
Utility functions shared by react-highlight-words and react-native-highlight-words

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Utility functions shared by react-highlight-words and react-native-highlight-words.


The primary API for this package is a function exported as findAll. This method searches a string of text for a set of search terms and returns an array of "chunks" that describe the matches found.
Each "chunk" is an object consisting of a pair of indices (chunk.start and chunk.end) and a boolean specfifying whether the chunk is a match (chunk.highlight). For example:
import { findAll } from "highlight-words-core";

const textToHighlight = "This is some text to highlight.";
const searchWords = ["This", "i"];

const chunks = findAll({

const highlightedText = chunks
  .map(chunk => {
    const { end, highlight, start } = chunk;
    const text = textToHighlight.substr(start, end - start);
    if (highlight) {
      return `<mark>${text}</mark>`;
    } else {
      return text;

Run this example on Code Sandbox.


The findAll function accepts several parameters, although only the searchWords array and textToHighlight string are required.
| Parameter | Required? | Type | Description | | --- | :---: | --- | --- | | autoEscape | | boolean | Escape special regular expression characters | | caseSensitive | | boolean | Search should be case sensitive | | findChunks | | Function | Custom find function (advanced) | | sanitize | | Function | Custom sanitize function (advanced) | | searchWords | ✅ | Array<string> | Array of words to search for | | textToHighlight | ✅ | string | Text to search and highlight |


MIT License - fork, modify and use however you want.