
Library providing ability to translate messages directly in context of developed application.

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216355.25.03 hours ago3 years agoMinified + gzip package size for @tolgee/core in KB


{% import "../../readmeMacros/macros.njk.md" as macros %}
{{ macros.header('Tolgee JS Core', 'The Core of Tolgee JS integrations', packageName) }}

What is Tolgee JS Core?

It's the core library of Tolgee JS integrations containing the platform-agnostic parts of the Tolgee JS. For more information about Tolgee JS integrations, visit the docs }}).
{{ macros.links() }}

You should not use this package directly for usage in the web browser

If you use Tolgee on the web, use @tolgee/web package, which extends this package with web-related functionality.
This package is platform-agnostic, so it contains only the most general functionality.
{{ macros.installation('core') }}


First, create a Tolgee instance and run it.
import { TolgeeCore } from "@tolgee/core";

const tg = TolgeeCore()


To learn more, check the docs }}).
{{ macros.why() }}


{{ macros.developmentInstallation() }} {{ macros.developmentCore() }}
{{ macros.developmentTesting('/packages/core') }}

End-to-end (e2e) testing

Each integration is end-to-end tested via cypress. The tests are defined in /e2e/cypress/e2e directory.
To run the e2e tests, run
pnpm run e2e run <integration>
pnpm run e2e run web

To open and play with e2e tests, run:
pnpm run e2e open <integration>

{{ macros.contributors() }}