
The missing documentation tool for your Angular application

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Compodoc: The missing documentation tool for your Angular application
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The missing documentation tool for your Angular application

Compodoc: The missing documentation tool for your Angular application


  • Clean, simple design — With Compodoc, the main endpoints are on the left side of your documentation, and all the content on the right side

  • Search — Compodoc include a powerful search engine (lunr.js) for easily finding your information

  • Automatic table of contents - API table of contents is generated using elements found during files parsing

  • Open-source and on npm - Use it directly in your project using npm and one script, that's it !

  • A local tool - No server needed, no sources uploaded online

  • JSDoc light support - Support of @param, @returns, @link and @example tags

  • Documentation coverage - Get the documentation coverage report of your project

  • Angular-CLI friendly - Compodoc support out of the box Angular-CLI projects
Live Demo
Demo : documentation generated for TodoMVC Angular Compodoc demo project
Static Demo
Using SoundCloud API client / Angular2 project and default theme (gitbook)
README page | Overview page :-------------------------:|:-------------------------: screenshot-1 | screenshot-2 Modules page | Single module page screenshot-3 | screenshot-4 Component page | Source code tab screenshot-5 | screenshot-6 Search page | Coverage report screenshot-7 |screenshot-8
Why this tool ?
Because we doesn't find our needs on existing tools. We want to have a single place where there is :
  • api documentation of code
  • component(s), directive(s), pipe(s), ... documentation
  • general documentation (\*.md files)
Why not a SPA for outputed documentation ?
KISS principle or shortly "Keep it simple". We think static html files are simpler than another SPA inside an "SPA documentation".
Who's using Compodoc ?

These are some that we know of. Want your project listed here ? Drop us a line.
Table of Contents
- Install - Usage - Local installation - Render documentation - Serve generated documentation with compodoc - Render documentation, and serve it with compodoc - Styling the documentation - Documentation of each component - Syntax highlighting in markdown files - Excluding files

Node.js versions

Compodoc is tested with only LTS versions : v6.9.4 & v4.7.1


Compodoc supports last Angular-CLI version : 1.0.0-beta-26
Just run Compodoc in a fresh or existing project.

Getting Started with compodoc


Install from npm :
npm install -g compodoc


$ compodoc --help

Usage: compodoc <src> [options]


  -h, --help                         output usage information
  -V, --version                      output the version number
  -p, --tsconfig [config]            A tsconfig.json file
  -d, --output [folder]              Where to store the generated documentation
  -y, --extTheme [file]              External styling theme
  -n, --name [name]                  Title documentation
  -a, --assetsFolder [folder]        External assets folder to copy in generated documentation folder
  -o, --open                         Open the generated documentation
  -t, --silent                       In silent mode, log messages aren't logged in the console
  -s, --serve                        Serve generated documentation (default http://localhost:8080/)
  -r, --port [port]                  Change default serving port
  --theme [theme]                    Choose one of available themes, default is 'gitbook' (laravel, original, postmark, readthedocs, stripe, vagrant)
  --hideGenerator                    Do not print the Compodoc link at the bottom of the page
  --disableSourceCode                Do not add source code tab
  --disableGraph                     Disable rendering of the dependency graph
  --disableCoverage                  Do not add the documentation coverage report
  --disablePrivateOrInternalSupport  Do not show private or @internal in generated documentation

Local installation

npm install --save-dev compodoc

Define a script task for it in your package.json :
"scripts": {
  "compodoc": "./node_modules/.bin/compodoc -p src/tsconfig.json"

and run it like a normal npm script :
npm run compodoc


Default (gitbook) | Laravel :-------------------------:|:-------------------------: theme-gitbook | theme-laravel Readthedocs | Stripe theme-readthedocs | theme-stripe Vagrant | Postmark theme-vagrant | theme-postmark Original |
theme-original |

Common use cases

Render documentation

Documentation is generated in default output folder, then run your HTTP server in that folder.
compodoc -p src/tsconfig.json

Render documentation while providing source folder

compodoc src -p src/tsconfig.json

Serve generated documentation with compodoc

Documentation was generated in default output folder or a specific one, the local HTTP server is launched at http://localhost:8080
compodoc -s


compodoc -s -d ./doc

Render documentation, and serve it with compodoc

Documentation is generated in default output folder, and a local HTTP server is available at http://localhost:8080
compodoc -p src/tsconfig.json -s

Styling the documentation

compodoc -p src/tsconfig.json -y your_theme_styles/

Inside your folder you need to provide at least a style.css file with these 5 imports as below.
@import "./reset.css";
@import "./bootstrap.min.css";
@import "./bootstrap-card.css";
@import "./font-awesome.min.css";
@import "./compodoc.css";

Compodoc use bootstrap 3.3.7. You can customize Compodoc easily. can be a good starting point. If you want to override the default theme, just provide a bootstrap.min.css file, and it will override the default one.
└── your_theme_styles/
    ├── style.css // the main css file with default imports
    └── bootstrap.min.css // your bootstrap theme

Documentation of each component

A comment description in xxx.component.ts file, between JSDoc comments can be a little short.
Compodoc search for a default file inside the root folder of each component, and add it inside a tab in the component page.
└── my-component/
    ├── my.component.ts
    ├── my.component.spec.ts
    ├── my.component.scss|css
    ├── my.component.html

The live demo as a component documented in that way : TodoMVC Angular Compodoc demo / todo component

Remark for comments

Compodoc use Typescript AST parser and it's internal APIs, so the comments have to be JSDoc comments :
 * Supported comment

These ones are not supported :
 * unsupported comment

  unsupported comment

// unsupported comment

Currently Compodoc only support these JSDoc tags :
  • ``@param <param name>`
  • `@returns`
  • `@example`
  • `@link``

 * @param {string} target  The target to process see {@link Todo}
 * @example
 * This is a good example
 * processTarget('yo')
 * @returns      The processed target number
function processTarget(target:string):number;

For @link you can use this three syntax like JSDoc:
  • for an internal reference

{@link Todo}
[Todo]{@link Todo}
{@link Todo|TodoClass}

  • for an external link

{@link GitHub}

For giving an example on directives, components and pipes decorators, use @example or markdown :
 * Shows all events on a given day. Example usage:
 * ```
 * <mwl-calendar-day-view
 *  [viewDate]="viewDate"
 *  [events]="events">
 * </mwl-calendar-day-view>
 * ```

 * Shows all events on a given day. Example usage:
 * @example
 * <mwl-calendar-day-view
 *  [viewDate]="viewDate"
 *  [events]="events">;
 * </mwl-calendar-day-view>

Remark for routes

Follow the style guide and provide a const of type 'Routes' :
const APP_ROUTES: Routes = [
    { path: 'about', component: AboutComponent },
    { path: '', component: HomeComponent}



Syntax highlighting in markdown files

Compodoc use Marked for markdown parsing and compiling to html. highlight.js has been added for supporting syntax highlighting.
Just use a normal code block in your markdown with correct language : Github help
The integrated languages are : json, bash, javascript, markdown, html, typescript

Excluding files

For excluding files from the documentation, simply use the exports property of tsconfig.json file.


  • handle external markdown files as "functional" documentation
  • watch/recompile feature while serving documentation
  • support for Angular 1.5+ projects written in Typescript
  • x documentation coverage
  • x routes
  • x classes
  • x module(s) page(s) with comments
  • x component(s) page(s) with comments, API, class
  • x directives
  • x injectables
  • x interfaces
  • x pipes



There is a plugin available to run Compodoc with Gulp. You can find it on NPM:


There is a JHipster module available to run Compodoc with JHipster. You can find it on NPM:


Want to file a bug, contribute some code, or improve documentation? Excellent !
Read up on our guidelines for contributing.


vogloblinsky |daniele-zurico|mattlewis92| :---: |:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: |:---: | vogloblinsky |daniele-zurico|mattlewis92


Inspired by stuff from angular2-dependencies-graph, ng-bootstrap
Logo designed using Book vector designed by Freepik


Everything in this repo is MIT License unless otherwise specified.
MIT © 2016 - Vincent Ogloblinsky