
> 😎 it is useful to have mini helper functions which helps you with some thing ----

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Helper methods
😎 it is useful to have mini helper functions which helps you with some thing
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Helpers Found Here

| Helper | Methods | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | | ArrayHelpers | arrayItemAddProp ,flattenArray ,stringifyArray ,deepFlatten | | CookieHelpers | getCookie, setCookie | | DebugHelpers | delog, ApiError, globalErrorCatcher | | HttpHelpers | fetchWithTimeOut, universalCall | | JsonHelpers | recursiveJsonParse | | MapHelpers | isLocationInIran | | NumberHelpers | persianNumber, englishNumber, generateKey, cellphoneValidate, cellphoneValidatePattern, currencyPrice | | ObjectHelpers | removeByKey, flattenObject, makeCookieString, safeObjectPropertyRead, getNextProp ,serializeObject | | OSHelpers | getOSName, getAgent | | PromiseHelpers | racePromise, makeTimeout, emptyPromise | | ProxyHelpers | onChangeReflector | | ReduxHelpers | actionMaker, normalizeActionType, configPersistor | | StorageHelpers | getLocalStorageData | | StringHelpers | stringReplace, bulkStringReplace | | TemplateHelpers | HexToRgb, defineForegroundColor, makeRgba, decideMeasurement, makeShadow | | WindowHelpers | getPathName, getWindowSize |