
Laravel-Mix helper for projects with complex & multi assets

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<img src="" width="300px" alt="Laravel MultiMix">

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Laravel-Mix helper for projects with complex & multi assets.

🔥 Getting started

Since mix introduced in laravel 5.4 it is recommended to use this package for laravel >= 5.4 projects only.
Install package:
npm install --save-dev laravel-multimix

yarn add --dev laravel-multimix

Open your package.json and replace ugly scrips section with this: ```json {
"scripts": {
"mix": "node node_modules/laravel-multimix/bin/mix"
} ``` Then you can run your tasks with this single command: ```bash
# Usage syntax: npm mix [preset=dev] [package=app]
# Example: run preset hot (with package app)
npm mix hot
# Example: run preset watch on package bootstrap
npm mix watch bootstrap

🎌 Presets

presets are just different sets of flags and envs passed to webpack. They are basically same as default laravel package.json commands. Available Presets
  • dev
  • watch
- args: `--watch`
  • poll
- args: `--watch --watch-poll`
  • hot
- args: `--hot --inline`
- entry: `webpack-dev-server`
  • production
- env: `production`

📦 Packages

Packages are optional and available via MIX_PACKAGE env. It will do nothing by default. But is very useful when using with Utils. The philosophy behind packages is to having separate assets with different build workflow. This makes builds cleaner, faster and more efficient.

💁 Utils

Laravel MultiMix exposes some utils constant and functions.
  • MIXPACKAGE : is same as package name argument
  • NPM : is relative path to node_modules
  • VENDOR : is relative path to resources/assets/vendor
  • output(packagename): generates path to public with this template: public/assets/{package}/
  • OUTPUT: is output for current MIXPACKAGE
See example below for better understanding.

📚 Example

```js // webpack.mix.js const {mix} = require('laravel-mix'); const {MIXPACKAGE, NPM, VENDOR, OUTPUT, output} = require('laravel-multimix'); / |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bootstrap | @package bootstrap |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- / if (MIXPACKAGE === 'bootstrap') {
// Bootstrap + RTL
// generates public/assets/bootstrap/bootstrap.css
mix.sass('resources/assets/sass/bootstrap.scss', OUTPUT).options({postCss: [require('postcss-rtl')()]});
} / |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | App | @package app |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- / if (MIXPACKAGE === 'app') {
// JS
// generates public/assets/app/app.js
mix.js('resources/assets/js/app.js', OUTPUT).extract([
// CSS
// generates public/assets/app/app.css
output('bootstrap') + 'bootstrap.css',
NPM + 'swiper/dist/css/swiper.min.css',
], OUTPUT + 'app.css');
} ```

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🗝 License

The MIT License (MIT) - Copyright (c) 2017 Fandogh - Pooya Parsa