
Basic IP rate-limiting middleware for Express. Use to limit repeated requests to public APIs and/or endpoints such as password reset.

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Basic rate-limiting middleware for Express. Use to limit repeated requests to public APIs and/or endpoints such as password reset. Plays nice with express-slow-down and ratelimit-header-parser.


The full documentation is available on-line.
import { rateLimit } from 'express-rate-limit'

const limiter = rateLimit({
	windowMs: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes
	limit: 100, // Limit each IP to 100 requests per `window` (here, per 15 minutes).
	standardHeaders: 'draft-7', // draft-6: `RateLimit-*` headers; draft-7: combined `RateLimit` header
	legacyHeaders: false, // Disable the `X-RateLimit-*` headers.
	// store: ... , // Redis, Memcached, etc. See below.

// Apply the rate limiting middleware to all requests.

Data Stores

The rate limiter comes with a built-in memory store, and supports a variety of external data stores.


All function options may be async. Click the name for additional info and default values.
| Option | Type | Remarks | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | windowMs | number | How long to remember requests for, in milliseconds. | | limit | number \| function | How many requests to allow. | | message | string \| json \| function | Response to return after limit is reached. | | statusCode | number | HTTP status code after limit is reached (default is 429). | | legacyHeaders | boolean | Enable the X-Rate-Limit header. | | standardHeaders | 'draft-6' \| 'draft-7' | Enable the Ratelimit header. | | requestPropertyName | string | Add rate limit info to the req object. | | skipFailedRequests | boolean | Uncount 4xx/5xx responses. | | skipSuccessfulRequests | boolean | Uncount 1xx/2xx/3xx responses. | | keyGenerator | function | Identify users (defaults to IP address). | | handler | function | Function to run after limit is reached (overrides message and statusCode settings, if set). | | skip | function | Return true to bypass the limiter for the given request. | | requestWasSuccessful | function | Used by skipFailedRequests and skipSuccessfulRequests. | | validate | boolean \| object | Enable or disable built-in validation checks. | | store | Store | Use a custom store to share hit counts across multiple nodes. |

Thank You

Sponsored by Zuplo a fully-managed API Gateway for developers. Add dynamic rate-limiting, authentication and more to any API in minutes. Learn more at
Thanks to Mintlify for hosting the documentation at

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Finally, thank you to everyone who's contributed to this project in any way! 🫶

Issues and Contributing

If you encounter a bug or want to see something added/changed, please go ahead and open an issue! If you need help with something, feel free to start a discussion!
If you wish to contribute to the library, thanks! First, please read the contributing guide. Then you can pick up any issue and fix/implement it!


MIT © Nathan Friedly, Vedant K