
Test REST APIs with Serenity/JS

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Serenity/JS REST

@serenity-js/rest module lets your actors interact with and test HTTP REST APIs.


To install this module, as well as axios HTTP client, run the following command in your computer terminal:
npm install --save-dev @serenity-js/core @serenity-js/rest @serenity-js/assertions axios

To learn more about Serenity/JS and how to use it on your project, follow the Serenity/JS Getting Started guide.

Example test

import { actorCalled } from '@serenity-js/core'
import { CallAnApi, DeleteRequest, GetRequest, LastResponse, PostRequest, Send } from '@serenity-js/rest'
import { Ensure, equals, startsWith } from '@serenity-js/assertions'

const actor = actorCalled('Apisit').whoCan(CallAnApi.at('https://myapp.com/api'))

await actor.attemptsTo(
    // no users present in the system
    Ensure.that(LastResponse.status(), equals(200)),
    Ensure.that(LastResponse.body(), equals([])),

    // create a new test user account
        login: 'tester',
        password: 'P@ssword1',
    Ensure.that(LastResponse.status(), equals(201)),
    Ensure.that(LastResponse.header('Location'), startsWith('/users')),

    // delete the test user account
    Ensure.that(LastResponse.status(), equals(200)),

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