
PostCSS plugin to manage assets

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6.0.03 years ago9 years agoMinified + gzip package size for postcss-assets in KB


PostCSS Assets is an asset manager for CSS. It isolates stylesheets from environmental changes, gets image sizes and inlines files. !Unix Build Statustravis-badgetravis !Windows Build Statusappveyor-badgeappveyor !Coveragecoveralls-badgecoveralls Table of contents ----------------- Load paths Base path Base URL Relative paths Installation ------------ ```bash npm install postcss-assets --save-dev ``` Usage -----

Gulp PostCSS

```js gulp.task('assets', function () { var postcss = require('gulp-postcss'); var assets = require('postcss-assets'); return gulp.src('source/.css')
loadPaths: ['images/']
}); ```

Grunt PostCSS

```js var assets = require('postcss-assets'); grunt.initConfig({ postcss: {
options: {
processors: [
loadPaths: ['images/']
dist: { src: 'build/*.css' }
}, }); ``` Note: all of the listed options below are parameters for the ``assets`` object, not the top level postcss options object. URL resolution -------------- These options isolate stylesheets from environmental changes.

Load paths

To make PostCSS Assets search for files in specific directories, define load paths: ```js var options = { loadPaths: 'fonts/', 'media/patterns/', 'images/'
}; ``` Example: ```css body { background: resolve('foobar.jpg'); background: resolve('icons/baz.png'); } ``` PostCSS Assets would look for the files relative to the source file, then in load paths, then in the base path. If it succeed, it would resolve a true URL: ```css body { background: url('/media/patterns/foobar.jpg'); background: url('/images/icons/baz.png'); } ```

Base path

If the root directory of your site is not where you execute PostCSS Assets, correct it: ```js var options = { basePath: 'source/' }; ``` PostCSS Assets would treat source directory as / for all URLs and load paths would be relative to it.

Base URL

If the URL of your base path is not /, correct it: ```js var options = { baseUrl: '' }; ```

Relative paths

To make resolved paths relative to the input file, set a flag: ```js var options = { relative: true }; ``` To relate to a particular directory, set it as a string: ```js var options = { relative: 'assets/css' }; ``` Cachebuster ----------- PostCSS Assets can bust assets cache: ```js var options = { cachebuster: true }; ``` Example: ```css body { background: resolve('/images/icons/baz.png'); } ``` PostCSS Assets will change urls depending on asset’s modification date: ```css body { background: url('/images/icons/baz.png?14a931c501f'); } ``` To define a custom cachebuster pass a function as an option: ```js var options = { cachebuster: function (filePath, urlPathname) {
return fs.statSync(filePath).mtime.getTime().toString(16);
} }; ``` If the returned value is falsy, no cache busting is done for the asset. If the returned value is an object the values of pathname and/or query are used to generate a cache busted path to the asset. If the returned value is a string, it is added as a query string. The returned values for query strings must not include the starting ?. Busting the cache via path: ```js var options = { cachebuster: function (filePath, urlPathname) {
var hash = fs.statSync(filePath).mtime.getTime().toString(16);
return {
pathname: path.dirname(urlPathname)
+ '/' + path.basename(urlPathname, path.extname(urlPathname))
+ hash + path.extname(urlPathname),
query: false // you may omit this one
} }; ``` Image dimensions ---------------- PostCSS Assets calculates dimensions of PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG and WebP images: ```css body { width: width('images/foobar.png'); / 320px / height: height('images/foobar.png'); / 240px / background-size: size('images/foobar.png'); / 320px 240px / } ``` To correct the dimensions for images with a high density, pass it as a second parameter: ```css body { width: width('images/foobar.png', 2); / 160px / height: height('images/foobar.png', 2); / 120px / background-size: size('images/foobar.png', 2); / 160px 120px / } ``` Inlining files -------------- PostCSS inlines files to a stylesheet in Base64 encoding: ```css body { background: inline('images/foobar.png'); } ``` SVG files would be inlined unencoded, because then they benefit in size. Full list of options -------------------- | Option | Description | Default | |:--------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:--------| | basePath | Root directory of the project. | . | | baseUrl | URL of the project when running the web server. | / | | cachebuster | If cache should be busted. Pass a function to define custom busting strategy. | false | | loadPaths | Specific directories to look for the files. | [] | | relative | Directory to relate to when resolving URLs. When true, relates to the input file. When false, disables relative URLs. | false | | cache | When true, if the input file not been modifed, use the results before cached. | false |