
JavaScript gallery

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23,7686105.4.35 months ago9 years agoMinified + gzip package size for photoswipe in KB


Stand With Ukraine PhotoSwipe v5 — JavaScript image gallery and lightbox Demo | Documentation Sponsor via OpenCollective Follow on Twitter

Repo structure

  • dist/ - main JS and CSS
  • src/ - source JS and CSS.
- src/js/photoswipe.js - entry for PhotoSwipe Core. - src/js/lightbox/lightbox.js - entry for PhotoSwipe Lightbox.
  • docs/ - documentation markdown files.
  • demo-docs-website/ - website with documentation, demos and manual tests.
  • build/ - rollup build config.
To build JS and CSS in dist/ directory, run npm run build. To run the demo website and automatically rebuild files during development, run npm install in demo-docs-website/ and npm run watch in the root directory.

Older versions

Documentation for the old version (v4) can be found here and the code for 4.1.3 is here. --- This project is tested with BrowserStack.