
Angular mentions for text fields.

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Angular Mentions
Simple Angular mentions inspired by
Click here for a Demo
This package provides auto-complete suggestions for @mentions in text input fields, text areas, and content editable fields.
Click here to experiment on StackBlitz
To install and start the demo application:
git clone
cd angular-mentions
npm install
ng serve


Add the package as a dependency to your project using:
npm install angular-mentions
Add the module to your app.module imports:
import { MentionModule } from 'angular-mentions';

    imports: [ MentionModule ],

Add the [mention] directive to your input element:
<input type="text" [mention]="items">

Where items is a string array of the items to suggest. For example:
items: string[] = ["Noah", "Liam", "Mason", "Jacob", ...

Configuration Options

The following optional configuration items can be used.
| Option | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | items | | An array of strings or objects to suggest. | | triggerChar | @ | The character that will trigger the menu behavior. | | labelKey | label | The field to be used as the item label (when the items are objects). | | disableSort | false | Disable sorting of suggested items. | | disableSearch | false | Disable internal filtering (only useful if async search is used). | | dropUp | false | Show the menu above the cursor instead of below. | | maxItems | ∞ | Limit the number of items shown in the text. The default is no limit. | | mentionSelect | | A function to format the selected item before inserting the text. | | mentionFilter | | A function that returns the items to display. | | allowSpace | false | Allow spaces while mentioning. | | returnTrigger | false | Include the trigger char in the searchTerm event. |
For Example:
<input type="text" [mention]="items" [mentionConfig]="{triggerChar:'#',maxItems:10,labelKey:'name'}">

Output Events

The following output events can be used.
| Output | Description | | --- | --- | | @Output() searchTerm EventEmitter<string> | Emitted whenever the search term changes. Can be used to trigger async search. | @Output() itemSelected EventEmitter<any> | Emitted when an item is selected. | @Output() opened EventEmitter<void> | Emitted when the mentions panel is opened. | @Output() closed EventEmitter<void> | Emitted when the mentions panel is closed.

Item Templates

The appearance of the items displayed in the mention list menu can be customized using the [mentionListTemplate] directive as shown in this example:

Alternative Usage

Instead of using the [mentions] directive, the component can also be used by only specifying [mentionConfig], for example:
<input type="text" [mentionConfig]="mentionConfig">

With the following structure:
let mentionConfig = {
    items: [ "Noah", "Liam", "Mason", "Jacob", ... ],
    triggerChar: "@",

In this way, multiple config objects can be used:
let mentionConfig = {
    mentions: [
            items: [ "Noah", "Liam", "Mason", "Jacob", ... ],
            triggerChar: '@'
            items: [ "Red", "Yellow", "Green", ... ],
            triggerChar: '#'
This allows different lists and trigger characters to be configured.
Note that because objects are mutable, changes to the items within the config will not be picked up unless a new mentionConfig object is created.