
Generate free-format text from JSON templates

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0.0.59 years ago9 years agoMinified + gzip package size for json2text in KB



json2text generate free-format text from JSON templates (e.g. HTML generation).
Install package globally:
npm install json2text -g


- ``j2t [EXTENSION]``: compile templates - ``j2n FILE``: generate template stubs from FILE - ``j2f FILE [EXTENSION]`: convers `_text` fields from FILE to `_file`` fields.

How to use example

  1. Define template elements

Create file with ``.j2.node.json` extension (e.g. `elements.j2.node.json``). Include the following text:
		"_name": "list",
		"style": "disc",
		"_text": "<ul style='list-style-type:%%style%%'>\n%%_text%%</ul>"
	}, {
		"_name": "item",
		"_text": "<li> %%_text%% </li>\n"

JSON fields: - ``_name``: node(s) names. - ``_text``: node's templating string. - OPTIONAL: other fileds represent arguments with default values (e.g. ``style``)

  1. Define template layout

Create file with ``.j2.json` extension (e.g. `layout.j2.json``). Include the following text:
	"_node": "list",
	"style": "circle",
	"_child": [
		{"_node": "item", "_child": "list item #1"},
		{"_node": "item", "_child": "list item #2"}

JSON fields: - ``_node``: element name - ``_child``: (string|object|list): node content - OPTIONAL: other fileds represent arguments values (e.g. ``style = circle``)

  1. Compile template

j2t html

This command will search current work directory file-tree for ``.j2.node.json` and `.j2.json` files and would compile `.html` output files (`.out`` by default):
<ul style='list-style-type:circle'>
<li> list item #1 </li>
<li> list item #2 </li>

Features and info

- Each ``.j2.node.json` and `.j2.json`` change leads to output file(s) regeneration - JSON fields starts with ``_ (underscore)` (e.g. `_node`, `_name``) are reserved for json2text future use, don't use them for attributes


- Replace ``fsmonitor``. Updates detection on Mac is reported to be slow. Copy & paste does not detected - Add flag to generate ones and exit - Color console print