
Stream-based Connection object for MQTT, extracted from MQTT.js

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mqtt-connection   Build Status
Barebone Connection object for MQTT. Works over any kind of binary Streams, TCP, TLS, WebSocket, ...
JavaScript Style Guide
It uses mqtt-packet for generating and parsing MQTT packets. See it for the full documentations on the packet types.
Installation Usage API Contributing License & copyright
This library is tested with node v4, v6 and v7. The last version to support older versions of node was mqtt-connection@2.1.1.


npm install mqtt-connection --save


As a client:
var net = require('net')
var mqttCon = require('mqtt-connection')
var stream = net.createConnection(1883, 'localhost')
var conn = mqttCon(stream)

// conn is your MQTT connection!

As a server:
var net = require('net')
var mqttCon = require('mqtt-connection')
var server = new net.Server()

server.on('connection', function (stream) {
  var client = mqttCon(stream)

  // client connected
  client.on('connect', function (packet) {
    // acknowledge the connect packet
    client.connack({ returnCode: 0 });

  // client published
  client.on('publish', function (packet) {
    // send a puback with messageId (for QoS > 0)
    client.puback({ messageId: packet.messageId })

  // client pinged
  client.on('pingreq', function () {
    // send a pingresp

  // client subscribed
  client.on('subscribe', function (packet) {
    // send a suback with messageId and granted QoS level
    client.suback({ granted: [packet.qos], messageId: packet.messageId })

  // timeout idle streams after 5 minutes
  stream.setTimeout(1000 * 60 * 5)

  // connection error handling
  client.on('close', function () { client.destroy() })
  client.on('error', function () { client.destroy() })
  client.on('disconnect', function () { client.destroy() })

  // stream timeout
  stream.on('timeout', function () { client.destroy(); })

// listen on port 1883

As a websocket server:
var websocket = require('websocket-stream')
var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server
var Connection = require('mqtt-connection')
var server = http.createServer()

var wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server})

if (handler) {
  server.on('client', handler)

wss.on('connection', function (ws) {
  var stream = websocket(ws)
  var connection = new Connection(stream)


function handle (conn) {
  // handle the MQTT connection like
  // the net example


mqtt.Connection() mqtt.parseStream() mqtt.generateStream()

new mqtt.Connection(options)

Creates a new MQTT Connection.
notData: do not listen to the 'data' event, so that it can
respect backpressure. Pipe the `Connection` to another stream to
consume the packets. If this option is passed `true` the object will
emit no packet-related events.

Connection#connect(options, callback)

Send a MQTT connect packet.
options supports the following properties:
  • protocolId: Protocol ID, usually MQIsdp. string
  • protocolVersion: Protocol version, usually 3. number
  • keepalive: keepalive period in seconds. number
  • clientId: client ID. string
  • will: the client's will message options.
object that supports the following properties:
topic: the will topic. string payload: the will payload. string qos: will qos level. number retain: will retain flag. boolean properties: properties of will by MQTT 5.0:
* `willDelayInterval`: representing the Will Delay Interval in seconds `number`,
* `payloadFormatIndicator`: Will Message is UTF-8 Encoded Character Data or not `boolean`,
* `messageExpiryInterval`: value is the lifetime of the Will Message in seconds and is sent as the Publication Expiry Interval when the Server publishes the Will Message `number`,
* `contentType`: describing the content of the Will Message `string`,
* `responseTopic`: String which is used as the Topic Name for a response message `string`,
* `correlationData`: The Correlation Data is used by the sender of the Request Message to identify which request the Response Message is for when it is received `binary`,
* `userProperties`: The User Property is allowed to appear multiple times to represent multiple name, value pairs `object`
  • properties: properties MQTT 5.0.
object that supports the following properties:
* `sessionExpiryInterval`: representing the Session Expiry Interval in seconds `number`,
* `receiveMaximum`: representing the Receive Maximum value `number`,
* `maximumPacketSize`: representing the Maximum Packet Size the Client is willing to accept `number`,
* `topicAliasMaximum`: representing the Topic Alias Maximum value indicates the highest value that the Client will accept as a Topic Alias sent by the Server `number`,
* `requestResponseInformation`: The Client uses this value to request the Server to return Response Information in the CONNACK `boolean`,
* `requestProblemInformation`: The Client uses this value to indicate whether the Reason String or User Properties are sent in the case of failures `boolean`,
* `userProperties`: The User Property is allowed to appear multiple times to represent multiple name, value pairs `object`,
* `authenticationMethod`: the name of the authentication method used for extended authentication `string`,
* `authenticationData`: Binary Data containing authentication data `binary`
  • clean: the 'clean start' flag. boolean
  • username: username for protocol v3.1. string
  • password: password for protocol v3.1. string

Connection#connack(options, callback)

Send a MQTT connack packet.
options supports the following properties:
  • returnCode: the return code of the connack, success is for MQTT < 5.0
  • reasonCode: suback Reason Code number MQTT 5.0
  • properties: properties MQTT 5.0.
object that supports the following properties:
* `sessionExpiryInterval`: representing the Session Expiry Interval in seconds `number`,
* `receiveMaximum`: representing the Receive Maximum value `number`,
* `maximumQoS`: maximum qos supported by server `number`,
* `retainAvailable`: declares whether the Server supports retained messages `boolean`,
* `maximumPacketSize`: Maximum Packet Size the Server is willing to accept `number`,
* `assignedClientIdentifier`: Assigned Client Identifier `string`,
* `topicAliasMaximum`: representing the Topic Alias Maximum value indicates the highest value that the Client will accept as a Topic Alias sent by the Server `number`,
* `reasonString`: representing the reason associated with this response `string`,
* `userProperties`: The User Property is allowed to appear multiple times to represent multiple name, value pairs `object`,
* `wildcardSubscriptionAvailable`: this byte declares whether the Server supports Wildcard Subscriptions `boolean`
* `subscriptionIdentifiersAvailable`: declares whether the Server supports Subscription Identifiers `boolean`,
* `sharedSubscriptionAvailable`: declares whether the Server supports Shared Subscriptions `boolean`,
* `serverKeepAlive`: Keep Alive time assigned by the Server `number`,
* `responseInformation`: String which is used as the basis for creating a Response Topic `string`,
* `serverReference`: String which can be used by the Client to identify another Server to use `string`,
* `authenticationMethod`: the name of the authentication method used for extended authentication `string`,
* `authenticationData`: Binary Data containing authentication data `binary`

Connection#publish(options, callback)

Send a MQTT publish packet.
options supports the following properties:
  • topic: the topic to publish to. string
  • payload: the payload to publish, defaults to an empty buffer.
string or buffer
  • qos: the quality of service level to publish on. number
  • messageId: the message ID of the packet,
required if qos > 0. number
  • retain: retain flag. boolean
  • properties: object
* `payloadFormatIndicator`: Payload is UTF-8 Encoded Character Data or not `boolean`,
* `messageExpiryInterval`: the lifetime of the Application Message in seconds `number`,
* `topicAlias`: value that is used to identify the Topic instead of using the Topic Name `number`,
* `responseTopic`: String which is used as the Topic Name for a response message `string`,
* `correlationData`: used by the sender of the Request Message to identify which request the Response Message is for when it is received `binary`,
* `userProperties`: The User Property is allowed to appear multiple times to represent multiple name, value pairs `object`,
* `subscriptionIdentifier`: representing the identifier of the subscription `number`,
* `contentType`: String describing the content of the Application Message `string`

Connection#puback #pubrec #pubcomp #unsuback(options, callback)

Send a MQTT [puback, pubrec, pubcomp, unsuback] packet.
options supports the following properties:
  • messageId: the ID of the packet
  • reasonCode: Reason Code by packet number
  • properties: object
* `reasonString`: representing the reason associated with this response `string`,
* `userProperties`: The User Property is allowed to appear multiple times to represent multiple name, value pairs `object`

Connection#pubrel(options, callback)

Send a MQTT pubrel packet.
options supports the following properties:
  • dup: duplicate message flag
  • reasonCode: pubrel Reason Code number
  • messageId: the ID of the packet
  • properties: object
* `reasonString`: representing the reason associated with this response `string`,
* `userProperties`: The User Property is allowed to appear multiple times to represent multiple name, value pairs `object`

Connection#subscribe(options, callback)

Send a MQTT subscribe packet.
options supports the following properties:
  • dup: duplicate message flag
  • messageId: the ID of the packet
  • properties: object
* `subscriptionIdentifier`:  representing the identifier of the subscription `number`,
* `userProperties`: The User Property is allowed to appear multiple times to represent multiple name, value pairs `object`
  • subscriptions: a list of subscriptions of the form
[{topic: a, qos: 0}, {topic: b, qos: 1}] [{topic: a, qos: 0, nl: false, rap: true, rh: 15 }, {topic: b, qos: 1, nl: false, rap: false, rh: 100 }] MQTT 5.0 Example

Connection#suback(options, callback)

Send a MQTT suback packet.
options supports the following properties:
  • granted: a vector of granted QoS levels,
of the form [0, 1, 2]
  • messageId: the ID of the packet
  • reasonCode: suback Reason Code number
  • properties: object
* `reasonString`: representing the reason associated with this response `string`,
* `userProperties`: The User Property is allowed to appear multiple times to represent multiple name, value pairs `object`

Connection#unsubscribe(options, callback)

Send a MQTT unsubscribe packet.
options supports the following properties:
  • messageId: the ID of the packet
  • reasonCode: unsubscribe Reason Code MQTT 5.0 number
  • dup: duplicate message flag
  • properties: object
* `userProperties`: The User Property is allowed to appear multiple times to represent multiple name, value pairs `object`
  • unsubscriptions: a list of topics to unsubscribe from,
of the form ["topic1", "topic2"]

Connection#pingreq #pingresp #disconnect(options, callback)

Send a MQTT [pingreq, pingresp] packet.

Connection#disconnect(options, callback)

Send a MQTT disconnect packet.
options supports the following properties only MQTT 5.0:
  • reasonCode: Disconnect Reason Code number
  • properties: object
* `sessionExpiryInterval`: representing the Session Expiry Interval in seconds `number`,
* `reasonString`: representing the reason for the disconnect `string`,
* `userProperties`: The User Property is allowed to appear multiple times to represent multiple name, value pairs `object`,
* `serverReference`: String which can be used by the Client to identify another Server to use `string`

Connection#auth(options, callback)

Send a MQTT auth packet. Only MQTT 5.0
options supports the following properties only MQTT 5.0:
  • reasonCode: Auth Reason Code number
  • properties: object
* `authenticationMethod`: the name of the authentication method used for extended authentication `string`,
* `authenticationData`: Binary Data containing authentication data `binary`,
* `reasonString`: representing the reason for the disconnect `string`,
* `userProperties`: The User Property is allowed to appear multiple times to represent multiple name, value pairs `object`

Event: 'connect'

function(packet) {}
Emitted when a MQTT connect packet is received by the client.
packet is an object that may have the following properties:
  • version: the protocol version string
  • versionNum: the protocol version number
  • keepalive: the client's keepalive period
  • clientId: the client's ID
  • will: an object with the following keys:
topic: the client's will topic payload: the will message retain: will retain flag qos: will qos level properties: properties of will
  • properties: properties of packet
  • clean: clean start flag
  • username: v3.1 username
  • password: v3.1 password

Event: 'connack'

function(packet) {}
Emitted when a MQTT connack packet is received by the client.
packet is an object that may have the following properties:
  • returnCode: the return code of the connack packet
  • properties: properties of packet

Event: 'publish'

function(packet) {}
Emitted when a MQTT publish packet is received by the client.
packet is an object that may have the following properties:
  • topic: the topic the message is published on
  • payload: the payload of the message
  • messageId: the ID of the packet
  • properties: properties of packet
  • qos: the QoS level to publish at

Events: \<'puback', 'pubrec', 'pubrel', 'pubcomp', 'unsuback'\>

function(packet) {}
Emitted when a MQTT [puback, pubrec, pubrel, pubcomp, unsuback] packet is received by the client.
packet is an object that may contain the property:
  • messageId: the ID of the packet
  • properties: properties of packet

Event: 'subscribe'

function(packet) {}
Emitted when a MQTT subscribe packet is received.
packet is an object that may contain the properties:
  • messageId: the ID of the packet
  • properties: properties of packet
  • subscriptions: an array of objects
representing the subscribed topics, containing the following keys
topic: the topic subscribed to qos: the qos level of the subscription

Event: 'suback'

function(packet) {}
Emitted when a MQTT suback packet is received.
packet is an object that may contain the properties:
  • messageId: the ID of the packet
  • properties: properties of packet
  • granted: a vector of granted QoS levels

Event: 'unsubscribe'

function(packet) {}
Emitted when a MQTT unsubscribe packet is received.
packet is an object that may contain the properties:
  • messageId: the ID of the packet
  • properties: properties of packet
  • unsubscriptions: a list of topics the client is
unsubscribing from, of the form [topic1, topic2, ...]

Events: \<'pingreq', 'pingresp'\>

Emitted when a MQTT [pingreq, pingresp, disconnect] packet is received.
packet only includes static header information and can be ignored.

Event: 'disconnect'

function(packet) {}
Emitted when a MQTT disconnect packet is received.
packet only includes static header information and can be ignored for MQTT < 5.0.
packet is an object that may contain the properties for MQTT 5.0:
  • reasonCode: disconnect Reason Code
  • properties: properties of packet

Event: 'auth'

function(packet) {}
Emitted when a MQTT auth packet is received.
packet is an object that may contain the properties:
  • reasonCode: Auth Reason Code
  • properties: properties of packet


Returns a Transform stream that calls
. The stream is configured into object mode.


Returns a Transform stream that embeds a
Parser and calls Parser.parse() for each new Buffer. The stream is configured into object mode. It accepts the same options of parser(opts).


mqtt-connection is an OPEN Open Source Project. This means that:
Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are given commit-access to the project to contribute as they see fit. This project is more like an open wiki than a standard guarded open source project.

See the file for more details.


mqtt-connection is only possible due to the excellent work of the following contributors:
Matteo CollinaGitHub/mcollinaTwitter/@matteocollina
Adam RuddGitHub/adamvrTwitter/@adamvr
Siarhei BuntsevichGitHub/scarry1992
