
A lightbox component for React.js

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React Image Lightbox
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A flexible lightbox component for displaying images in a React project.
  • Keyboard shortcuts (with rate limiting)
  • Image Zoom
  • Flexible rendering using src values assigned on the fly
  • Image preloading for smoother viewing
  • Mobile friendly, with pinch to zoom and swipe (Thanks, @webcarrot!)


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Lightbox from 'react-image-lightbox';
import 'react-image-lightbox/style.css'; // This only needs to be imported once in your app

const images = [

export default class LightboxExample extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      photoIndex: 0,
      isOpen: false,

  render() {
    const { photoIndex, isOpen } = this.state;

    return (
        <button type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ isOpen: true })}>
          Open Lightbox

        {isOpen && (
            nextSrc={images[(photoIndex + 1) % images.length]}
            prevSrc={images[(photoIndex + images.length - 1) % images.length]}
            onCloseRequest={() => this.setState({ isOpen: false })}
            onMovePrevRequest={() =>
                photoIndex: (photoIndex + images.length - 1) % images.length,
            onMoveNextRequest={() =>
                photoIndex: (photoIndex + 1) % images.length,

Play with the code on the example on CodeSandbox


| Property | Type | Description | | :------------------------------ | :----: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | mainSrc
(required) | string | Main display image url | | prevSrc | string | Previous display image url (displayed to the left). If left undefined, onMovePrevRequest will not be called, and the button not displayed | | nextSrc | string | Next display image url (displayed to the right). If left undefined, onMoveNextRequest will not be called, and the button not displayed | | mainSrcThumbnail | string | Thumbnail image url corresponding to props.mainSrc. Displayed as a placeholder while the full-sized image loads. | | prevSrcThumbnail | string | Thumbnail image url corresponding to props.prevSrc. Displayed as a placeholder while the full-sized image loads. | | nextSrcThumbnail | string | Thumbnail image url corresponding to props.nextSrc. Displayed as a placeholder while the full-sized image loads. | | onCloseRequest
(required) | func | Close window event. Should change the parent state such that the lightbox is not rendered | | onMovePrevRequest | func | Move to previous image event. Should change the parent state such that props.prevSrc becomes props.mainSrc, props.mainSrc becomes props.nextSrc, etc. | | onMoveNextRequest | func | Move to next image event. Should change the parent state such that props.nextSrc becomes props.mainSrc, props.mainSrc becomes props.prevSrc, etc. | | onImageLoad | func | Called when an image loads.
(imageSrc: string, srcType: string, image: object): void
| | onImageLoadError | func | Called when an image fails to load.
(imageSrc: string, srcType: string, errorEvent: object): void
| | imageLoadErrorMessage | node | What is rendered in place of an image if it fails to load. Centered in the lightbox viewport. Defaults to the string "This image failed to load". | | onAfterOpen | func | Called after the modal has rendered. | | discourageDownloads | bool | When true, enables download discouragement (preventing right-click -> Save Image As...). Defaults to false. | | animationDisabled | bool | When true, image sliding animations are disabled. Defaults to false. | | animationOnKeyInput | bool | When true, sliding animations are enabled on actions performed with keyboard shortcuts. Defaults to false. | | animationDuration | number | Animation duration (ms). Defaults to 300. | | keyRepeatLimit | number | Required interval of time (ms) between key actions (prevents excessively fast navigation of images). Defaults to 180. | | keyRepeatKeyupBonus | number | Amount of time (ms) restored after each keyup (makes rapid key presses slightly faster than holding down the key to navigate images). Defaults to 40. | | imageTitle | node | Image title (Descriptive element above image) | | imageCaption | node | Image caption (Descriptive element below image) | | imageCrossOrigin | string | crossorigin attribute to append to img elements (MDN documentation) | | toolbarButtons | node | Array of custom toolbar buttons | | reactModalStyle | Object | Set z-index style, etc., for the parent react-modal (react-modal style format) | | reactModalProps | Object | Override props set on react-modal ( | | imagePadding | number | Padding (px) between the edge of the window and the lightbox. Defaults to 10. | | clickOutsideToClose | bool | When true, clicks outside of the image close the lightbox. Defaults to true. | | enableZoom | bool | Set to false to disable zoom functionality and hide zoom buttons. Defaults to true. | | wrapperClassName | string | Class name which will be applied to root element after React Modal | | nextLabel | string | aria-label and title set on the 'Next' button. Defaults to 'Next image'. | | prevLabel | string | aria-label and title set on the 'Previous' button. Defaults to 'Previous image'. | | zoomInLabel | string | aria-label and title set on the 'Zoom In' button. Defaults to 'Zoom in'. | | zoomOutLabel | string | aria-label and title set on the 'Zoom Out' button. Defaults to 'Zoom out'. | | closeLabel | string | aria-label and title set on the 'Close Lightbox' button. Defaults to 'Close lightbox'. | | loader | node | Custom Loading indicator for loading |

Browser Compatibility

| Browser | Works? | | :------ | :----- | | Chrome | Yes | | Firefox | Yes | | Safari | Yes | | IE 11 | Yes |


After cloning the repository and running npm install inside, you can use the following commands to develop and build the project.
# Starts a webpack dev server that hosts a demo page with the lightbox.
# It uses react-hot-loader so changes are reflected on save.
npm start

# Lints the code with eslint and my custom rules.
yarn run lint

# Lints and builds the code, placing the result in the dist directory.
# This build is necessary to reflect changes if you're
#  `npm link`-ed to this repository from another local project.
yarn run build

Pull requests are welcome!
