
rendering engine from the Dark side of the Force - wip

  • d2k

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3d object builder from the Dark side of the Force

ExamplesGetting StartedSyntaxAPITips3d objectsDisclaimerLicenseSupportContributors
i am also working on a rendering engine (src/rendering-engine) but i am start from scratch so let me know if you want to contribute.

Problems ##

  • DRY (do not repeat yourself)

Solutions ##

  • automate 3d object creating
  • automate scene composing
  • support GLSL x THREE x BABYLON
  • support layerization (experimental experience)

Examples ##

hello world (glsl) - hello world (three.js) - hello world (babylon.js) - layerization - hello world (babylon.js x three.js) - layerization - virtual joystick (babylon.js x three.js)
hello world (glsl) - hello world (three.js) - hello world (babylon.js) - layerization - hello world (babylon.js x three.js) - layerization - virtual joystick (babylon.js x three.js)

Getting Started ##

before you start be sure that your project include three.js and / or babylon.js, once it's good for you, you can install d2k using your shell.
npm i d2k

yarn add d2k

https://rawcdn.githack.com/monsieurbadia/d2k.js/build/d2k.js - production https://raw.githack.com/monsieurbadia/d2k.js/master/build/d2k.js - development
then import d2k:
import d2k from 'd2k';

<script src="./src/d2k.js">

Syntax ##

you are able to create 3d object from THREE or BABYLON following a unique syntax. code snippets below compare the syntaxes using by those librairies and d2k.
  • create a scene

you can also to chain methods to compose a scene step by step. for your information, a scene can be created from a JSON config file and must respect the following format below.
glsl config format - babylon.js config format - three.js config format
#### using glsl
use GPU through shader with GLSL
```js const GLSLstarter = d2k
.onstarter( { canvas: 'myCanvasId', glsl: true } )
.use( THREE )
.withShader( /*  ... */ )
#### using babylon.js
create a scene from the primitives of BABYLON
```js var BABYLONstarter = d2k
.onstarter( { canvas: 'myCanvasId' } )
.use( BABYLON )
.withEngine( /* ... */ )
.withScene( /* ... */ )
.withLight( /* ... */ )
.withMesh( /* ... */ )
.composify( /* ... */ )
#### using three.js
create a scene from the primitives of THREE
```js var THREEstarter = d2k
.onstarter( { canvas: 'myCanvasId' } )
.use( THREE )
.withCamera( /* ... */ )
.withMesh( /* ... */ )
.withRenderer( /* ... */ )
.withLight( /* ... */ )
.withLoader( /* ... */ )
.withScene( /* ... */ )
.composify( /* ... */ )
  • create 3d object

#### scene
```js // babylon.js var scene = new BABYLON.Scene();
// three.js var scene = new THREE.Scene();
// d2k.js .withScene( { name: 'mySceneName' } ); ```
#### camera
```js // babylon.js var camera = new THREE.FreeCamera( / ... / );
// three.js var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( / ... / );
// d2k.js .withCamera( { name: 'myCameraName' } ); ```
#### engine - renderer
```js // babylon.js var engine = new BABYLON.Engine( / ... / );
// three.js var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( / ... / );
// d2k.js .withRenderer( { name: 'myRendererName' } ); ```
#### mesh
```js // babylon.js var mesh = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.createBox( / ... / );
// three.js var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( / ... / );
// d2k.js .withMesh( { name: 'myMeshNameName' } ); ```
#### light
```js // babylon.js var pointLight = new BABYLON.PointLight( / ... / );
// three.js var pointLight = new THREE.PointLight( / ... / );
// d2k.js .withLight( { name: 'myLightName' } ); ```
#### loader
```js // babylon.js var assetsManager = new BABYLON.AssetsManager( / ... / );
// three.js var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader( / ... / );
// d2k.js .withLoader( { name: 'myLoaderName' } ); ```
  • create 3d object with parameters

#### scene
```js // babylon.js var canvas = document.getElementById( 'myCanvasId' ); var engine = new BABYLON.Engine( canvas, true ); var scene = new BABYLON.Scene( engine ); var color = new BABYLON.Color3.Blue();
scene.clearColor = color scene.fogMode = BABYLON.Scene.FOGMODEEXP; scene.fogColor = color;
// three.js var name = 'mySceneName'; var scene = new THREE.Scene(); var color = 0x0000ff; var near = 10; var far = 100;
scene.background = new THREE.Color( color ); scene.fog = new THREE.Fog( color, near, far );
// d2k.js .withScene( {
name: 'mySceneName',
config: {
  fog: '0x0000ff 10 100',
  background: '0x0000ff'
} ); ```
#### camera
```js // babylon.js var name = 'myCameraName'; var x = 0; var y = 10; var z = 20; var position = new BABYLON.Vector3( x, y, z ); var camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera( name, position, null );
// three.js var name = 'myCameraName'; var fov = 45; var aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight; var near = 0.1; var far = 100; var position = 0, 10, 20
; var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, near, far );
camera.name = name; camera.position.fromArray( position );
// d2k.js .withCamera( {
name: 'myCameraName',
config: {
  args: [ 45, 2, 0.1, 100 ],
  position: [ 0, 10, 20 ]
} ); ```
#### engine - renderer
```js // babylon.js var canvas = document.getElementById( 'myCanvasId' ); var width = window.innerWidth; var height = window.innerHeight; var engine = new BABYLON.Engine( canvas, true );
engine.setSize( width, height );
// three.js var canvas = document.getElementById( 'myCanvasId' ); var width = window.innerWidth; var height = window.innerHeight; var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true, canvas } );
renderer.setSize( width, height );
// d2k.js .withRenderer( {
name: 'myRendererName',
config: {
  size: [ window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ]
} ); ```
#### mesh
```js // babylon.js var name = 'myMeshName'; var options = { size: 1 }; var mesh = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( name, options, null );
mesh.position.set( 0, 20, 0 );
// three.js var width = 1; var height = 1; var depth = 1; var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( width, height, depth ); var material = new THREE.StandardMaterial(); var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
mesh.position.set( 0, 20, 0 );
// d2k.js .withMesh( {
name: 'myMeshName',
config: {
  geometry: {
    args: [ 1, 1, 1 ],
    type: 'box-buffer'
  material: {
    type: 'standard'
  position: [ 0, 20, 0 ]
} ); ```
#### light
```js // babylon.js var name = 'myLightName'; var x = 0; var y = 4; var z = 0; var position = new BABYLON.Vector3( x, y, z ); var light = new BABYLON.PointLight( name, new BABYLON.Vector3( x, y, z ), null );
// three.js var name = 'myLightName'; var color = 0x0000ff; var intensity = 1; var distance = 100; var light = new THREE.PointLight( color, intensify, distance );
light.name = name; light.position.set( 0, 4, 0 );
// d2k.js .withLight( {
name: 'myLightName',
config: {
  args: [ '0x0000ff 1 100' ],
  position: [ 0, 4, 0 ]
} ); ```
#### loader
```js // babylon.js var canvas = document.getElementById( 'myCanvasId' ); var engine = new BABYLON.Engine( canvas, true ); var scene = new BABYLON.Scene( engine ); var assetsManager = new BABYLON.AssetsManager( scene ); var name = 'myLoaderName'; var url = 'my-texture-path/my-texture-name.jpg'; var loader = assetsManager.addTextureTask( name, url );
// three.js var name = 'myLoaderName'; var url = 'my-texture-path/my-texture-name.jpg'; var loader = new THREE.TextureLoader( url );
loader.name = 'myLoaderName';
// d2k.js .withLoader( {
name: 'myLoaderName'
config: {
  args: [ {
    url: 'my-texture-path/my-texture-name.jpg'
  } ]
  type: 'texture'
} ); ```


.onstarter( init )

initialize a scene from an init object pass in parameter. to create a scene .onstarter() has to be called first.
##### usage
##### params
init { Object }: initialize a starter.
returns { Object }: collection of methods.
##### example
```js var starter = d2k
.onstarter( {
  canvas: 'myCanvasId',
  glsl: false
} );


define the current RENDERING_ENGINE wich will be used to create primitives. .use() has to been calls just after the .onstarter() method.
##### usage
##### params
RENDERING_ENGINE { Object }: the current rendering engine.
returns { Object }: collection of methods.
##### example
```js var starter = d2k
.onstarter( /* ... */ )
.use( THREE );

.withCamera( config )

create a camera from an config object pass in parameter.
##### usage
##### params
config { Object }: definition of the configuration of a camera.
returns { Object }: collection of methods.
##### example
```js var starter = d2k
.onstarter( /* ... */ )
.use( /* ... */ )
.withCamera( {
  name: 'myCameraName',
  config: {
    args: [ 75, null, 0.1, 1000 ],
    position: [ 0, 0, 100 ],
    rotation: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
    scale: [ 1, 1, 1 ],
    type: 'perspective'
} );

.withEngine( config )

define an engine from a config object passed as a parameter.
##### usage
##### params
config { Object }: a engine config.
returns { Object }: collection of methods.
##### example
```js var starter = d2k.onstarter( / ... / )
.use( BABYLON )
.withEngine( { name: 'myEngineName' } );

.withMesh( config )

create a mesh from an config object pass in parameter.
##### usage
##### params
config { Object }: a mesh config.
returns { Object }: collection of methods.
##### example
```js var starter = d2k.onstarter( / ... / )
.use( /* ... */ )
.withMesh( {
  name: 'myMeshName',
  config: {
    position: [ -20, 0, 0 ],
    geometry: {
      args: [ 20, 20, 20 ],
      type: 'box-buffer'
    material: {
      args: { 'transparent': true },
      type: 'mesh-normal'
} );

.withLight( config )

create a light from a config object pass in parameter.
##### usage
##### params
config { Object }: a light config.
returns { Object }: collection of methods.
##### example
```js var starter = d2k.onstarter( / ... / )
.use( /* ... */ )
.withLight( {
  name: 'myLightName',
  config: {
    args: [ '0xf1f5bb' ],
    position: [ 0, 1, 30 ],
    type: 'directional'
} );

.withLoader( config )

load a texture | object from a config object to pass in parameter.
##### usage
##### params
config { Object }: a loader config.
returns { Object }: collection of methods.
##### example
```js var starter = d2k.onstarter( / ... / )
.use( THREE )
.withLoader( {
  name: 'myLightName',
  config: {
    args: [ '0xf1f5bb' ],
    position: [ 0, 1, 30 ],
    type: 'directional'
} );

.withRenderer( config )

create a renderer from a config object pass parameter.
##### usage
##### params
config { Object }: a renderer config.
returns { Object }: collection of methods.
##### example
```js var starter = d2k.onstarter( / ... / )
.use( /* ... */ )
.withRenderer( {
  name: 'myRendererName',
  config: {
    antialias: true,
    autoClear: true,
    pixelRatio: null,
    size: [],
    type: "webgl"
} );

.withScene( config )

compose a scene from a config object pass in parameter.
##### usage
##### params
config { Object }: a scene config.
returns { Object }: collection of methods.
##### example
```js var starter = d2k.onstarter( / ... / )
.use( /* ... */ )
.withScene( { name: 'mySceneName' } );

.withShader( config )

create shader from a config object pass in parameter.
##### usage
##### params
config { Object }: a shader config.
returns { Object }: collection of methods.
##### example
```js var starter = d2k.onstarter( / ... / )
.use( THREE )
.withShader( {
  name: 'myShaderName',
  config : {
    vertexShader: `
      void main () {
        gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0);
    fragmentShader: `
      uniform vec2 resolution;
      uniform float time;

      void main () {
        vec2 st = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;
        gl_FragColor = vec4(st.x, st.y, 0.0, 1.0);
} );

.onrender( TARGET: THREEstarter, SOURCE?: BABYLONstarter )

create a scene from a TARGET and a SOURCE pass in parameters. note: this method will get two different starter to merge them and display the two scenes through a single canvas. be careful, this part is still experimental.
##### usage
##### params
TARGET { Object }: a THREEstarter starter.
SOURCE { Object }: a BABYLONstarter starter.
returns { Object }: a renderer.
##### example
```js // babylon.js BABYLONstarter.renderer.onrender( {
engine: BABYLONstarter.engine.myEngineName
scene: BABYLONstarter.scene.mySceneName
} ); ```
```js // three.js THREEstarter.renderer.onrender( {
renderer: THREEstarter.renderer,
scene: THREEstarter.scene.main,
camera: THREEstarter.camera.main
} ); ```
```js // layerization (three.js x babylon.js) d2k.onrender( {
renderer: THREEstarter.renderer.current,
scene: THREEstarter.scene.mySceneName,
camera: THREEstarter.camera.current
}, {
engine: BABYLONstarter.engine.current,
scene: BABYLONstarter.scene.mySceneName
} ); ```

.composify( config )

composition of the scene to be displayed. This method allows you to compose a scene step by step.
##### usage
##### params
config { Object }: a composify config.
returns { Object }: a renderer.
##### example
```js var starter = d2k.composify( {
config: {
  start: true,
  scene: {
    main: 'mySceneName',
  mesh: [ {
    name: 'myMeshName',
    parent: 'main'
  } ],
  camera: {
    main: 'myCameraName',
  renderer: 'myRendererName'
} ); ```


return a starter object that contains a collection of 3d objects.
note: .value() can be called at any time during the creation step with.

##### usage
##### params
no params
{ Object }: a starter collection.
##### example
```js var starter = d2k
.onstarter( /* ... */ )
.use( /* ... */ )
.withCamera( /* ... */ )


contains a collection of 3d objects you have created and some methods.


mesh light camera hold events which are called in specific contexts onrender onloader onresize.
##### onloader
```js // data starter.mesh.myMeshName.onloader( function ( data ) { / ... / } ); ```
##### onrender
```js // update starter.mesh.myMeshName.onrender( function ( timer ) { / ... / } ); ```
##### onresize
```js // resize starter.mesh.myMeshName.onresize( function ( size ) { / ... / } ); ```


  • create a scene - fetch

#### from glsl
```js fetch( 'https://mydomain.com/v0/my/scene/config/endpoint' )
.then( function ( response ) { return response.json(); } )
.then( function ( data ) {

  var scene = data.scene;
  var starter = d2k
    .onstarter( scene.init )
    .use( THREE )
    .withShader( scene.shader )

} );
#### from babylon.js
```js fetch( 'https://mydomain.com/v0/my/scene/config/endpoint' )
.then( function ( response ) { return response.json(); } )
.then( function ( data ) {

  var scene = data.scene;
  var starter = d2k
    .onstarter( { canvas: 'myCanvasId' } )
    .use( BABYLON )
    .withEngine( scene.engine )
    .withScene( scene.scene )
    .withCamera( scene.camera )
    .withLight( scene.light )
    .withMesh( scene.mesh )

} );
#### from three.js
```js fetch( 'https://mydomain.com/v0/my/scene/config/endpoint' )
.then( function ( response ) { return response.json(); )
.then( function ( data ) {

  var scene = data.scene;
  var starter = d2k
    .onstarter( { canvas: 'myCanvasId' } )
    .use( THREE )
    .withCamera( scene.camera )
    .withRenderer( scene.renderer )
    .withMesh( scene.mesh )
    .withLight( scene.light )
    .withScene( scene.scene )

} );

3d objects

3d objects | babylon.js | three.js | ------------------|------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------| audio | | | camera | | | font | | | geometry | | | group | | | light | | | loader | | | material | | | mesh | | | renderer | | | scene | | |


I am not a developer, I am a normal guy who carries programming in his heart and wants to contribute to open source and help the 3d community. for now, this project is just an experimental version of an idea I had in mind. But my idea will evolve through this project so my design errors will disappear as long as i progress. changes will be coming for everyone's comfort, I hope. triforce!



Copyright ©️ 2020 monsieurbadia
Released under the MIT


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