
Command line argument parser

  • clap

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A library for node.js to build command-line interfaces (CLI). With its help, making a simple CLI application is a trivial task. It equally excels in complex tools with a lot of subcommands and specific features. This library supports argument coercion and completion suggestion — typing the commands is much easier. Inspired by commander.js Features:
  • TBD


``` npm install clap ``` ```js const cli = require('clap'); const myCommand = cli.command('my-command optional-arg')
.description('Optional description')
.option('-b, --bool', 'Bollean option')
.option('--foo <foo>', 'Option with required argument')
.option('--bar [bar]', 'Option with optional argument')
.option('--baz [value]', 'Option with optional argument and normalize function',
value => Number(value),
123 // 123 is default
.action(function({ options, args, literalArgs }) {
// options is an object with collected values
// args goes before options
// literal args goes after "--"
});; // the same as ""'--foo', '123', '-b') // sub-commands myCommand
.option('-q, --quz', 'Some parameter', 'Default value')
// ...
.command('another-command [arg1] [arg2]')
// ...



``` .command()
// definition
.version(value, usage, description, action)
.help(usage, description, action)
.option(usage, description, ...options)
.extend(fn, ...options)
// argv processing pipeline handler setters
.init(command, context)
// main methods
.parse(argv, suggest)
// misc

.option(usage, description, ...options)

There are two usage: ``` .option(usage, description, normalize, value) .option(usage, description, options) ``` Where options: ``` {
default: any,          // default value
normalize: (value, oldValue) => { ... }, // any value for option is passing through this function and its result stores as option value
shortcut: (value, oldValue) => { ... },  // for shortcut options, the handler is executed after the value is set, and its result (an object) is used as a source of values for other options
action: () => { ... }, // for an action option, which breaks regular args processing and preform and action (e.g. show help or version)
config: boolean        // mark option is about config and should be applied before `applyConfig()`
} ```

Argv processing

  • init(command, context) // before arguments parsing
- invoke action option and exit if any
  • apply config options
  • applyConfig(context)
  • apply all the rest options
  • prepareContext(context) // after arguments parsing
- switch to next command -> command is prescending
- `init(command, context)`
- invoke action option and exit if any
- apply **config** options
- `applyConfig(context)`
- apply all the rest options
- `prepareContext(context)` // after arguments parsing
- switch to next command
- ...
- `action(context)` -> command is target
- `action(context)` -> command is target
