
File storage to disk, with optional handlers to redirect storage

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522.0.12 years ago11 years agoMinified + gzip package size for file-manager in KB


This simple module is designed to be an abstraction for file storage. By default, it saves files to disk in a specified directory, but it can easily be overridden to save files to anywhere you want, e.g. a database.


  • storageDirectory - The directory on the local disk where files will be stored. Use null to disable local disk storage.
```js const FileManager = require('file-manager'); const Path = require('path'); let manager = new FileManager(Path.join(dirname, 'data')); ```


Returns true if either a storage directory is set, or if save and read handlers have been registered.

saveFile(filename, contents)

  • filename - Obvious
  • contents - Either a Buffer, or some other value that will have .toString() called on it, then it will be converted to a Buffer by interpreting the string as UTF-8
Saves a file. Returns a Promise that will be fulfilled once the file is saved, or rejected if there's an error. Alias: writeFile


  • files - An object where keys are filenames and values are file contents
Saves multiple files. Returns a Promise that will be fulfilled once all files are saved, or rejected if there's an error saving any file Alias: writeFiles


  • filename - Obvious
Reads a single file. Returns a Promise that fulfills to its content, as a Buffer. Rejects if there's an error or the file doesn't exist.


  • filenames - Array of filenames
Reads multiple files. Returns a Promise that fulfills to an array containing objects of this structure:
  • filename - The name of this file
  • contents - The content of this file, if reading succeeded
  • error - An Error object, if there was an error reading this file (e.g. it doesn't exist)
This function can never reject.


You can register your own save/read handlers by attaching event listeners.


  • filename - The filename of the file we want to read
  • callback - A function you should call once this file's contents are available, or an error occurred
- `err` - An `Error` object if there was an error reading this file (e.g. it doesn't exist). `null` if no error.
- `contents` - A `Buffer` containing the file's content, if reading succeeded
Emitted when a file is requested to be read.


  • filename - The filename of the file we want to save
  • contents - The content we want to save to this file, as a Buffer
  • callback - A function you should call once this file has been saved, or an error occurred
- `err` - An `Error` object if there was an error saving this file. `null` if no error.
Emitted when a file is requested to be saved.



The local disk storage directory location can be changed at any time by assigning to the directory property.