
React Native modal image view with pinch zoom

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318502.1.94 years ago6 years agoMinified + gzip package size for react-native-image-view in KB


If you are using React Native >= 0.59.0 I recommend to use the clone of this package as improved and more optimized version!

npm version
React Native modal image view with pinch zoom and carousel.
Try with expo:

Warning: Breaking changes since v2.0.0:

  • instead of prop source => images
  • no title prop for footer, please use renderFooter instead


yarn add react-native-image-view

npm install --save react-native-image-view



import ImageView from 'react-native-image-view';

const images = [
        source: {
            uri: '',
        title: 'Paris',
        width: 806,
        height: 720,

    renderFooter={(currentImage) => (<View><Text>My footer</Text></View>)}

See example for better understanding


Prop name | Description | Type | Default value | Platform | --------------------|---------------|-----------|---------------|----------| animationType | Type of animation modal presented with | "none", "fade", "slide" | "none" | backgroundColor | Background color of the modal in HEX (#0099CC) | string | null | controls | Config of available controls (see below) | Object | {close: true} | glideAlways | Emulates ScrollView glide animation if built-in was not triggered | boolean | false | Android glideAlwaysDelay | Defines delay in milliseconds for glideAlways | number | 75 | Android images | Array of images to display, see below image item description | array | | imageIndex | Current index of image to display | number | 0 | isVisible | Is modal shown or not | boolean | false | isTapZoomEnabled | Zoom image when double tapped | boolean | true | isPinchZoomEnabled | Zoom image with pinch gesture | boolean | true | isSwipeCloseEnabled | Close modal with swipe up or down | boolean | true | onClose | Function called on modal closed | function | none | onImageChange | Function called when image is changed | function | none | renderFooter | Function returns a footer element | function | none |

Image item:

  source: any, // Image Component source object
  width: ?number, // Width of full screen image (optional but recommended)
  height: ?number, // Height of full screen image (optional but recommended)
  // any other props you need to render your footer

It's recommended to specify width and height to speed up rendering, overwise component needs to fetch images sizes and cache them in images objects passed as props.

controls prop:

type ControlType = React.Component<{onPress: () => void}> | null | boolean,

  close: ControlType // Component for close button in up right corner, as onPress prop accepts function to close modal
  next: ControlType, // Component for next image button, as onPress prop accepts function to scroll to next image
  prev: ControlType, // Component for previous image button, as onPress prop accepts function to scroll to previous image

To use default components just set {next: true, prev: true}, close is showing by default. To create custom controls check src/controls.
