
Cheetah Grid is a high performance grid engine that works on canvas

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Cheetah Grid
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Cheetah Grid
The fastest open-source data table for web.
DEMO & Documents

Downloading Cheetah Grid

Using Cheetah Grid with a CDN

<script src=""></script>

Downloading Cheetah Grid using npm

npm install -S cheetah-grid

import * as cheetahGrid from "cheetah-grid";

// or

const cheetahGrid = require("cheetah-grid");

Downloading Cheetah Grid source code


Downloading Cheetah Grid using GitHub

GitHub package version

git clone

git clone

npm install & build

npm install
npm run build

built file is created in the ./packages/cheetah-grid/dist directory


Example for basic usage

<div id="sample" style="height: 300px; border: solid 1px #ddd;"></div>
  // initialize
  const grid = new cheetahGrid.ListGrid({
    // Parent element on which to place the grid
    parentElement: document.querySelector("#sample"),
    // Header definition
    header: [
        field: "check",
        caption: "",
        width: 50,
        columnType: "check",
        action: "check",
      { field: "personid", caption: "ID", width: 100 },
      { field: "fname", caption: "First Name", width: 200 },
      { field: "lname", caption: "Last Name", width: 200 },
      { field: "email", caption: "Email", width: 250 },
    // Array data to be displayed on the grid
    // Column fixed position
    frozenColCount: 2,

Please refer to the documents for details
Using the Vue Component of Cheetah Grid
Please refer to the vue-cheetah-grid
Using the React Component of Cheetah Grid
Please refer to the react-cheetah-grid

Definition of columns and headers

The header property, the property of cheetahGrid.ListGrid, decides the behave and appearance of columns and header cells. We can set this property by constructor arguments or instance property.
The header property must be set by objects array (Array<object>). In the standard definition, each object consists of following properties.
| Property | Description | | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | caption | define the header caption | | field | define the field name or function of the record to display in the cell | | width (optional) | define the width of column | | columnType (optional) | define the type of column | | style (optional) | define the style of column | | action (optional) | define the action of column |
To use multiple header, set the hierarchical structured Object to the header property.
const grid = new cheetahGrid.ListGrid({
  header: [
      /* multiple header */
      caption: "Name",
      columns: [
        { field: "fname", caption: "First Name", width: 200 },
        { field: "lname", caption: "Last Name", width: 200 },

Definition of column type

Set the column type by using columnType.
For example, you can set the following strings:
| Property | Description | | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | none | draw text in the cell | | 'number' | draw number in the cell with comma-separated | | 'check' | draw checkbox in the cell | | 'button' | draw button in the cell | | 'image' | draw image in the cell | | 'multilinetext' | draw multiline text in the cell |
If you define a class instance you can define an advanced column types.
Please refer to the column types documents for details

Definition of column action

Define column action by using action property.
| action | Description | | --------- | ----------------------------- | | 'check' | make the check box clickable. | | 'input' | make the cell enterable. |
If you define a class instance you can define an advanced column actions.
Please refer to the column actions documents for details

Definition of column style

Define column style by using style property.
Properties below are prepared in standard.
| Property | Description | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | color | define the color of cell. | | textAlign | define the horizontal position of text in cell. | | textBaseline | define the vertical position of text in cell. | | bgColor | define the background color of cell. | | font | define the font of cell. | | padding | define the padding of cell. if you set 4 values separately, please set the Array. | | textOverflow | define how to display when text overflows the area of a cell. clip or ellipsis is available. |
In addition, there is an extended style property for each column type.
Please refer to the documents for details


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).

Supporting Cheetah Grid
