
Image Quantization Library in **TypeScript** *(MIT Licensed)*

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Complete Image Quantization Library in TypeScript (MIT License)
Demo (outdated, use /packages/demo for up-to-date demo) GitHub NPM API) NPM License

Table of Contents


Image Color Number Reduction with alpha support using RGBQuant/NeuQuant/Xiaolin Wu's algorithms and Euclidean/Manhattan/CIEDE2000 color distance formulas in TypeScript


  1. Platforms supported
- Browser (Chrome 7.0+, FireFox 4.0+, IE 10+, Opera 11.6+, Safari 5.1+)
- Node.js 6.0+
  1. API
- Basic API: sync and promise-based async
- Advanced API: sync and generator-based
  1. Builds
- `dist/cjs/image-q.js` - CommonJS
- `dist/esm/image-q.js` - ESM (ESNext)
- `dist/cjs/image-q.js` - UMD
  1. Import
- `HTMLImageElement`
- `HTMLCanvasElement`
- `NodeCanvas`
- `ImageData`
- `Array`
- `CanvasPixelArray`
- `Uint8Array`
- `Uint32Array`
  1. Color Distance
- `Euclidean` - 1/1/1/1 coefficients (originally used in Xiaolin Wu's Quantizer **WuQuant**)
- `EuclideanBT709NoAlpha` - BT.709 sRGB coefficients (originally used in **RGBQuant**)
- `EuclideanBT709` BT.709 sRGB coefficients + alpha support
- `Manhattan` - 1/1/1/1 coefficients (originally used in **NeuQuant**)
- `ManhattanBT709` - BT.709 sRGB coefficients
- `ManhattanNommyde` - see
- `CIEDE2000` - CIEDE2000 (very slow)
- `CIE94Textiles` - CIE94 implementation for textiles
- `CIE94GraphicArts` - CIE94 implementation for graphic arts
- `CMetric` - see
- `PNGQuant` - used in pngQuant tool
  1. Palette Quantizers
- `NeuQuant` (original code ported, integer calculations)
- `NeuQuantFloat` (floating-point calculations)
- `RGBQuant`
- `WuQuant`
  1. Image Quantizers
- `NearestColor`
- `ErrorDiffusionArray` - two modes of error propagation are supported: `xnview` and `gimp`
  1. `FloydSteinberg`
  2. `FalseFloydSteinberg`
  3. `Stucki`
  4. `Atkinson`
  5. `Jarvis`
  6. `Burkes`
  7. `Sierra`
  8. `TwoSierra`
  9. `SierraLite`
- `ErrorDiffusionRiemersma` - Hilbert space-filling curve is used
  1. Output
- `Uint32Array`
- `Uint8Array`

Include image-q library into your project

ES6 module
// will import ESM (ESNext) or UMD version depending on your bundler/node
import * as iq from 'image-q';
var iq = require('image-q');
As a global variable (Browser)
  src="<path-to image-q/dist/umd/image-q.js>"

How to use

Please refer to API Documentation and Usage

Breaking changes


+ PaletteQuantizer#quantize => PaletteQuantizer#quantizeSync
+ ImageQuantizer#quantize => ImageQuantizer#quantizeSync

2.0.1 - 2.0.4 (2018-02-22)

+ EuclideanRgbQuantWOAlpha => EuclideanBT709NoAlpha
+ EuclideanRgbQuantWithAlpha => EuclideanBT709
	+ ManhattanSRGB => ManhattanBT709
	+ IImageDitherer => AbstractImageQuantizer
	+ IPaletteQuantizer => AbstractPaletteQuantizer
	+ PointContainer.fromNodeCanvas => PointContainer.fromHTMLCanvasElement
	+ PointContainer.fromArray => PointContainer.fromUint8Array
+ PointContainer.fromBuffer (Node.js, new)
	+ CMETRIC => CMetric
	+ SSIM Class => ssim function


  1. notification about progress
  2. riemersma dithering
  3. ordered dithering <-- is there anyone who needs it?
  4. readme update, more examples
  5. demo update (latest image-q npm version should be used in demo)


+ Test cases for different types of imports and requres added
+ Try to solve exported bundle types problem. 'umd' bundle removed.
+ Test case for issue #95 added
+ Fixes #96: Fix minimumColorDistanceToDither (PR #97 by @pixelplanetdev)
+ Fixes #95: "Always empty result in certain webpack / babel configs" (PR #98)
+ Fixes issue "Module not found: Can't resolve 'core-js/fn/set-immediate' in ..."
+ pnpm monorepo, esbuild for faster builds, typescript upgraded
+ Basic (Simple) API implemented
+ see breaking changes
2.0.5 (2018-02-23)
+ @types/node moved to 'dependencies'
2.0.4 (2018-02-23)
+ documentation added
+ some refactorings/renames, see breaking changes
2.0.3 (2018-02-22)
+ circular dependency removed
2.0.2 (2018-02-22)
+ readme updated
2.0.1 (2018-02-22)
+ progress tracking api (using es6 generators) added
+ strinct lint rules (+code cleanup/renames)
+ rollup (3 different versions - umd, cjs, esm + source maps + d.ts)
+ latest TypeScript
+ jest
+ snapshot tests
+ coverage (+coveralls)
+ greenkeeper
1.1.1 (2016-08-28)
+ CIEDE2000 - incorrect calculation fixed
+ CIEDE2000 - alpha channel now has only 25% impact on color distance instead of 66%
+ CIE94 - added 2 types (textiles and graphics art) according to spec
+ CIE94 - alpha support added
+ rgb2xyz, lab2xyz, xyz2rgb, xyz2lab - gamma correction
+ lab2xyz, xyz2lab - refY should be 100 (1.00000) instead of 10 (0.10000)
+ manhattan with new (Nommyde) coefficients added
+ mocha tests added
+ webpack integration
+ image-q is now UMD module
+ travis-ci integration
+ typescript 2.0
+ indentation with 4 spaces
0.1.4 (2015-06-24)
+ Refactoring
+ Riemersma dithering added (Hilbert Curve)
+ updated
+ build.cmd updated
0.1.3 (2015-06-16)
+ NeuQuant is fixed (again) according to original Anthony Dekker source code (all values should be integer)
+ Error Diffusion Dithering is now calculates error like XNVIEW
+ Refactoring
0.1.2 (2015-06-16)
+ Documentation generation fixed
+ File name case problem fixed
0.1.1 (2015-06-16)
+ Auto-generated documentation added
+ Refactoring
0.1.0 (2015-06-16)
+ Code cleanup, removed unnecessary files
0.0.5 (2015-06-16)
+ PNGQuant color distance added, need to check its quality
+ CIEDE2000 and CIE94 fixed for use in NeuQuant
+ NeuQuant is fixed according to original Anthony Dekker source code (all values should be integer)
+ Code refactoring and cleanup
* We have some slowdown because of red/green/blue/alpha normalization according to white point per each calculateRaw/calculateNormalized call
0.0.4 (2015-06-15)
+ CIEDE2000 color distance equation optimized (original CIEDE2000 equation is available as class `CIEDE2000_Original`)
0.0.3b (2015-06-11)
+ CMetric color distance fixed
0.0.3a (2015-06-11)
+ Cleanup
+ Draft of CMetric color distance added
0.0.2 (2015-06-10)
+ rgb2xyz & xyz2lab fixed. CIEDE2000 works much better now.
+ CIE94 distance formula added. More investigation is needed.
+ Initial


Thanks to Leon Sorokin for information share and his original RGBQuant!


  • Palette Quantization Algorithms

1. RGBQuant (Leon Sorokin) JavaScript 2. NeuQuant (Johan Nordberg) TypeScript 3. NeuQuant (Tim Oxley) JavaScript 4. NeuQuant (Devon Govett) JavaScript 5. NeuQuant32 (Stuart Coyle) C 6. Xiaolin Wu (Xiaolin Wu) C 7. Xiaolin Wu (Smart-K8) C# 8. Xiaolin Wu w/ Alpha (Matt Wrock) How to add Alpha, Source Code C# 9. MedianCut (mwcz) GPLv3
  • Image Quantization Algorithms

1. All (ImageMagik doc) 2. Error Diffusion dithering (Tanner Helland) 3. Riemersma dithering TODO: Check License 4. Ordered dithering (Joel Yliluoma)
  • Color Distance Formulas

Calculator + Info
1. Euclidean Distance 2. Manhattan Distance 3. CIE94 Distance
- [Source Code (Iulius Curt)](
4. CIEDE2000
- [Math and Test Data Table (PDF)](
- [Info](
- [Source Code (Greg Fiumara)]( `C`
- [Source Code (THEjoezack)]( `C#`
- [Online Calculator](
5. Euclidean Distance w/o Alpha (RGBQuant) 6. Euclidean Distance w/o sRGB coefficients (Xiaolin Wu Quant) 7. Manhattan Distance w/o sRGB coefficients (NeuQuant) 8. CMetric DRAFT!
  • Color conversion formulas

1. Pseudo-code
Be sure to fix rgb2xyz/xyz2lab. Issue is with strange part of code: r = r > 0.04045 ? .... Check

  • Image Quality Assessment

1. SSIM info 2. SSIM (Rhys-e) Java License: MIT 3. PSNR ? TBD 4. MSE ? TBD
  • Other

1. HUSL (Boronine) - info 2. HUSL (Boronine) - code 3. Color Image Quantization for Frame Buffer Display 4. K-Means 5. Efficient Color Quantization by Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms 6.
