
A sonar reporter for jest

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jest-sonar is a custom test reporter for Jest. It converts the generated report into Sonar's Generic Execution format.
CodeQL Maintainability Test Coverage


Using yarn:
$ yarn add -D jest-sonar

Using npm:
$ npm i -D jest-sonar


Configure Jest in your jest.config file and add jest-sonar to the list of reporters.
module.exports = {
    reporters: ['default',  'jest-sonar'],

Customize the reporter

The following options can be set to customize the reporter:
| Option | Environment override | Description | Default | Accepted values | | ---------------- | ----------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- | ------------------------ | | outputDirectory | JESTSONAROUTPUTDIR | The directory to which the report should be written | The projects root dir | string | | outputName | JESTSONAROUTPUTNAME | The name of the report | sonar-report.xml | string | | reportedFilePath | JESTSONARREPORTEDFILEPATH | Should the path be relative or absolute | 'relative' | 'relative' or 'absolute' | | relativeRootDir | JESTSONARRELATIVEROOTDIR | The root directory for the relative path | jest rootDir | string |
You can set these options when defining the reporter in jest.config:
module.exports = {
        reporters: ['default',  ['jest-sonar', {
            outputDirectory: 'my/custom/directory',
            outputName: 'my-new-report-name.xml',
            reportedFilePath: 'absolute'

Or you can override these options via environment variables. Environment variables will always take precedence over options set via jest.config
$ JEST_SONAR_OUTPUT_DIR=./specialDir/ npm run jest


Contribution guidelines for this project
Contributions to this project are welcome, either by submitting bug reports, submitting feature requests or submitting pull requests.

Creating a pull request

  1. Fork the repo on GitHub
  2. Clone and make changes on your machine
  3. Commit and Push the changes to your fork
  4. Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes

NOTE: Be sure to merge the latest change from "upstream" before making a pull request!


This project uses the MIT license.