
This cache files in folders

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1.0.38 years ago8 years agoMinified + gzip package size for dir_cache in KB



This module is needed for caching data. It can search for files with certain extension in folders. Collect file contents or contents could be through a flaw require function. Also caches template files swigJs.


npm install utils-igor


var dirCache = require('./index');
var async = require('async');
var ut = require('util');


        (done) => {
            console.log('Test scan all file in folder');
            dirCache.scan({dirs : 'for-example/views1'}, (e, scan) => {

                if (e) {
                    console.log('Error initail', e);
                    return done();

                scan.run((e, res) => {
                    console.log('err ', e);
                    console.log('res ', ut.inspect(res, false,  null));
            }) ;

        (done)  => {
            console.log('Test read two folders. Get only html files');
                dirs : ['for-example/views1', 'for-example/views'],
                exts : ['.html']
            }, (e, scan) => {

                if (e) {
                    console.log('Error initail', e);
                    return done();

                scan.run((e, res) => {
                    console.log('err ', e);
                    console.log('res ', ut.inspect(res, false,  null));
            }) ;


        (done)  => {
            console.log('Test get files for swig');
                dirs : 'for-example/views1',
                exts : '.html'
            }, (e, scan) => {

                if (e) {
                    console.log('Error initail', e);
                    return done();

                scan.run((e, res) => {
                    console.log('err ', e);
                    console.log('res ', ut.inspect(res, false,  null));
            }) ;


        (done) => {
            console.log('Test get files for required js, json and call exporst if is function');
                dirs : 'for-example/controllers'
            }, (e, scan) => {

                if (e) {
                    console.log('Error initail', e);
                    return done();

                scan.run((e, res) => {
                    console.log('err ', e);
                    console.log('res ', ut.inspect(res, false,  null));
            }) ;


    (done) => {
        console.log('Test get files for required js');
            dirs : 'for-example/controllers',
            isCall : false,
            exts : '.js'
        }, (e, scan) => {

            if (e) {
                console.log('Error initail', e);
                return done();

            scan.run((e, res) => {
                console.log('err ', e);
                console.log('res ', ut.inspect(res, false,  null));
        }) ;


    (done) => {
        console.log('Test get files for required js with call with a specified method');
            dirs : 'for-example/controllers',
            isCall : false,
            call : 'init',
            exts : '.js'
        }, (e, scan) => {

            if (e) {
                console.log('Error initail', e);
                return done();

            scan.run((e, res) => {
                console.log('err ', e);
                console.log('res ', ut.inspect(res, false,  null));
        }) ;


], function (e) {
    console.log('The end :)');

* [module.exports](#exp_module_cacheDir--module.exports) : <code>Object</code> ⏏
    * [~Frame](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Frame)
        * [.err(mess)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Frame+err) ⇒ <code>Object</code>
        * [.warn(mess, that)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Frame+warn)
    * [~Scan](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Scan)
        * [new Scan(options, cb)](#new_module_cacheDir--module.exports..Scan_new)
        * [.valid(options)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Scan+valid)
        * [.beforeValid(options)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Scan+beforeValid) ⇒ <code>Object</code>
        * [.iterValid(options, k, v)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Scan+iterValid) ⇒ <code>boolean</code>
        * [.isCorrectExt(file)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Scan+isCorrectExt) ⇒ <code>boolean</code>
        * [.isAll()](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Scan+isAll) ⇒ <code>boolean</code>
        * [.run(cb)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Scan+run) ⇒ <code>\*</code>
    * [~Swig](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Swig)
        * [.run(cb)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Swig+run)
        * [.fileGet(dir, file, endFile)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Swig+fileGet)
        * [.fileToRes(pathFile, dir, file, data, cb)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Swig+fileToRes)
        * [.dataToRes(pathFile, dir, {Stringfile, {Stringdata, cb)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Swig+dataToRes) ⇒ <code>\*</code>
        * [.oneLineBreak(data)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Swig+oneLineBreak) ⇒ <code>string</code> | <code>XML</code> | <code>\*</code> | <code>void</code>
    * [~Reader](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Reader)
        * [.fileToRes(pathFile, dir, file, data, endFile)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Reader+fileToRes)
    * [~Reuired](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Reuired)
        * [.beforeValid(options)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Reuired+beforeValid) ⇒ <code>Object</code>
        * [.fileGet(dir, file, endFile)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Reuired+fileGet) ⇒ <code>\*</code>
    * [~Cache](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Cache)

module.exports : Object

Exports classes
Kind: Exported member


It is a frame for other classes
Kind: inner class of module.exports
* [.err(mess)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Frame+err) ⇒ <code>Object</code>
* [.warn(mess, that)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Frame+warn)
frame.err(mess) ⇒ Object
Return error object and set flag for stop process
Kind: instance method of Frame
| Param | | --- | | mess |
frame.warn(mess, that)
Get text for message
Kind: instance method of Frame
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | mess | String | | that | Class |


Search files in folders
Kind: inner class of module.exports
* [new Scan(options, cb)](#new_module_cacheDir--module.exports..Scan_new)
* [.valid(options)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Scan+valid)
* [.beforeValid(options)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Scan+beforeValid) ⇒ <code>Object</code>
* [.iterValid(options, k, v)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Scan+iterValid) ⇒ <code>boolean</code>
* [.isCorrectExt(file)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Scan+isCorrectExt) ⇒ <code>boolean</code>
* [.isAll()](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Scan+isAll) ⇒ <code>boolean</code>
* [.run(cb)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Scan+run) ⇒ <code>\*</code>
new Scan(options, cb)
Set option to class and run callback
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | options | object | | cb | function |
Validates options
Kind: instance method of Scan
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | options | Object |
scan.beforeValid(options) ⇒ Object
Hook before validates options
Kind: instance method of Scan
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | options | Object |
scan.iterValid(options, k, v) ⇒ boolean
Hook for iter validates options
Kind: instance method of Scan
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | options | Object | | k | String | | v | String |
scan.isCorrectExt(file) ⇒ boolean
Check extension file
Kind: instance method of Scan
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | file | String |
scan.isAll() ⇒ boolean
Check use all extension
Kind: instance method of Scan
scan.run(cb) ⇒ \*
Start search process
Kind: instance method of Scan
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | cb | function |


Get text swig template files and jon partial
Kind: inner class of module.exports
* [.run(cb)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Swig+run)
* [.fileGet(dir, file, endFile)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Swig+fileGet)
* [.fileToRes(pathFile, dir, file, data, cb)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Swig+fileToRes)
* [.dataToRes(pathFile, dir, {Stringfile, {Stringdata, cb)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Swig+dataToRes) ⇒ <code>\*</code>
* [.oneLineBreak(data)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Swig+oneLineBreak) ⇒ <code>string</code> | <code>XML</code> | <code>\*</code> | <code>void</code>
Start collected process
Kind: instance method of Swig
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | cb | function |
swig.fileGet(dir, file, endFile)
Get text files
Kind: instance method of Swig
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | dir | String | | file | String | | endFile | function |
swig.fileToRes(pathFile, dir, file, data, cb)
Write text to result
Kind: instance method of Swig
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | pathFile | String | | dir | String | | file | String | | data | String | | cb | function |
swig.dataToRes(pathFile, dir, {Stringfile, {Stringdata, cb) ⇒ \*
Write data to result
Kind: instance method of Swig
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | pathFile | String | | dir | String | | {Stringfile | | | {Stringdata | | | cb | function |
swig.oneLineBreak(data) ⇒ string | XML | \* | void
Clears data from the extra line breaks
Kind: instance method of Swig
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | data | String |


Get text any files
Kind: inner class of module.exports
reader.fileToRes(pathFile, dir, file, data, endFile)
Write text to result
Kind: instance method of Reader
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | pathFile | String | | dir | String | | file | String | | data | String | | endFile | function |


Get files via function require
Kind: inner class of module.exports
* [.beforeValid(options)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Reuired+beforeValid) ⇒ <code>Object</code>
* [.fileGet(dir, file, endFile)](#module_cacheDir--module.exports..Reuired+fileGet) ⇒ <code>\*</code>
reuired.beforeValid(options) ⇒ Object
Overwrite before valid
Kind: instance method of Reuired
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | options | String |
reuired.fileGet(dir, file, endFile) ⇒ \*
Overwrite fileGet
Kind: instance method of Reuired
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | dir | String | | file | String | | endFile | function |


Create object for saving data
Kind: inner class of module.exports