
NodeJs module based on ISO-4217 for validate and get basic info by currency

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Mobitel Ltd. ISO-4217 Currencies
NodeJs module based on ISO-4217 for validate and get basic info by currency


This module writing and testing on NodeJs v.8+ and NPM v.5+. Using the module in previous versions of NodeJs does not guarantee correct works.


* [.list](#list)
* [.validate()](#validate)
* [.get()](#get)
* [.getCodeList()](#get-code-list)


npm i --save mobitel-iso-4217-currencies

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Now for each currency exist:
  • country - Country name
  • currency- Currency name
  • alpha3 - Alphabetic code of currency
  • numeric - Numeric code of currency
  • minor - Number of decimals

const isoCurrencies = required('mobitel-iso-4217-currencies');

// validate
const valid3 = isoCurrencies.validate('AFN'); //=> true
const validNum = isoCurrencies.validate('971'); //=> true
const invalid3 = isoCurrencies.validate('AF'); //=> false
const invalidNum = isoCurrencies.validate('000'); //=> false

// get data
const data3 = isoCurrencies.get('AFG'); //=> {country: 'Afghanistan', currency: 'Afghani', alpha3: 'AFN', numeric: '971', minor: 2}
const dataNum = isoCurrencies.get('004'); //=> {country: 'Afghanistan', currency: 'Afghani', alpha3: 'AFN', numeric: '971', minor: 2}
const noData3 = isoCurrencies.get('AF'); //=> null
const noDataNum = isoCurrencies.get('000'); //=> null

// get list of codes
const listOfCodes1 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList('alpha3'); //=> ['AFN', ...]
const listOfCodes2 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList('alpha3', 'numeric'); //=> ['AFN', ..., '971', ...]
const listOfCodes3 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList(['alpha3']); //=>  ['AFN', ...]
const listOfCodes4 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList(['alpha3', 'numeric']); //=> ['AFN', ..., '971', ...]

const listOfCodes5 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList('unknown'); //=> null
const listOfCodes7 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList(['unknown']); //=>  null
const listOfCodes6 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList('unknown', 'numeric'); //=> null
const listOfCodes8 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList(['unknown', 'numeric']); //=> null

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Property - {country: String, alpha2: String, alpha3: String, numeric: String}[] - contains full currencies list.
const list = isoCurrencies.list; //=> objects list 

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Argument - String - currency code like 'AFN'(alpha3) or '971'(numeric).
If code exist return true, otherwise false.
const valid3 = isoCurrencies.validate('AFN'); //=> true
const validNum = isoCurrencies.validate('971'); //=> true
const invalid3 = isoCurrencies.validate('AF'); //=> false
const invalidNum = isoCurrencies.validate('000'); //=> false

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Argument - String - currency code like 'AFN'(alpha3) or '971'(numeric).
If code exist return object with simple currency data like {country: 'Afghanistan', currency: 'Afghani', alpha3: 'AFN', numeric: '971', minor: 2}, otherwise null.
minor - number of decimals

const data3 = isoCurrencies.get('AFG'); //=> {country: 'Afghanistan', currency: 'Afghani', alpha3: 'AFN', numeric: '971', minor: 2}
const dataNum = isoCurrencies.get('004'); //=> {country: 'Afghanistan', currency: 'Afghani', alpha3: 'AFN', numeric: '971', minor: 2}
const noData3 = isoCurrencies.get('AF'); //=> null
const noDataNum = isoCurrencies.get('000'); //=> null

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.getCodeList(codeName, codeName|codeName, codeName)

Arguments - String|String[] - country code name. Can accept variants:
  • codeName1
  • codeName1, codeName2
  • [codeName1]
  • [codeName1, codeName2]

Return array of all exist codes from arguments or null.
const listOfCodes1 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList('alpha3'); //=> ['AFN', ...]
const listOfCodes2 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList('alpha3', 'numeric'); //=> ['AFN', ..., '971', ...]
const listOfCodes3 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList(['alpha3']); //=>  ['AFN', ...]
const listOfCodes4 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList(['alpha3', 'numeric']); //=> ['AFN', ..., '971', ...]

const listOfCodes5 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList('unknown'); //=> null
const listOfCodes7 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList(['unknown']); //=>  null
const listOfCodes6 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList('unknown', 'numeric'); //=> null
const listOfCodes8 = isoCurrencies.getCodeList(['unknown', 'numeric']); //=> null

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npm run test

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MIT License. Copyright (c) 2017 Mobitel Ltd

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