
a set of utilities to work with JSON / JSON5 documents

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jju - a set of utilities to work with JSON / JSON5 documents
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This module provides following functions:
  1. jju.parse() parses json/json5 text and returns a javascript value it corresponds to
  2. jju.stringify() converts javascript value to an appropriate json/json5 text
  3. jju.tokenize() parses json/json5 text and returns an array of tokens it consists of (see demo)
  4. jju.analyze() parses json/json5 text and tries to guess indentation, quoting style, etc.
  5. jju.update() changes json/json5 text, preserving original formatting as much as possible (see demo)

All functions are able to work with a standard JSON documents. jju.parse() and jju.stringify() are better in some cases, but slower than native JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify() versions. Detailed description see below.

jju.parse() function

 * Main syntax:
 * `text` - text to parse, type: String
 * `options` - parser options, type: Object
jju.parse(text[, options])

// compatibility syntax
jju.parse(text[, reviver])

- reserved\_keys - what to do with reserved keys (String, default="ignore")
- "ignore" - ignore reserved keys
- "throw" - throw SyntaxError in case of reserved keys
- "replace" - replace reserved keys, this is the default JSON.parse behaviour, unsafe

  Reserved keys are keys that exist in an empty object (`hasOwnProperty`, `__proto__`, etc.).
// 'ignore' will cause reserved keys to be ignored:
parse('{hasOwnProperty: 1}', {reserved_keys: 'ignore'}) == {}
parse('{hasOwnProperty: 1, x: 2}', {reserved_keys: 'ignore'}).hasOwnProperty('x') == true

// 'throw' will cause SyntaxError in these cases:
parse('{hasOwnProperty: 1}', {reserved_keys: 'throw'}) == SyntaxError

// 'replace' will replace reserved keys with new ones:
parse('{hasOwnProperty: 1}', {reserved_keys: 'replace'}) == {hasOwnProperty: 1}
parse('{hasOwnProperty: 1, x: 2}', {reserved_keys: 'replace'}).hasOwnProperty('x') == TypeError

- null\_prototype - create object as Object.create(null) instead of '{}' (Boolean)
if `reserved_keys != 'replace'`, default is **false**

if `reserved_keys == 'replace'`, default is **true**

It is usually unsafe and not recommended to change this option to false in the last case.
- reviver - reviver function - Function
This function should follow JSON specification
- mode - operation mode, set it to 'json' if you want to throw on non-strict json files (String)

jju.stringify() function

 * Main syntax:
 * `value` - value to serialize, type: *
 * `options` - serializer options, type: Object
jju.stringify(value[, options])

// compatibility syntax
jju.stringify(value[, replacer [, indent])

- ascii - output ascii only (Boolean, default=false)
If this option is enabled, output will not have any characters except of 0x20-0x7f.
- indent - indentation (String, Number or Boolean, default='\t')
This option follows JSON specification.
- quote - enquoting char (String, "'" or '"', default="'") - quote\_keys - whether keys quoting in objects is required or not (String, default=false)
If you want `{"q": 1}` instead of `{q: 1}`, set it to true.
- sort\_keys - sort all keys while stringifying (Boolean or Function, default=false)
By default sort order will depend on implementation, with v8 it's insertion order. If set to `true`, all keys (but not arrays) will be sorted alphabetically. You can provide your own sorting function as well.
- replacer - replacer function or array (Function or Array)
This option follows JSON specification.
- no\_trailing\_comma = don't output trailing comma (Boolean, default=false)
If this option is set, arrays like this `[1,2,3,]` will never be generated. Otherwise they may be generated for pretty printing.
- mode - operation mode, set it to 'json' if you want correct json in the output (String)
Currently it's either 'json' or something else. If it is 'json', following options are implied:

- options.quote = '"'
- options.no\_trailing\_comma = true
- options.quote\_keys = true
- '\x' literals are not used

jju.tokenize() function

 * Main syntax:
 * `text` - text to tokenize, type: String
 * `options` - parser options, type: Object
jju.tokenize(text[, options])

Options are the same as for the jju.parse function.
Return value is an array of tokens, where each token is an object:
- raw (String) - raw text of this token, if you join all raw's, you will get the original document - type (String) - type of the token, can be whitespace, comment, key, literal, separator or newline - stack (Array) - path to the current token in the syntax tree - value - value of the token if token is a key or literal
You can check tokenizer for yourself using this demo.

jju.analyze() function

 * Main syntax:
 * `text` - text to analyze, type: String
 * `options` - parser options, type: Object
jju.analyze(text[, options])

Options are the same as for the jju.parse function.
Return value is an object defining a programming style in which the document was written.
- indent (String) - preferred indentation - newline (String) - preferred newline - quote (String) - " or ' depending on which quote is preferred - quote\_keys (Boolean) - true if unquoted keys were used at least once - has\_whitespace (Boolean) - true if input has a whitespace token - has\_comments (Boolean) - true if input has a comment token - has\_newlines (Boolean) - true if input has a newline token - has\_trailing\_comma (Boolean) - true if input has at least one trailing comma

jju.update() function

 * Main syntax:
 * `text` - original text, type: String
 * `new_value` - new value you want to set
 * `options` - parser or stringifier options, type: Object
jju.update(text, new_value[, options])

If you want to update a JSON document, here is the general approach:
// here is your original JSON document:
var input = '{"foo": "bar", "baz": 123}'

// you need to parse it first:
var json = jju.parse(input, {mode: 'json'})
// json is { foo: 'bar', baz: 123 }

// then you can change it as you like:
json.foo = 'quux'
json.hello = 'world'

// then you run an update function to change the original json:
var output = jju.update(input, json, {mode: 'json'})
// output is '{"foo": "quux", "baz": 123, "hello": "world"}'

Look at this demo to test various types of json.

Advantages over existing JSON libraries

In a few cases it makes sense to use this module instead of built-in JSON methods.
Parser: - better error reporting with source code and line numbers
In case of syntax error, JSON.parse does not return any good information to the user. This module does:
$ node -e 'require("jju").parse("[1,1,1,1,invalid]")'

SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'i' at 0:9

This module is about 5 times slower, so if user experience matters to you more than performance, use this module. If you're working with a lot of machine-generated data, use JSON.parse instead.
Stringifier: - util.inspect-like pretty printing
This module behaves more smart when dealing with object and arrays, and does not always print newlines in them:
$ node -e 'console.log(require("./").stringify([[,,,],,,[,,,,]], {mode:"json"}))'
        [null, null, null],
        [null, null, null, null]

JSON.stringify will split this into 15 lines, and it's hard to read.
Yet again, this feature comes with a performance hit, so if user experience matters to you more than performance, use this module. If your JSON will be consumed by machines, use JSON.stringify instead.
As a rule of thumb, if you use "space" argument to indent your JSON, you'd better use this module instead.