
A little wrapper on ZipArchive for react-native

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6.1.08 months ago9 years agoMinified + gzip package size for react-native-zip-archive in KB


React Native Zip Archive npm
Zip archive utility for react-native


| react-native version | react-native-zip-archive version | | --- | --- | | ^0.60 | ^5.0.0 | | ^0.58 | ^4.0.0 | | <0.58 | ^3.0.0 |


npm install react-native-zip-archive --save


For iOS, run the command below in you app's root folder once the package has been installed
````bash cd ./ios && pod install ````
For Android, it's ready to go.


import it into your code
import { zip, unzip, unzipAssets, subscribe } from 'react-native-zip-archive'

you may also want to use something like react-native-fs to access the file system (check its repo for more information)
import { MainBundlePath, DocumentDirectoryPath } from 'react-native-fs'


zip(source: string | string[], target: string): Promise<string>
zip source to target

NOTE: only support zip folder, not file entries
const targetPath = `${DocumentDirectoryPath}/`
const sourcePath = DocumentDirectoryPath

zip(sourcePath, targetPath)
.then((path) => {
  console.log(`zip completed at ${path}`)
.catch((error) => {

zipWithPassword(source: string | string[], target: string, password: string, encryptionType: string): Promise<string>
zip source to target

NOTE: only support zip folder, not file entries
NOTE: encryptionType is not supported on iOS yet, so it would be igonred on that platform.
const targetPath = `${DocumentDirectoryPath}/`
const sourcePath = DocumentDirectoryPath
const password = 'password'
const encryptionType = 'STANDARD'; //possible values: AES-256, AES-128, STANDARD. default is STANDARD

zipWithPassword(sourcePath, targetPath, password, encryptionType)
.then((path) => {
  console.log(`zip completed at ${path}`)
.catch((error) => {

unzip(source: string, target: string): Promise<string>
unzip from source to target

const sourcePath = `${DocumentDirectoryPath}/`
const targetPath = DocumentDirectoryPath
const charset = 'UTF-8'
// charset possible values: UTF-8, GBK, US-ASCII and so on. If none was passed, default value is UTF-8

unzip(sourcePath, targetPath, charset)
.then((path) => {
  console.log(`unzip completed at ${path}`)
.catch((error) => {

unzipWithPassword(source: string, target: string, password: string): Promise<string>
unzip from source to target

const sourcePath = `${DocumentDirectoryPath}/`
const targetPath = DocumentDirectoryPath
const password = 'password'

unzipWithPassword(sourcePath, targetPath, password)
.then((path) => {
  console.log(`unzip completed at ${path}`)
.catch((error) => {

unzipAssets(assetPath: string, target: string): Promise<string>
unzip file from Android assets folder to target path

Note: Android only.
assetPath is the relative path to the file inside the pre-bundled assets folder, e.g. folder/ Do not pass an absolute directory.
const assetPath = './'
const targetPath = DocumentDirectoryPath

unzipAssets(assetPath, targetPath)
.then((path) => {
  console.log(`unzip completed at ${path}`)
.catch((error) => {

subscribe(callback: ({ progress: number, filePath: string }) => void): EmitterSubscription
Subscribe to the progress callbacks. Useful for displaying a progress bar on your UI during the process.

Your callback will be passed an object with the following fields:
  • progress (number) a value from 0 to 1 representing the progress of the unzip method. 1 is completed.
  • filePath (string) the zip file path of zipped or unzipped file.

Note: Remember to check the filename while processing progress, to be sure that the unzipped or zipped file is the right one, because the event is global.
Note: Remember to unsubscribe! Run .remove() on the object returned by this method.
componentDidMount() {
  this.zipProgress = subscribe(({ progress, filePath }) => {
    // the filePath is always empty on iOS for zipping.
    console.log(`progress: ${progress}\nprocessed at: ${filePath}`)

componentWillUnmount() {
  // Important: Unsubscribe from the progress events

Example App

You can use this repo,, for testing and contribution. For more information please refer to its README.

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