danger' }) ``` Determine the timeout in milliseconds. Default: 3000ms. If the duration is a negative number, the notification will not be removed. ```javascript Notify({ title: 'My notification', duration: 5000 }) ``` Using asynchronously ```javascript import { NotifyAsync } from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@reliutg/buzz-notify' NotifyAsync({ title: 'My notification' }).then(() => { console.log('Notification closed') }) ``` Listen to the close event ```javascript const n1 = Notify({ title: 'My notification' }) n1.addEventListener('notifyclose', () => { console.log('Notification closed') }) ``` Change the position of the toast message. Can be ‘top-left’, ‘top-right’, ‘top-center’, ‘bottom-left’, ‘bottom-center’, or ‘bottom-right’. Default: ‘top-right’. ```javascript Notify({ title: 'My notification', position: 'bottom-center' }) ``` Execute a callback function when the toast message is dismissed. ```javascript Notify({ title: 'My notification' }, () => { console.log('Notification closed') }) ```

Usage with Vue

Try live demo

Usage with React

Try live demo


Customize the styles

```css :root { --bzn-trans-cubic-bezier: cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.455, 1); --bzn-trans-duration: 0.4s; --bzn-color-success: #155724; --bzn-background-color-success: #d4edda; --bzn-border-color-success: #c3e6cb; --bzn-color-danger: #721c24; --bzn-background-color-danger: #f8d7da; --bzn-border-color-danger: #f5c6cb; --bzn-color-warning: #856404; --bzn-background-color-warning: #fff3cd; --bzn-border-color-warning: #ffeeba; } ```

Customize icons

```js // You can change all or just one type of icon // inline svg and emojis are supported :) const myIcons = { success: '🎉', danger: '💣', warning: '⚠️', } Notify({ title: 'My notification', type: 'success', config: { icons: myIcons } }) ```


```javascript Notify({ /
* Title of the notification
title: string; /
* Sets the HTML markup contained within the notification.
html?: string; /
* Sets the type of the notification.
* @defaultvalue "success"
type?: Type; /
* Sets the position of the notification.
* @defaultvalue "top-right"
position?: Position; /
* Auto close notification. Set in ms (milliseconds). If the duration is a negative number, the notification will not be removed.
* @defaultvalue 3000
duration?: number; /
* Sets the transition effect.
* @defaultvalue "fade"
transition?: Transition; /
* Sets the configuration of the notification.
config?: {
* Override the default icons.
icons: Icons;
} | null; }); ```

Based on


Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key
<td align="center"><a href="http://cutt.ly/dmxCq0G"><img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/52201020?v=4?s=100" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>krau5</b></sub></a><br /><a href="https://github.com/roberthgnz/buzz-notify/commits?author=Krausso" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="#maintenance-Krausso" title="Maintenance">🚧</a></td>
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!